Moritz Kobitzsch c2dc7e9cd0 use enter + exit for roundabout instructions (#4358)
* Expose roundabout/rotary exit instructions as a new instruction type.
2017-09-05 12:30:34 -07:00

149 lines
5.3 KiB

@routing @guidance @intersections
Feature: Intersections Data
Given the profile "car"
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Scenario: Passing Three Way South
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | name |
| ab | through |
| bc | through |
| bd | corner |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,c | through,through | true:90,true:90 true:180 false:270;true:270 |
Scenario: Passing Three Way North
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | name |
| ab | through |
| bc | through |
| bd | corner |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,c | through,through | true:90,true:0 true:90 false:270;true:270 |
Scenario: Passing Oneway Street In
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | name | oneway |
| ab | through | no |
| bc | through | no |
| db | corner | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,c | through,through | true:90,false:0 true:90 false:270;true:270 |
Scenario: Passing Oneway Street Out
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | name | oneway |
| ab | through | no |
| bc | through | no |
| bd | corner | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,c | through,through | true:90,true:0 true:90 false:270;true:270 |
Scenario: Passing Two Intersections
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | name |
| ab | through |
| bc | through |
| cd | through |
| be | corner |
| cf | corner |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,d | through,through | true:90,true:0 true:90 false:270,true:90 true:180 false:270;true:270 |
Scenario: Passing Two Intersections, Collapsing
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | name |
| ab | through |
| bc | throughbridge |
| cd | through |
| be | corner |
| cf | corner |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| a,d | through,through | true:90,true:0 true:90 false:270,true:90 true:180 false:270;true:270 |
| f,a | corner,throughbridge,through | true:0;true:90 false:180 true:270,true:0 false:90 true:270;true:90 |
Scenario: Roundabouts
Given the node map
1 4
f b d h
2 3
And the ways
| nodes | junction |
| abcda | roundabout |
| ea | |
| fb | |
| gc | |
| hd | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | intersections |
| e,f | ea,fb,fb,fb | true:180;false:0 false:150 true:210;false:30 true:150 true:270;true:90 |
| e,g | ea,gc,gc,gc | true:180;false:0 false:150 true:210,false:30 true:150 true:270;true:30 true:180 false:330;true:0 |
| e,h | ea,hd,hd,hd | true:180;false:0 false:150 true:210,false:30 true:150 true:270,true:30 true:180 false:330;true:90 false:210 true:330;true:270 |
| e,2 | ea,abcda,abcda | true:180;false:0 false:150 true:210,false:30 true:150 true:270;true:327 +-1 |
| 1,g | abcda,gc,gc | true:214,false:30 true:150 true:270;true:30 true:180 false:330;true:0 |
| 1,3 | abcda,abcda | true:214,false:30 true:150 true:270,true:30 true:180 false:330;true:214 |