2016-04-25 19:24:59 +02:00

811 lines
29 KiB

@routing @guidance
Feature: Simple Turns
Given the profile "car"
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Scenario: Four Way Intersection
Given the node map
| | c | |
| a | b | e |
| | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
| eb | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | ab,eb,eb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,eb,eb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | eb,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| e,c | eb,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | eb,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Rotated Four Way Intersection
Given the node map
| a | | c |
| | b | |
| d | | e |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
| eb | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | ab,eb,eb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,eb,eb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | eb,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| e,c | eb,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | eb,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Through Street
Given the node map
| | c | |
| a | b | e |
| | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abe | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abe,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abe,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| e,c | abe,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | abe,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Double Through Street
Given the node map
| | c | |
| a | b | e |
| | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abe | primary |
| cbd | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cbd,cbd | depart,arrive |
| c,e | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | cbd,cbd | depart,arrive |
| d,e | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| e,c | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Intersection
Given the node map
| | c | |
| a | b | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Intersection on Through Street
Given the node map
| | d | |
| a | b | c |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
| c,a | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| c,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: High Degree Intersection
Given the node map
| i | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| h | | a | | d |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| g | | f | | e |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| ac | primary |
| ad | primary |
| ae | primary |
| af | primary |
| ag | primary |
| ah | primary |
| ai | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| b,c | ab,ac,ac | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| b,d | ab,ad,ad | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,e | ab,ae,ae | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
| b,f | ab,af,af | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| b,g | ab,ag,ag | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| b,h | ab,ah,ah | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,i | ab,ai,ai | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Disturbed High Degree Intersection
Given the node map
| | | b | | |
| i | | | | c |
| | | | | |
| h | | a | | d |
| | | | | |
| g | | | | e |
| | | f | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| ac | primary |
| ad | primary |
| ae | primary |
| af | primary |
| ag | primary |
| ah | primary |
| ai | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| b,c | ab,ac,ac | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| b,d | ab,ad,ad | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,e | ab,ae,ae | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
| b,f | ab,af,af | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| b,g | ab,ag,ag | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| b,h | ab,ah,ah | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,i | ab,ai,ai | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Turn instructions at high latitude
Given the node locations
| node | lat | lon |
| a | 55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| b | 55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| c | 55.68711 | 12.52383 |
| d | 55.68745 | 12.52450 |
| e | 55.68755 | 12.52450 |
| x | -55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| y | -55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| z | -55.68711 | 12.52383 |
| v | -55.68745 | 12.52450 |
| w | -55.68755 | 12.52450 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| bd |
| be |
| xy |
| yz |
| vy |
| wy |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | turns |
| a | c | ab,bc,bc | depart,turn left,arrive |
| c | a | bc,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| x | z | xy,yz,yz | depart,turn right,arrive |
| z | x | yz,xy,xy | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Double Through Street Segregated
Given the node map
| | b | | c | |
| i | | | | d |
| | | a | | |
| h | | | | e |
| | g | | f | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway | name |
| ha | primary | yes | first |
| ai | primary | yes | first |
| ae | primary | yes | first |
| da | primary | yes | first |
| ba | primary | yes | second |
| ac | primary | yes | second |
| fa | primary | yes | second |
| ag | primary | yes | second |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| f,e | second,first,first | depart,turn right,arrive |
| f,c | second,second | depart,arrive |
| f,i | second,first,first | depart,turn left,arrive |
| f,g | second,second,second | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| d,c | first,second,second | depart,turn right,arrive |
| d,i | first,first | depart,arrive |
| d,g | first,second,second | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,e | first,first,first | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| b,i | second,first,first | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,g | second,second | depart,arrive |
| b,e | second,first,first | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,c | second,second,second | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| h,g | first,second,second | depart,turn right,arrive |
| h,e | first,first | depart,arrive |
| h,c | first,second,second | depart,turn left,arrive |
| h,i | first,first,first | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Similar Sharp Turns
Given the node map
| a | | | | b |
| c | | | | |
| | d | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| bc | primary |
| bd | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,bc,bc | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,d | ab,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| d,c | bd,bc,bc | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| d,a | bd,ab,ab | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (1)
Given the node map
| | | | | d |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (2)
Given the node map
| | | | | d |
| | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (3)
Given the node map
| | | | d | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (4)
Given the node map
| | | d | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (5)
Given the node map
| | d | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (6)
Given the node map
| d | | | | |
| | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (7)
Given the node map
| d | | | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (1)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (2)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | | | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (3)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (4)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | d | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (5)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | d | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (6)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| d | | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (7)
Given the node map
| | | e | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| d | | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns
Given the node map
| | | f | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| d | e | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (2)
Given the node map
| | | f | | c |
| a | | b | | |
| | | | | e |
| | | | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (3)
Given the node map
| | | f | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | e |
| | | | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (4)
Given the node map
| | | f | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | | d | | e |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Turns
Given the node map
| | | g | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | d | | f | |
| | | e | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
| bg | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways
Given the node map
| | | a | | |
| | | | | |
| | | b | | e |
| d | | | | |
| | | c | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| dbe | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
| e,d | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways
Given the node map
| | | | a | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | b | | e |
| d | | | | |
| | | c | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| dbe | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
| e,d | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways - Name Change
Given the node map
| | | a | | |
| | | | | |
| | | b | | e |
| d | | | | |
| | | c | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| db | primary | no |
| be | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | db,be,be | depart,new name slight right,arrive |
| e,d | be,db,db | depart,new name slight left,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 1
Given the node map
| | | g | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | d | e | f | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | no |
| db | primary | yes |
| eb | primary | no |
| fb | primary | no |
| bg | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,e | abc,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,fb,fb | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
@bug @pr2275
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 2
Given the node map
| | | g | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | d | e | f | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | no |
| db | primary | no |
| eb | primary | yes |
| fb | primary | no |
| bg | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,fb,fb | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 3
Given the node map
| | | g | | |
| a | | b | | c |
| | | | | |
| | d | e | f | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | no |
| db | primary | no |
| be | primary | no |
| fb | primary | yes |
| bg | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Conflicting Turns with well distinguished turn
Given the node map
| a | | | b | | | c |
| | | | | | | |
| f | | | | | | d |
| | | | | | | e |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
@bug @pr2275
Scenario: Conflicting Turns with well distinguished turn (back)
Given the node map
| a | | | b | | | c |
| | | | | | | |
| d | | | | | | f |
| | e | | | | | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn slight right,arrive |