2016-09-08 14:28:23 +02:00

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@routing @foot @ref @name
Feature: Foot - Way ref
Given the profile "foot"
Scenario: Foot - Way with both name and ref
Given the node map
| a | b |
And the ways
| nodes | name | ref |
| ab | Utopia Drive | E7 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | Utopia Drive,Utopia Drive |
Scenario: Foot - Way with only ref
Given the node map
| a | b |
And the ways
| nodes | name | ref |
| ab | | E7 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | {highway:primary},{highway:primary} |
Scenario: Foot - Way with only name
Given the node map
| a | b |
And the ways
| nodes | name |
| ab | Utopia Drive |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | Utopia Drive,Utopia Drive |