2016-05-12 12:50:10 -04:00
Feature: Profile API version 1
Given a grid size of 100 meters
Scenario: Basic profile function calls and property values
Given the profile file
2017-05-18 08:27:28 -04:00
api_version = 1
-- set profile properties
properties.max_speed_for_map_matching = 180/3.6
properties.use_turn_restrictions = true
properties.continue_straight_at_waypoint = true
properties.weight_name = 'test_version1'
properties.weight_precision = 2
assert(properties.max_turn_weight == 327.67)
function node_function (node, result)
print(node, result)
print ('node_function ' .. node:id())
function way_function(way, result)
result.name = way:get_value_by_key('name')
result.weight = 10
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.backward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 36
result.backward_speed = 36
print ('way_function ' .. way:id() .. ' ' .. result.name)
function turn_function (turn)
print('turn_function', turn.angle, turn.turn_type, turn.direction_modifier, turn.has_traffic_light)
turn.weight = turn.angle == 0 and 0 or 4.2
turn.duration = turn.weight
function segment_function (segment)
print ('segment_function ' .. segment.source.lon .. ' ' .. segment.source.lat)
And the node map
2016-05-12 12:50:10 -04:00
2017-05-18 08:27:28 -04:00
And the ways
| nodes |
| ac |
| cb |
| cd |
| ce |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file}"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "node_function"
And stdout should contain "way_function"
And stdout should contain "turn_function"
And stdout should contain "segment_function"
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ac,cb,cb | 19.2s |
| a | d | ac,cd,cd | 19.2s |
| a | e | ac,ce | 20s |
Scenario: Basic profile function calls and property values
Given the profile file
api_version = 1
-- set profile properties
properties.max_speed_for_map_matching = 180/3.6
properties.use_turn_restrictions = true
properties.continue_straight_at_waypoint = true
properties.weight_name = 'test_version1'
properties.weight_precision = 2
assert(properties.max_turn_weight == 327.67)
function node_function (node, result)
print(node, result)
print ('node_function ' .. node:id())
function way_function(way, result)
result.name = way:get_value_by_key('name')
result.weight = 10
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.backward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 36
result.backward_speed = 36
print ('way_function ' .. way:id() .. ' ' .. result.name)
function turn_function (turn)
print('turn_function', turn.angle, turn.turn_type, turn.direction_modifier, turn.has_traffic_light)
turn.weight = turn.angle == 0 and 0 or 4.2
turn.duration = turn.weight
function segment_function (segment)
print ('segment_function ' .. segment.source.lon .. ' ' .. segment.source.lat)
2016-05-12 12:50:10 -04:00
And the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| ac |
| cb |
| cd |
| ce |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file}"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "node_function"
And stdout should contain "way_function"
And stdout should contain "turn_function"
And stdout should contain "segment_function"
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ac,cb,cb | 19.2s |
| a | d | ac,cd,cd | 19.2s |
2017-02-15 09:12:24 -05:00
| a | e | ac,ce | 20s |
2017-05-18 08:27:28 -04:00
Scenario: Weighting based on raster sources
Given the profile file
api_version = 1
properties.force_split_edges = true
function source_function()
local path = os.getenv('OSRM_RASTER_SOURCE')
if not path then
path = 'rastersource.asc'
raster_source = sources:load(
0, -- lon_min
0.1, -- lon_max
0, -- lat_min
0.1, -- lat_max
5, -- nrows
4 -- ncols
function way_function (way, result)
result.name = way:get_value_by_key('name')
result.forward_mode = mode.cycling
result.backward_mode = mode.cycling
result.forward_speed = 15
result.backward_speed = 15
function segment_function (segment)
local sourceData = sources:query(raster_source, segment.source.lon, segment.source.lat)
local targetData = sources:query(raster_source, segment.target.lon, segment.target.lat)
io.write('evaluating segment: ' .. sourceData.datum .. ' ' .. targetData.datum .. '\n')
local invalid = sourceData.invalid_data()
local scaled_weight = segment.weight
local scaled_duration = segment.duration
if sourceData.datum ~= invalid and targetData.datum ~= invalid then
local slope = (targetData.datum - sourceData.datum) / segment.distance
scaled_weight = scaled_weight / (1.0 - (slope * 5.0))
scaled_duration = scaled_duration / (1.0 - (slope * 5.0))
io.write(' slope: ' .. slope .. '\n')
io.write(' was weight: ' .. segment.weight .. '\n')
io.write(' new weight: ' .. scaled_weight .. '\n')
io.write(' was duration: ' .. segment.duration .. '\n')
io.write(' new duration: ' .. scaled_duration .. '\n')
segment.weight = scaled_weight
segment.duration = scaled_duration
And the node locations
| node | lat | lon |
| a | 0.1 | 0.1 |
| b | 0.05 | 0.1 |
| c | 0.0 | 0.1 |
| d | 0.05 | 0.03 |
| e | 0.05 | 0.066 |
| f | 0.075 | 0.066 |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| ad | primary |
| bc | primary |
| dc | primary |
| de | primary |
| eb | primary |
| df | primary |
| fb | primary |
And the raster source
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 250
0 0 250 500
0 0 0 250
0 0 0 0
And the data has been saved to disk
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | speed |
| a | b | ab,ab | 8 km/h |
| b | a | ab,ab | 22 km/h |
| a | c | ab,bc,bc | 12 km/h |
| b | c | bc,bc | 22 km/h |
| a | d | ad,ad | 15 km/h |
| d | c | dc,dc | 15 km/h |
| d | e | de,de | 10 km/h |
| e | b | eb,eb | 10 km/h |
| d | f | df,df | 15 km/h |
| f | b | fb,fb | 7 km/h |
| d | b | de,eb,eb | 10 km/h |