Michael Bell db7946d762
Add support for disabling feature datasets (#6666)
This change adds support for disabling datasets, such that specific
files are not loaded into memory when running OSRM. This enables users
to not pay the memory cost for features they do not intend to use.

Initially, there are two options:
- ROUTE_GEOMETRY, for disabling overview, steps, annotations and waypoints.
- ROUTE_STEPS, for disabling steps only.

Attempts to query features for which the datasets are disabled will
lead to a DisabledDatasetException being returned.
2023-08-04 18:43:37 +01:00

142 lines
4.5 KiB

@routing @disable-feature-dataset
Feature: disable-feature-dataset command line options
Given the profile "testbot"
And the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY"
# The default values
And the query options
| overview | simplified |
| annotations | false |
| steps | false |
| skip_waypoints | false |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | c | DisabledDataset |
When I plan a trip I should get
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | DisabledDataset |
When I match I should get
| trace | code |
| abc | DisabledDataset |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY"
When I request nearest I should get
| in | code |
| 0 | DisabledDataset |
When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | DisabledDataset |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled success
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY"
# No geometry values returned
And the query options
| overview | false |
| annotations | false |
| steps | false |
| skip_waypoints | true |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | c | Ok |
When I plan a trip I should get
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | Ok |
When I match I should get
| trace | code |
| abc | Ok |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY"
And the query options
| skip_waypoints | true |
# You would never do this, but just to prove the point.
When I request nearest I should get
| in | code |
| 0 | Ok |
When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | Ok |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - steps disabled error
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS"
# Default + annotations, steps
And the query options
| overview | simplified |
| annotations | true |
| steps | true |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | c | DisabledDataset |
When I plan a trip I should get
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | DisabledDataset |
When I match I should get
| trace | code |
| abc | DisabledDataset |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS"
When I request nearest I should get
| in | code |
| 0 | Ok |
When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | Ok |
Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - steps disabled success
Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS"
# Default + steps
And the query options
| overview | simplified |
| annotations | true |
| steps | false |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | c | Ok |
When I plan a trip I should get
| waypoints | code |
| a,b,c | Ok |
When I match I should get
| trace | code |
| abc | Ok |