FILLAU Jean-Maxime f65299d665 Rename side API
Side -> Approach
 - remove OPPOSITE param

Signed-off-by: FILLAU Jean-Maxime <jean-maxime.fillau@mapotempo.com>
2017-05-30 10:19:41 +00:00

275 lines
9.7 KiB

'use strict';
const Timeout = require('node-timeout');
const request = require('request');
const ensureDecimal = require('../lib/utils').ensureDecimal;
module.exports = function () {
this.requestPath = (service, params, callback) => {
var uri;
if (service == 'timestamp') {
uri = [this.HOST, service].join('/');
} else {
uri = [this.HOST, service, 'v1', this.profile].join('/');
return this.sendRequest(uri, params, callback);
this.requestUrl = (path, callback) => {
var uri = this.query = [this.HOST, path].join('/'),
limit = Timeout(this.TIMEOUT, { err: { statusCode: 408 } });
function runRequest (cb) {
request(uri, cb);
runRequest(limit((err, res, body) => {
if (err) {
if (err.statusCode === 408) return callback(this.RoutedError('*** osrm-routed did not respond'));
else if (err.code === 'ECONNREFUSED')
return callback(this.RoutedError('*** osrm-routed is not running'));
} else
return callback(err, res, body);
// Overwrites the default values in defaults
// e.g. [[a, 1], [b, 2]], [[a, 5], [d, 10]] => [[a, 5], [b, 2], [d, 10]]
this.overwriteParams = (defaults, other) => {
var otherMap = {};
for (var key in other) otherMap[key] = other[key];
return Object.assign({}, defaults, otherMap);
var encodeWaypoints = (waypoints) => {
return waypoints.map(w => [w.lon, w.lat].map(ensureDecimal).join(','));
this.requestRoute = (waypoints, bearings, approaches, userParams, callback) => {
if (bearings.length && bearings.length !== waypoints.length) throw new Error('*** number of bearings does not equal the number of waypoints');
if (approaches.length && approaches.length !== waypoints.length) throw new Error('*** number of approaches does not equal the number of waypoints');
var defaults = {
output: 'json',
steps: 'true',
alternatives: 'false'
params = this.overwriteParams(defaults, userParams),
encodedWaypoints = encodeWaypoints(waypoints);
params.coordinates = encodedWaypoints;
if (bearings.length) {
params.bearings = bearings.map(b => {
var bs = b.split(',');
if (bs.length === 2) return b;
else return b += ',10';
if (approaches.length) {
params.approaches = approaches.join(';');
return this.requestPath('route', params, callback);
this.requestNearest = (node, userParams, callback) => {
var defaults = {
output: 'json'
params = this.overwriteParams(defaults, userParams);
params.coordinates = [[node.lon, node.lat].join(',')];
return this.requestPath('nearest', params, callback);
this.requestTable = (waypoints, userParams, callback) => {
var defaults = {
output: 'json'
params = this.overwriteParams(defaults, userParams);
params.coordinates = waypoints.map(w => [w.coord.lon, w.coord.lat].join(','));
var srcs = waypoints.map((w, i) => [w.type, i]).filter(w => w[0] === 'src').map(w => w[1]),
dsts = waypoints.map((w, i) => [w.type, i]).filter(w => w[0] === 'dst').map(w => w[1]);
if (srcs.length) params.sources = srcs.join(';');
if (dsts.length) params.destinations = dsts.join(';');
return this.requestPath('table', params, callback);
this.requestTrip = (waypoints, userParams, callback) => {
var defaults = {
output: 'json'
params = this.overwriteParams(defaults, userParams);
params.coordinates = encodeWaypoints(waypoints);
return this.requestPath('trip', params, callback);
this.requestMatching = (waypoints, timestamps, userParams, callback) => {
var defaults = {
output: 'json'
params = this.overwriteParams(defaults, userParams);
params.coordinates = encodeWaypoints(waypoints);
if (timestamps.length) {
params.timestamps = timestamps.join(';');
return this.requestPath('match', params, callback);
this.extractInstructionList = (instructions, keyFinder) => {
if (instructions) {
return instructions.legs.reduce((m, v) => m.concat(v.steps), [])
this.summary = (instructions) => {
if (instructions) {
return instructions.legs.map(l => l.summary).join(';');
this.wayList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.name);
this.refList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.ref || '');
this.pronunciationList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.pronunciation || '');
this.destinationsList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.destinations || '');
this.reverseBearing = (bearing) => {
if (bearing >= 180)
return bearing - 180.;
return bearing + 180;
this.bearingList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => ('in' in s.intersections[0] ? this.reverseBearing(s.intersections[0].bearings[s.intersections[0].in]) : 0)
+ '->' +
('out' in s.intersections[0] ? s.intersections[0].bearings[s.intersections[0].out] : 0));
this.approachList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.approaches || '');
this.annotationList = (instructions) => {
if (!('annotation' in instructions.legs[0]))
return '';
var merged = {};
instructions.legs.map(l => {
Object.keys(l.annotation).forEach(a => {
if (!merged[a]) merged[a] = [];
Object.keys(merged).map(a => {
merged[a] = merged[a].join(',');
return merged;
this.alternativesList = (instructions) => {
// alternatives_count come from tracepoints list
return instructions.tracepoints.map(t => t.alternatives_count.toString()).join(',');
this.lanesList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, instruction => {
if( 'lanes' in instruction.intersections[0] )
return instruction.intersections[0].lanes.map( p => { return (p.indications).join(';') + ':' + p.valid; } ).join(' ');
} else
return '';
this.turnList = (instructions) => {
return instructions.legs.reduce((m, v) => m.concat(v.steps), [])
.map(v => {
switch (v.maneuver.type) {
case 'depart':
case 'arrive':
return v.maneuver.type;
case 'on ramp':
case 'off ramp':
return v.maneuver.type + ' ' + v.maneuver.modifier;
case 'roundabout':
return 'roundabout-exit-' + v.maneuver.exit;
case 'rotary':
if( 'rotary_name' in v )
return v.rotary_name + '-exit-' + v.maneuver.exit;
return 'rotary-exit-' + v.maneuver.exit;
case 'roundabout turn':
return v.maneuver.type + ' ' + v.maneuver.modifier + ' exit-' + v.maneuver.exit;
// FIXME this is a little bit over-simplistic for merge/fork instructions
return v.maneuver.type + ' ' + v.maneuver.modifier;
this.locations = (instructions) => {
return instructions.legs.reduce((m, v) => m.concat(v.steps), [])
.map(v => {
return this.findNodeByLocation(v.maneuver.location);
this.intersectionList = (instructions) => {
return instructions.legs.reduce((m, v) => m.concat(v.steps), [])
.map( v => {
return v.intersections
.map( intersection => {
var string = intersection.entry[0]+':'+intersection.bearings[0], i;
for( i = 1; i < intersection.bearings.length; ++i )
string = string + ' ' + intersection.entry[i]+':'+intersection.bearings[i];
return string;
this.modeList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.mode);
this.timeList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.duration + 's');
this.distanceList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.distance + 'm');
this.weightName = (instructions) => {
return instructions ? instructions.weight_name : '';
this.weightList = (instructions) => {
return this.extractInstructionList(instructions, s => s.weight);