Adds an `generate_hints=false` option which lets us skip generating and emitting hints for Waypoints. This can be used to decrease the response size when the user does not need hints anyway. We should think about making `false` the default here in v6.
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110 lines
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#include "extractor/guidance/turn_instruction.hpp"
#include "extractor/travel_mode.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/leg_geometry.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/route.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/route_leg.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/route_step.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/step_maneuver.hpp"
#include "engine/polyline_compressor.hpp"
#include "util/coordinate.hpp"
#include "util/json_container.hpp"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace osrm
namespace engine
struct Hint;
namespace api
namespace json
namespace detail
std::string instructionTypeToString(extractor::guidance::TurnType::Enum type);
std::string instructionModifierToString(extractor::guidance::DirectionModifier::Enum modifier);
util::json::Array coordinateToLonLat(const util::Coordinate coordinate);
std::string modeToString(const extractor::TravelMode mode);
* Ensures that a bearing value is a whole number, and clamped to the range 0-359
inline double roundAndClampBearing(double bearing) { return std::fmod(std::round(bearing), 360); }
} // namespace detail
template <unsigned POLYLINE_PRECISION, typename ForwardIter>
util::json::String makePolyline(ForwardIter begin, ForwardIter end)
return {encodePolyline<POLYLINE_PRECISION>(begin, end)};
template <typename ForwardIter>
util::json::Object makeGeoJSONGeometry(ForwardIter begin, ForwardIter end)
auto num_coordinates = std::distance(begin, end);
BOOST_ASSERT(num_coordinates != 0);
util::json::Object geojson;
geojson.values["type"] = "LineString";
util::json::Array coordinates;
if (num_coordinates > 1)
auto into = std::back_inserter(coordinates.values);
std::transform(begin, end, into, &detail::coordinateToLonLat);
else if (num_coordinates > 0)
// For a single location we create a [location, location] LineString
// instead of a single Point making the GeoJSON output consistent.
auto location = detail::coordinateToLonLat(*begin);
geojson.values["coordinates"] = std::move(coordinates);
return geojson;
util::json::Object makeStepManeuver(const guidance::StepManeuver &maneuver);
util::json::Object makeRouteStep(guidance::RouteStep step, util::json::Value geometry);
util::json::Object makeRoute(const guidance::Route &route,
util::json::Array legs,
boost::optional<util::json::Value> geometry);
// Creates a Waypoint without Hint, see the Hint overload below
util::json::Object makeWaypoint(const util::Coordinate location, std::string name);
// Creates a Waypoint with Hint, see the overload above when Hint is not needed
makeWaypoint(const util::Coordinate location, std::string name, const Hint &hint);
util::json::Object makeRouteLeg(guidance::RouteLeg leg, util::json::Array steps);
util::json::Array makeRouteLegs(std::vector<guidance::RouteLeg> legs,
std::vector<util::json::Value> step_geometries,
std::vector<util::json::Object> annotations);
} // namespace engine
} // namespace osrm