2016-04-08 10:43:22 +02:00

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@routing @testbot @overlap @todo
Feature: Testbot - overlapping ways
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Testbot - multiple way between same nodes
Note that cb is connecting the same two nodes as bc
Given the node map
| a | b | c | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| bc | primary |
| cd | primary |
| cb | secondary |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | d | ab,bc,cd,cd |
| d | a | cd,bc,ab,ab |
Scenario: Testbot - area on top of way
Given the node map
| x | a | b | y |
| | d | c | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | area |
| xaby | primary | |
| abcda | secondary | yes |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| x | y | xaby,xaby |
| y | x | xaby,xaby |