167 lines
5.8 KiB
167 lines
5.8 KiB
#include "partition/cell_storage.hpp"
#include "partition/multi_level_partition.hpp"
#include "util/binary_heap.hpp"
#include <tbb/enumerable_thread_specific.h>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace osrm
namespace customizer
class CellCustomizer
struct HeapData
bool from_clique;
using Heap =
util::BinaryHeap<NodeID, NodeID, EdgeWeight, HeapData, util::ArrayStorage<NodeID, int>>;
using HeapPtr = tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<Heap>;
CellCustomizer(const partition::MultiLevelPartition &partition) : partition(partition) {}
template <typename GraphT>
void Customize(
const GraphT &graph, Heap &heap, partition::CellStorage &cells, LevelID level, CellID id)
auto cell = cells.GetCell(level, id);
auto destinations = cell.GetDestinationNodes();
// for each source do forward search
for (auto source : cell.GetSourceNodes())
std::unordered_set<NodeID> destinations_set(destinations.begin(), destinations.end());
heap.Insert(source, 0, {false});
// explore search space
while (!heap.Empty() && !destinations_set.empty())
const NodeID node = heap.DeleteMin();
const EdgeWeight weight = heap.GetKey(node);
if (level == 1)
RelaxNode<true>(graph, cells, heap, level, node, weight);
RelaxNode<false>(graph, cells, heap, level, node, weight);
// fill a map of destination nodes to placeholder pointers
auto destination_iter = destinations.begin();
for (auto &weight : cell.GetOutWeight(source))
BOOST_ASSERT(destination_iter != destinations.end());
const auto destination = *destination_iter++;
weight =
heap.WasInserted(destination) ? heap.GetKey(destination) : INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
template <typename GraphT> void Customize(const GraphT &graph, partition::CellStorage &cells)
Heap heap_exemplar(graph.GetNumberOfNodes());
HeapPtr heaps(heap_exemplar);
for (std::size_t level = 1; level < partition.GetNumberOfLevels(); ++level)
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t>(0, partition.GetNumberOfCells(level)),
[&](const tbb::blocked_range<std::size_t> &range) {
auto &heap = heaps.local();
for (auto id = range.begin(), end = range.end(); id != end; ++id)
Customize(graph, heap, cells, level, id);
template <bool first_level, typename GraphT>
void RelaxNode(const GraphT &graph,
const partition::CellStorage &cells,
Heap &heap,
LevelID level,
NodeID node,
EdgeWeight weight) const
if (!first_level)
// if we reaches this node from a clique arc we don't need to scan
// the clique arcs again because of the triangle inequality
// d(parent, node) + d(node, v) >= d(parent, v)
// And if there is a path (parent, node, v) there must also be a
// clique arc (parent, v) with d(parent, v).
if (!heap.GetData(node).from_clique)
// Relax sub-cell nodes
auto subcell_id = partition.GetCell(level - 1, node);
auto subcell = cells.GetCell(level - 1, subcell_id);
auto subcell_destination = subcell.GetDestinationNodes().begin();
for (auto subcell_weight : subcell.GetOutWeight(node))
if (subcell_weight != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT)
const NodeID to = *subcell_destination;
const EdgeWeight to_weight = subcell_weight + weight;
if (!heap.WasInserted(to))
heap.Insert(to, to_weight, {true});
else if (to_weight < heap.GetKey(to))
heap.DecreaseKey(to, to_weight);
heap.GetData(to).from_clique = true;
// Relax base graph edges if a sub-cell border edge
for (auto edge : graph.GetInternalEdgeRange(level, node))
const NodeID to = graph.GetTarget(edge);
const auto &data = graph.GetEdgeData(edge);
if (data.forward &&
(first_level ||
partition.GetCell(level - 1, node) != partition.GetCell(level - 1, to)))
const EdgeWeight to_weight = data.weight + weight;
if (!heap.WasInserted(to))
heap.Insert(to, to_weight, {false});
else if (to_weight < heap.GetKey(to))
heap.DecreaseKey(to, to_weight);
heap.GetData(to).from_clique = false;
const partition::MultiLevelPartition &partition;