Patrick Niklaus 0266c9d969 Renumber nodes after running osrm-partition
The new numbering uses the partition information
to sort border nodes first to compactify storages
that need access indexed by border node ID.

We also get an optimized cache performance for free
sincr we can also recursively sort the nodes by cell ID.

This implements issue #3779.
2017-06-02 18:12:13 +00:00

287 lines
10 KiB

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const d3 = require('d3-queue');
const OSM = require('../lib/osm');
const classes = require('./data_classes');
const tableDiff = require('../lib/table_diff');
const ensureDecimal = require('../lib/utils').ensureDecimal;
const errorReason = require('../lib/utils').errorReason;
module.exports = function () {
this.setGridSize = (meters) => {
// the constant is calculated (with BigDecimal as: 1.0/(DEG_TO_RAD*EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS
// see ApproximateDistance() in ExtractorStructs.h
// it's only accurate when measuring along the equator, or going exactly north-south
this.zoom = parseFloat(meters) * 0.8990679362704610899694577444566908445396483347536032203503E-5;
this.setOrigin = (origin) => {
this.origin = origin;
this.buildWaysFromTable = (table, callback) => {
// add one unconnected way for each row
var buildRow = (row, ri, cb) => {
// comments ported directly from ruby suite:
// NOTE: currently osrm crashes when processing an isolated oneway with just 2 nodes, so we use 4 edges
// this is related to the fact that a oneway dead-end street doesn't make a lot of sense
// if we stack ways on different x coordinates, routability tests get messed up, because osrm might pick a neighboring way if the one test can't be used.
// instead we place all lines as a string on the same y coordinate. this prevents using neighboring ways.
// add some nodes
var makeFakeNode = (namePrefix, offset) => {
return new OSM.Node(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP,
this.OSM_UID, this.origin[0]+(offset + this.WAY_SPACING * ri) * this.zoom,
this.origin[1], {name: util.format('%s%d', namePrefix, ri)});
var nodes = ['a','b','c','d','e'].map((l, i) => makeFakeNode(l, i));
nodes.forEach(node => { this.OSMDB.addNode(node); });
// ...with a way between them
var way = new OSM.Way(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID);
nodes.forEach(node => { way.addNode(node); });
// remove tags that describe expected test result, reject empty tags
var tags = {};
for (var rkey in row) {
if (!rkey.match(/^forw\b/) &&
!rkey.match(/^backw\b/) &&
!rkey.match(/^bothw\b/) &&
tags[rkey] = row[rkey];
var wayTags = { highway: 'primary' },
nodeTags = {};
for (var key in tags) {
var nodeMatch = key.match(/node\/(.*)/);
if (nodeMatch) {
if (tags[key] === '(nil)') {
delete nodeTags[key];
} else {
nodeTags[nodeMatch[1]] = tags[key];
} else {
if (tags[key] === '(nil)') {
delete wayTags[key];
} else {
wayTags[key] = tags[key];
wayTags.name = util.format('w%d', ri);
for (var k in nodeTags) {
nodes[2].addTag(k, nodeTags[k]);
var q = d3.queue();
table.hashes().forEach((row, ri) => {
q.defer(buildRow, row, ri);
this.tableCoordToLonLat = (ci, ri) => {
return [this.origin[0] + ci * this.zoom, this.origin[1] - ri * this.zoom].map(ensureDecimal);
this.addOSMNode = (name, lon, lat, id) => {
id = id || this.makeOSMId();
var node = new OSM.Node(id, this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID, lon, lat, {name: name});
this.nameNodeHash[name] = node;
this.addLocation = (name, lon, lat) => {
this.locationHash[name] = new classes.Location(lon, lat);
this.findNodeByName = (s) => {
if (s.length !== 1) throw new Error(util.format('*** invalid node name "%s", must be single characters', s));
if (!s.match(/[a-z0-9]/)) throw new Error(util.format('*** invalid node name "%s", must be alphanumeric', s));
var fromNode;
if (s.match(/[a-z]/)) {
fromNode = this.nameNodeHash[s.toString()];
} else {
fromNode = this.locationHash[s.toString()];
return fromNode;
// find a node based on an array containing lon/lat
this.findNodeByLocation = (node_location) => {
var searched_coordinate = new classes.Location(node_location[0],node_location[1]);
for (var node in this.nameNodeHash)
var node_coordinate = new classes.Location(this.nameNodeHash[node].lon,this.nameNodeHash[node].lat);
if (this.FuzzyMatch.matchCoordinate(searched_coordinate, node_coordinate, this.zoom))
return node;
return '_';
this.findWayByName = (s) => {
return this.nameWayHash[s.toString()] || this.nameWayHash[s.toString().split('').reverse().join('')];
this.makeOSMId = () => {
this.osmID = this.osmID + 1;
return this.osmID;
this.resetOSM = () => {
this.nameNodeHash = {};
this.locationHash = {};
this.shortcutsHash = {};
this.nameWayHash = {};
this.osmID = 0;
this.writeOSM = (callback) => {
fs.exists(this.scenarioCacheFile, (exists) => {
if (exists) callback();
else {
this.OSMDB.toXML((xml) => {
fs.writeFile(this.scenarioCacheFile, xml, callback);
this.linkOSM = (callback) => {
fs.exists(this.inputCacheFile, (exists) => {
if (exists) callback();
else {
fs.link(this.scenarioCacheFile, this.inputCacheFile, callback);
this.extractData = (p, callback) => {
let stamp = p.processedCacheFile + '.stamp_extract';
fs.exists(stamp, (exists) => {
if (exists) return callback();
this.runBin('osrm-extract', util.format('%s --profile %s %s', p.extractArgs, p.profileFile, p.inputCacheFile), p.environment, (err) => {
if (err) {
return callback(new Error(util.format('osrm-extract %s: %s', errorReason(err), err.cmd)));
fs.writeFile(stamp, 'ok', callback);
this.contractData = (p, callback) => {
let stamp = p.processedCacheFile + '.stamp_contract';
fs.exists(stamp, (exists) => {
if (exists) return callback();
this.runBin('osrm-contract', util.format('%s %s', p.contractArgs, p.processedCacheFile), p.environment, (err) => {
if (err) {
return callback(new Error(util.format('osrm-contract %s: %s', errorReason(err), err)));
fs.writeFile(stamp, 'ok', callback);
this.partitionData = (p, callback) => {
let stamp = p.processedCacheFile + '.stamp_partition';
fs.exists(stamp, (exists) => {
if (exists) return callback();
this.runBin('osrm-partition', util.format('%s %s', p.partitionArgs, p.processedCacheFile), p.environment, (err) => {
if (err) {
return callback(new Error(util.format('osrm-partition %s: %s', errorReason(err), err.cmd)));
fs.writeFile(stamp, 'ok', callback);
this.customizeData = (p, callback) => {
let stamp = p.processedCacheFile + '.stamp_customize';
fs.exists(stamp, (exists) => {
if (exists) return callback();
this.runBin('osrm-customize', util.format('%s %s', p.customizeArgs, p.processedCacheFile), p.environment, (err) => {
if (err) {
return callback(new Error(util.format('osrm-customize %s: %s', errorReason(err), err)));
fs.writeFile(stamp, 'ok', callback);
this.extractContractPartitionAndCustomize = (callback) => {
// a shallow copy of scenario parameters to avoid data inconsistency
// if a cucumber timeout occurs during deferred jobs
let p = {extractArgs: this.extractArgs, contractArgs: this.contractArgs,
partitionArgs: this.partitionArgs, customizeArgs: this.customizeArgs,
profileFile: this.profileFile, inputCacheFile: this.inputCacheFile,
processedCacheFile: this.processedCacheFile, environment: this.environment};
let queue = d3.queue(1);
queue.defer(this.extractData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.partitionData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.contractData.bind(this), p);
queue.defer(this.customizeData.bind(this), p);
this.writeAndLinkOSM = (callback) => {
let queue = d3.queue(1);
this.reprocess = (callback) => {
let queue = d3.queue(1);
this.reprocessAndLoadData = (callback) => {
let queue = d3.queue(1);
queue.defer(this.osrmLoader.load.bind(this.osrmLoader), this.processedCacheFile);
this.processRowsAndDiff = (table, fn, callback) => {
var q = d3.queue(1);
table.hashes().forEach((row, i) => { q.defer(fn, row, i); });
q.awaitAll((err, actual) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
let diff = tableDiff(table, actual);
if (diff) callback(diff);
else callback();