2017-03-30 11:20:13 +02:00

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OSRM supports "profiles". Configurations representing different routing behaviours for (typically) different transport modes. A profile describes whether or not we route along a particular type of way, or over a particular node in the OpenStreetMap data, and also how quickly we'll be travelling when we do. This feeds into the way the routing graph is created and thus influences the output routes.

Available profiles

Out-of-the-box OSRM comes with several different profiles, including car, bicycle and foot.

Profile configuration files have a 'lua' extension, and are found under the 'profiles' subdirectory. Alternatively commands will take a lua profile specified with an explicit -p param, for example:

osrm-extract -p ../profiles/car.lua planet-latest.osm.pbf

And then you will need to extract and contract again (A change to the profile will typically affect the extract step as well as the contract step. See Processing Flow)

lua scripts?

Profiles are not just configuration files. They are scripts written in the "lua" scripting language ( http://www.lua.org ) The reason for this, is that OpenStreetMap data is not sufficiently straightforward, to simply define tag mappings. Lua scripting offers a powerful way of coping with the complexity of different node,way,relation,tag combinations found within OpenStreetMap data.

Basic structure of a profile

You can understand these lua scripts enough to make interesting modifications, without needing to get to grips with how they work completely.

Towards the top of the file, a profile (such as car.lua) will typically define various configurations as global variables. A lot of these are look-up hashes of one sort or another.

As you scroll down the file you'll see local variables, and then local functions, and finally...

way_function and node_function are the important functions which are called when extracting OpenStreetMap data with osrm-extract.

The following global properties can be set in your profile:

Attribute Type Notes
weight_name String Name used in output for the routing weight property (default 'duration')
weight_precision Unsigned Decimal precision of edge weights (default 1)
left_hand_driving Boolean Are vehicles assumed to drive on the left? (used in guidance)
use_turn_restrictions Boolean Are turn instructions followed?
continue_straight_at_waypoint Boolean Must the route continue straight on at a via point, or are U-turns allowed?
max_speed_for_map_matching Float Maximum vehicle speed to be assumed in matching (in m/s)
max_turn_weight Float Maximum turn penalty weight


Given an OpenStreetMap way, the way_function will either return nothing (meaning we are not going to route over this way at all), or it will set up a result hash to be returned. The most important thing it will do is set the value of result.forward_speed and result.backward_speed as a suitable integer value representing the speed for traversing the way.

All other calculations stem from that, including the returned timings in driving directions, but also, less directly, it feeds into the actual routing decisions the engine will take (a way with a slow traversal speed, may be less favoured than a way with fast traversal speed, but it depends how long it is, and... what it connects to in the rest of the network graph)

Using the power of the scripting language you wouldn't typically see something as simple as a result.forward_speed = 20 line within the way_function. Instead a way_function will examine the tagging (e.g. way:get_value_by_key("highway") and many others), process this information in various ways, calling other local functions, referencing the global variables and look-up hashes, before arriving at the result.

The following attributes can be set on the result in way_function:

Attribute Type Notes
forward_speed Float Speed on this way in km/h
backward_speed Float " "
forward_rate Float Routing weight, expressed as meters/weight (e.g. for a fastest-route weighting, you would want this to be meters/second, so set it to forward_speed/3.6)
backward_rate Float " "
forward_mode Enum Mode of travel (e.g. car, ferry). Defined in include/extractor/travel_mode.hpp
backward_mode Enum " "
duration Float Alternative setter for duration of the whole way in both directions
weight Float Alternative setter for weight of the whole way in both directions
turn_lanes_forward String Directions for individual lanes (normalised OSM turn:lanes value)
turn_lanes_backward String " "
forward_restricted Boolean Is this a restricted access road? (e.g. private, or deliveries only; used to enable high turn penalty, so that way is only chosen for start/end of route)
backward_restricted Boolean " "
is_startpoint Boolean Can a journey start on this way? (e.g. ferry; if false, prevents snapping the start point to this way)
roundabout Boolean Is this part of a roundabout?
circular Boolean Is this part of a non-roundabout circular junction?
split_edges Boolean True value forces a split of forward and backward edges of the way and guarantees that segment_function will be called for all segments
name String Name of the way
ref String Road number
pronunciation String Name pronunciation
road_classification.motorway_class Boolean Guidance: way is a motorway
road_classification.link_class Boolean Guidance: way is a slip/link road
road_classification.road_priority_class Enum Guidance: order in priority list. Defined in include/extractor/guidance/road_classification.hpp
road_classification.may_be_ignored Boolean Guidance: way is non-highway
road_classification.num_lanes Unsigned Guidance: total number of lanes in way


The guidance parameters in profiles are currently a work in progress. They can and will change. Please be aware of this when using guidance configuration possibilities.

Guidance uses road classes to decide on when/if to emit specific instructions and to discover which road is obvious when following a route. Classification uses three flags and a priority-category. The flags indicate whether a road is a motorway (required for on/off ramps), a link type (the ramps itself, if also a motorway) and whether a road may be omittted in considerations (is considered purely for connectivity). The priority-category influences the decision which road is considered the obvious choice and which roads can be seen as fork. Forks can be emitted between roads of similar priority category only. Obvious choices follow a major priority road, if the priority difference is large.


The following attributes can be set on the result in node_function:

Attribute Type Notes
barrier Boolean Is it an impassable barrier?
traffic_lights Boolean Is it a traffic light (incurs delay in turn_function)?


The following attributes can be read and set on the result in segment_function:

Attribute Read/write? Type Notes
source.lon Read Float Co-ordinates of segment start
source.lat Read Float " "
target.lon Read Float Co-ordinates of segment end
target.lat Read Float " "
target.distance Read Float Length of segment
weight Read/write Float Routing weight for this segment
duration Read/write Float Duration for this segment


The following attributes can be read and set on the result in turn_function:

Attribute Read/write? Type Notes
direction_modifier Read Enum Geometry of turn. Defined in include/extractor/guidance/turn_instruction.hpp
turn_type Read Enum Priority of turn. Defined in include/extractor/guidance/turn_instruction.hpp
has_traffic_light Read Boolean Is a traffic light present at this turn?
source_restricted Read Boolean Is it from a restricted access road? (See definition in way_function)
target_restricted Read Boolean Is it to a restricted access road? (See definition in way_function)
angle Read Float Angle of turn in degrees (0-360: 0=u-turn, 180=straight on)
duration Read/write Float Penalty to be applied for this turn (duration in deciseconds)
weight Read/write Float Penalty to be applied for this turn (routing weight)