
360 lines
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open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#include <climits>
#include <string>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "Util.h"
struct _PathData {
_PathData(NodeID no, unsigned na, unsigned tu, unsigned dur) : node(no), nameID(na), durationOfSegment(dur), turnInstruction(tu) { }
NodeID node;
unsigned nameID;
unsigned durationOfSegment;
short turnInstruction;
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, NodeID> StringMap;
struct _Node : NodeInfo{
_Node(int _lat, int _lon, unsigned int _id) : NodeInfo(_lat, _lon, _id) {}
_Node() {}
static _Node min_value() {
return _Node(0,0,0);
static _Node max_value() {
return _Node((numeric_limits<int>::max)(), (numeric_limits<int>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max)());
NodeID key() const {
return id;
struct _Coordinate {
int lat;
int lon;
_Coordinate () : lat(INT_MIN), lon(INT_MIN) {}
_Coordinate (int t, int n) : lat(t) , lon(n) {}
void Reset() {
lat = INT_MIN;
lon = INT_MIN;
bool isSet() const {
return (INT_MIN != lat) && (INT_MIN != lon);
inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const _Coordinate & c){
out << "(" << c.lat << "," << c.lon << ")";
return out;
struct _Way {
_Way() : id(UINT_MAX), nameID(UINT_MAX) {
direction = _Way::notSure;
speed = -1;
type = -1;
useful = false;
access = true;
roundabout = false;
enum {
notSure = 0, oneway, bidirectional, opposite
} direction;
unsigned id;
unsigned nameID;
std::string name;
double speed;
short type;
bool useful;
bool access;
bool roundabout;
std::vector< NodeID > path;
HashTable<std::string, std::string> keyVals;
struct _Address {
_Address() {}
_Address(_Node n, std::string h, std::string str, std::string sta, std::string p, std::string ci, std::string co) {
node = n;
housenumber = h;
street = str;
state = sta;
postcode = p;
city = ci;
country = co;
_Node node;
std::string housenumber;
std::string street;
std::string state;
std::string postcode;
std::string city;
std::string country;
struct _Relation {
_Relation() : type(unknown){}
enum {
unknown = 0, ferry, turnRestriction
} type;
HashTable<std::string, std::string> keyVals;
struct _Edge {
_Edge() : start(0), target(0), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false) {};
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t) : start(s), target(t), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false) { }
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false) { }
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra) { }
NodeID start;
NodeID target;
short type;
short direction;
double speed;
unsigned nameID;
bool isRoundabout;
_Coordinate startCoord;
_Coordinate targetCoord;
static _Edge min_value() {
return _Edge(0,0);
static _Edge max_value() {
return _Edge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
struct _Restriction {
NodeID viaNode;
NodeID fromNode;
NodeID toNode;
struct bits { //mostly unused
char isOnly:1;
char unused1:1;
char unused2:1;
char unused3:1;
char unused4:1;
char unused5:1;
char unused6:1;
char unused7:1;
} flags;
_Restriction(NodeID vn) : viaNode(vn), fromNode(UINT_MAX), toNode(UINT_MAX) { }
_Restriction(bool isOnly = false) : viaNode(UINT_MAX), fromNode(UINT_MAX), toNode(UINT_MAX) {
flags.isOnly = isOnly;
inline bool CmpRestrictionByFrom ( _Restriction a, _Restriction b) { return (a.fromNode < b.fromNode); }
struct _RawRestrictionContainer {
_Restriction restriction;
EdgeID fromWay;
EdgeID toWay;
unsigned viaWay;
_RawRestrictionContainer(EdgeID f, EdgeID t, NodeID vn, unsigned vw) : fromWay(f), toWay(t), viaWay(vw) { restriction.viaNode = vn;}
_RawRestrictionContainer(bool isOnly = false) : fromWay(UINT_MAX), toWay(UINT_MAX), viaWay(UINT_MAX) { restriction.flags.isOnly = isOnly;}
static _RawRestrictionContainer min_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer((numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)());
static _RawRestrictionContainer max_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer((numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
struct CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom: public std::binary_function<_RawRestrictionContainer, _RawRestrictionContainer, bool> {
typedef _RawRestrictionContainer value_type;
bool operator () (const _RawRestrictionContainer & a, const _RawRestrictionContainer & b) const {
return a.fromWay < b.fromWay;
value_type max_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer::min_value();
struct CmpRestrictionContainerByTo: public std::binary_function<_RawRestrictionContainer, _RawRestrictionContainer, bool> {
typedef _RawRestrictionContainer value_type;
bool operator () (const _RawRestrictionContainer & a, const _RawRestrictionContainer & b) const {
return a.toWay < b.toWay;
value_type max_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _RawRestrictionContainer::min_value();
struct _WayIDStartAndEndEdge {
unsigned wayID;
NodeID firstStart;
NodeID firstTarget;
NodeID lastStart;
NodeID lastTarget;
_WayIDStartAndEndEdge() : wayID(UINT_MAX), firstStart(UINT_MAX), firstTarget(UINT_MAX), lastStart(UINT_MAX), lastTarget(UINT_MAX) {}
_WayIDStartAndEndEdge(unsigned w, NodeID fs, NodeID ft, NodeID ls, NodeID lt) : wayID(w), firstStart(fs), firstTarget(ft), lastStart(ls), lastTarget(lt) {}
static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge min_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)());
static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge max_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
struct CmpWayStartAndEnd : public std::binary_function<_WayIDStartAndEndEdge, _WayIDStartAndEndEdge, bool> {
typedef _WayIDStartAndEndEdge value_type;
bool operator () (const _WayIDStartAndEndEdge & a, const _WayIDStartAndEndEdge & b) const {
return a.wayID < b.wayID;
value_type max_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge::min_value();
struct Settings {
Settings() : obeyPollards(true), obeyOneways(true), useRestrictions(true), accessTag("motorcar") {}
StringMap speedProfile;
int operator[](const string & param) const {
if(speedProfile.find(param) == speedProfile.end())
return 0;
return speedProfile.at(param);
bool obeyPollards;
bool obeyOneways;
bool useRestrictions;
string accessTag;
struct Cmp : public std::binary_function<NodeID, NodeID, bool> {
typedef NodeID value_type;
bool operator () (const NodeID & a, const NodeID & b) const {
return a < b;
value_type max_value() {
return 0xffffffff;
value_type min_value() {
return 0x0;
struct CmpNodeByID : public std::binary_function<_Node, _Node, bool> {
typedef _Node value_type;
bool operator () (const _Node & a, const _Node & b) const {
return a.id < b.id;
value_type max_value() {
return _Node::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _Node::min_value();
struct CmpEdgeByStartID : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool>
typedef _Edge value_type;
bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const {
return a.start < b.start;
value_type max_value() {
return _Edge::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _Edge::min_value();
struct CmpEdgeByTargetID : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool>
typedef _Edge value_type;
bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const
return a.target < b.target;
value_type max_value()
return _Edge::max_value();
value_type min_value()
return _Edge::min_value();
inline double ApproximateDistance( const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2 ) {
assert(lat1 != INT_MIN);
assert(lon1 != INT_MIN);
assert(lat2 != INT_MIN);
assert(lon2 != INT_MIN);
static const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
///Earth's quatratic mean radius for WGS-84
static const double EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 6372797.560856;
double latitudeArc = ( lat1/100000. - lat2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
double longitudeArc = ( lon1/100000. - lon2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
double latitudeH = sin( latitudeArc * 0.5 );
latitudeH *= latitudeH;
double lontitudeH = sin( longitudeArc * 0.5 );
lontitudeH *= lontitudeH;
double tmp = cos( lat1/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD ) * cos( lat2/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD );
double distanceArc = 2.0 * asin( sqrt( latitudeH + tmp * lontitudeH ) );
return EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS * distanceArc;
inline double ApproximateDistance(const _Coordinate &c1, const _Coordinate &c2) {
return ApproximateDistance( c1.lat, c1.lon, c2.lat, c2.lon );
inline string GetRandomString() {
char s[128];
static const char alphanum[] =
for (int i = 0; i < 127; ++i) {
s[i] = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)];
s[127] = 0;
return string(s);