| `service` | One of the following values: [`route`](#route-service), [`nearest`](#nearest-service), [`table`](#table-service), [`match`](#match-service), [`trip`](#trip-service), [`tile`](#tile-service) |
| `version` | Version of the protocol implemented by the service. `v1` for all OSRM 5.x installations |
| `profile` | Mode of transportation, is determined statically by the Lua profile that is used to prepare the data using `osrm-extract`. Typically `car`, `bike` or `foot` if using one of the supplied profiles. |
| `coordinates`| String of format `{longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}[;{longitude},{latitude} ...]` or `polyline({polyline}) or polyline6({polyline6})`. |
Passing any `option=value` is optional. `polyline` follows Google's polyline format with precision 5 by default and can be generated using [this package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/polyline).
|bearings |`{bearing};{bearing}[;{bearing} ...]` |Limits the search to segments with given bearing in degrees towards true north in a clockwise direction. |
|skip_waypoints |`true`, `false` (default) |Removes waypoints from the response. Waypoints are still calculated, but not serialized. Could be useful in case you are interested in some other part of the response and do not want to transfer waste data. |
The number of elements must match exactly the number of locations (except for `generate_hints` and `exclude`). If you don't want to pass a value but instead use the default you can pass an empty `element`.
Every response object has a `data_version` property containing a timestamp from the original OpenStreetMap file. This field is optional. It can be omitted if the data_version parameter was not set on the osrm-extract stage or the OSM file has not `osmosis_replication_timestamp` section.
GET /route/v1/{profile}/{coordinates}?alternatives={true|false|number}&steps={true|false}&geometries={polyline|polyline6|geojson}&overview={full|simplified|false}&annotations={true|false}
|alternatives|`true`, `false` (default), or Number |Search for alternative routes. Passing a number `alternatives=n` searches for up to `n` alternative routes.\* |
|geometries |`polyline` (default), `polyline6`, `geojson` |Returned route geometry format (influences overview and per step) |
|overview |`simplified` (default), `full`, `false` |Add overview geometry either full, simplified according to highest zoom level it could be display on, or not at all.|
|continue\_straight |`default` (default), `true`, `false` |Forces the route to keep going straight at waypoints constraining uturns there even if it would be faster. Default value depends on the profile. |
|waypoints | `{index};{index};{index}...` |Treats input coordinates indicated by given indices as waypoints in returned Match object. Default is to treat all input coordinates as waypoints. |
Computes the duration of the fastest route between all pairs of supplied coordinates. Returns durations or distances or both between the coordinate pairs. Note that the distances are not the shortest distance between two coordinates, but rather the distances of the fastest routes. Durations are in seconds and distances are in meters.
|annotations |`duration` (default), `distance`, or `duration,distance`|Return the requested table or tables in response. |
|fallback_speed|`double > 0`| If no route found between a source/destination pair, calculate the as-the-crow-flies distance, then use this speed to estimate duration.|
|fallback_coordinate|`input` (default), or `snapped`| When using a `fallback_speed`, use the user-supplied coordinate (`input`), or the snapped location (`snapped`) for calculating distances.|
-`fallback_speed_cells` (optional) array of arrays containing `i,j` pairs indicating which cells contain estimated values based on `fallback_speed`. Will be absent if `fallback_speed` is not used.
Please note the request might result in multiple sub-traces. Large jumps in the timestamps (> 60s) or improbable transitions lead to trace splits if a complete matching could not be found.
GET /match/v1/{profile}/{coordinates}?steps={true|false}&geometries={polyline|polyline6|geojson}&overview={simplified|full|false}&annotations={true|false}
|overview |`simplified` (default), `full`, `false` |Add overview geometry either full, simplified according to highest zoom level it could be display on, or not at all.|
|timestamps |`{timestamp};{timestamp}[;{timestamp} ...]` |Timestamps for the input locations in seconds since UNIX epoch. Timestamps need to be monotonically increasing. |
|waypoints | `{index};{index};{index}...` |Treats input coordinates indicated by given indices as waypoints in returned Match object. Default is to treat all input coordinates as waypoints. |
The radius for each point should be the standard error of the location measured in meters from the true location.
Use `Location.getAccuracy()` on Android or `CLLocation.horizontalAccuracy` on iOS.
This value is used to determine which points should be considered as candidates (larger radius means more candidates) and how likely each candidate is (larger radius means far-away candidates are penalized less).
The area to search is chosen such that the correct candidate should be considered 99.9% of the time (for more details see [this ticket](https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/pull/3184)).
-`alternatives_count`: Number of probable alternative matchings for this tracepoint. A value of zero indicates that this point was matched unambiguously. Split the trace at these points for incremental map matching.
The trip plugin solves the Traveling Salesman Problem using a greedy heuristic (farthest-insertion algorithm) for 10 or more waypoints and uses brute force for less than 10 waypoints.
GET /trip/v1/{profile}/{coordinates}?roundtrip={true|false}&source{any|first}&destination{any|last}&steps={true|false}&geometries={polyline|polyline6|geojson}&overview={simplified|full|false}&annotations={true|false}'
|overview |`simplified` (default), `full`, `false` |Add overview geometry either full, simplified according to highest zoom level it could be display on, or not at all.|
It is possible to explicitly set the start or end coordinate of the trip.
When the source is set to `first`, the first coordinate is used as the start coordinate of the trip in the output. When the destination is set to `last`, the last coordinate will be used as the destination of the trip in the returned output. If you specify `any`, any of the coordinates can be used as the first or last coordinate in the output.
This service generates [Mapbox Vector Tiles](https://www.mapbox.com/developers/vector-tiles/) that can be viewed with a vector-tile capable slippy-map viewer. The tiles contain road geometries and metadata that can be used to examine the routing graph. The tiles are generated directly from the data in-memory, so are in sync with actual routing results, and let you examine which roads are actually routable, and what weights they have applied.
GET /tile/v1/{profile}/tile({x},{y},{zoom}).mvt
The `x`, `y`, and `zoom` values are the same as described at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames, and are supported by vector tile viewers like [Mapbox GL JS](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/).
#### Example request
# This fetches a Z=13 tile for downtown San Francisco:
The response object is either a binary encoded blob with a `Content-Type` of `application/x-protobuf`, or a `404` error. Note that OSRM is hard-coded to only return tiles from zoom level 12 and higher (to avoid accidentally returning extremely large vector tiles).
| `speed` | `integer` | the speed on that road segment, in km/h |
| `is_small` | `boolean` | whether this segment belongs to a small (<1000node) [strongly connected component](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strongly_connected_component) |
| `datasource` | `string` | the source for the speed value (normally `lua profile` unless you're using the [traffic update feature](https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Traffic), in which case it contains the stem of the filename that supplied the speed value for this segment |
| `duration` | `float` | how long this segment takes to traverse, in seconds. This value is to calculate the total route ETA. |
| `weight ` | `integer` | how long this segment takes to traverse, in units (may differ from `duration` when artificial biasing is applied in the Lua profiles). ACTUAL ROUTING USES THIS VALUE. |
| `rate` | `float` | the value of `length/weight` - analogous to `speed`, but using the `weight` value rather than `duration`, rounded to the nearest integer |
| `bearing_in` | `integer` | the absolute bearing that approaches the intersection. -180 to +180, 0 = North, 90 = East |
| `turn_angle` | `integer` | the angle of the turn, relative to the `bearing_in`. -180 to +180, 0 = straight ahead, 90 = 90-degrees to the right |
| `cost` | `float` | the time we think it takes to make that turn, in seconds. May be negative, depending on how the data model is constructed (some turns get a "bonus"). |
| `weight` | `float` | the weight we think it takes to make that turn. May be negative, depending on how the data model is constructed (some turns get a "bonus"). ACTUAL ROUTING USES THIS VALUE |
| `type` | `string` | the type of this turn - values like `turn`, `continue`, etc. See the `StepManeuver` for a partial list, this field also exposes internal turn types that are never returned with an API response |
| `modifier` | `string` | the direction modifier of the turn (`left`, `sharp left`, etc) |
-`geometry`: The whole geometry of the route value depending on `overview` parameter, format depending on the `geometries` parameter. See `RouteStep`'s `geometry` property for the parameter documentation.
-`datasources`: The index of the data source for the speed between each pair of coordinates. `0` is the default profile, other values are supplied via `--segment-speed-file` to `osrm-contract` or `osrm-customize`. String-like names are in the `metadata.datasource_names` array.
-`datasource_names`: The names of the data sources used for the speed between each pair of coordinates. `lua profile` is the default profile, other values are the filenames supplied via `--segment-speed-file` to `osrm-contract` or `osrm-customize`
-`pronunciation`: A string containing an [IPA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet) phonetic transcription indicating how to pronounce the name in the `name` property. This property is omitted if pronunciation data is unavailable for the step.
-`rotary_name`: The name for the rotary. Optionally included, if the step is a rotary and a rotary name is available.
-`rotary_pronunciation`: The pronunciation hint of the rotary name. Optionally included, if the step is a rotary and a rotary pronunciation is available.
| `roundabout` | traverse roundabout, if the route leaves the roundabout there will be an additional property `exit` for exit counting. The modifier specifies the direction of entering the roundabout. |
| `rotary` | a traffic circle. While very similar to a larger version of a roundabout, it does not necessarily follow roundabout rules for right of way. It can offer `rotary_name` and/or `rotary_pronunciation` parameters (located in the RouteStep object) in addition to the `exit` parameter (located on the StepManeuver object). |
| `roundabout turn`| Describes a turn at a small roundabout that should be treated as a normal turn. The `modifier` indicates the turn direction. Example instruction: `At the roundabout turn left`. |
| `notification` | not an actual turn but a change in the driving conditions. For example the travel mode or classes. If the road takes a turn itself, the `modifier` describes the direction |
The list of turns without a modifier is limited to: `depart/arrive`. If the source/target location is close enough to the `depart/arrive` location, no modifier will be given.
-`indications`: an indication (e.g. marking on the road) specifying the turn lane. A road can have multiple indications (e.g. an arrow pointing straight and left). The indications are given in an array, each containing one of the following types. Further indications might be added on without an API version change.
An intersection gives a full representation of any cross-way the path passes by. For every step, the very first intersection (`intersections[0]`) corresponds to the
-`bearings`: A list of bearing values (e.g. [0,90,180,270]) that are available at the intersection. The bearings describe all available roads at the intersection. Values are between 0-359 (0=true north)
-`entry`: A list of entry flags, corresponding in a 1:1 relationship to the bearings. A value of `true` indicates that the respective road could be entered on a valid route.
`false` indicates that the turn onto the respective road would violate a restriction.
-`in`: index into bearings/entry array. Used to calculate the bearing just before the turn. Namely, the clockwise angle from true north to the
direction of travel immediately before the maneuver/passing the intersection. Bearings are given relative to the intersection. To get the bearing
in the direction of driving, the bearing has to be rotated by a value of 180. The value is not supplied for `depart` maneuvers.
-`out`: index into the bearings/entry array. Used to extract the bearing just after the turn. Namely, The clockwise angle from true north to the
direction of travel immediately after the maneuver/passing the intersection. The value is not supplied for `arrive` maneuvers.
-`lanes`: Array of `Lane` objects that denote the available turn lanes at the intersection. If no lane information is available for an intersection, the `lanes` property will not be present.
-`waypoints`: `[Waypoint]` Array of `Waypoint` objects. Should present for every service call, unless `skip_waypoints` is set to `true`. Table service will put `sources` array here.
| `NewName` | no turn is taken/possible, but the road name changes. The road can take a turn itself, following `modifier`. |
| `Depart` | indicates the departure of the leg |
| `Arrive` | indicates the destination of the leg |
| `Merge` | merge onto a street (e.g. getting on the highway from a ramp, the `modifier specifies the direction of the merge`) |
| `OnRamp` | take a ramp to enter a highway (direction given my `modifier`) |
| `OffRamp` | take a ramp to exit a highway (direction given my `modifier`) |
| `Fork` | take the left/right side at a fork depending on `modifier` |
| `EndOfRoad` | road ends in a T intersection turn in direction of `modifier` |
| `Continue` | Turn in direction of `modifier` to stay on the same road |
| `Roundabout` | traverse roundabout, if the route leaves the roundabout there will be an additional property `exit` for exit counting. The modifier specifies the direction of entering the roundabout. |
| `Rotary` | a traffic circle. While very similar to a larger version of a roundabout, it does not necessarily follow roundabout rules for right of way. It can offer `rotary_name` and/or `rotary_pronunciation` parameters (located in the RouteStep object) in addition to the `exit` parameter (located on the StepManeuver object). |
| `RoundaboutTurn` | Describes a turn at a small roundabout that should be treated as a normal turn. The `modifier` indicates the turn direction. Example instruction: `At the roundabout turn left`. |
| `Notification` | not an actual turn but a change in the driving conditions. For example the travel mode or classes. If the road takes a turn itself, the `modifier` describes the direction |
| `NewName` | no turn is taken/possible, but the road name changes. The road can take a turn itself, following `modifier`. |
| `Depart` | indicates the departure of the leg |
| `Arrive` | indicates the destination of the leg |
| `Merge` | merge onto a street (e.g. getting on the highway from a ramp, the `modifier specifies the direction of the merge`) |
| `OnRamp` | take a ramp to enter a highway (direction given my `modifier`) |
| `OffRamp` | take a ramp to exit a highway (direction given my `modifier`) |
| `Fork` | take the left/right side at a fork depending on `modifier` |
| `EndOfRoad` | road ends in a T intersection turn in direction of `modifier`|
| `Continue` | Turn in direction of `modifier` to stay on the same road |
| `Roundabout` | traverse roundabout, if the route leaves the roundabout there will be an additional property `exit` for exit counting. The modifier specifies the direction of entering the roundabout. |
| `Rotary` | a traffic circle. While very similar to a larger version of a roundabout, it does not necessarily follow roundabout rules for right of way. It can offer `rotary_name` and/or `rotary_pronunciation` parameters (located in the RouteStep object) in addition to the `exit` parameter (located on the StepManeuver object). |
| `RoundaboutTurn` | Describes a turn at a small roundabout that should be treated as a normal turn. The `modifier` indicates the turn direction. Example instruction: `At the roundabout turn left`. |
| `Notification` | not an actual turn but a change in the driving conditions. For example the travel mode or classes. If the road takes a turn itself, the `modifier` describes the direction |