Moritz Kobitzsch 561b7cc58e Rember Intersection Shapes
Changes the processing order in the edge based graph factory.
Instead of iterating over all outgoing edges in order, we compute the edge
expanded graph in the order of intersections.
This allows to remember intersection shapes and re-use them for all possible ingoing edges.

Also: use low accuracry mode for intersections degree 2 intersections

We can use lower accuracy here, since the `bearing`
after the turn is not as relevant for off-route detection.
Getting lost is near impossible here.
2016-12-01 15:24:20 +01:00

259 lines
11 KiB

#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "extractor/compressed_edge_container.hpp"
#include "extractor/query_node.hpp"
#include "util/attributes.hpp"
#include "util/coordinate.hpp"
#include "util/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
#include "util/node_based_graph.hpp"
namespace osrm
namespace extractor
namespace guidance
class CoordinateExtractor
CoordinateExtractor(const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &node_based_graph,
const extractor::CompressedEdgeContainer &compressed_geometries,
const std::vector<extractor::QueryNode> &node_coordinates);
/* Find a interpolated coordinate a long the compressed geometries. The desired coordinate
* should be in a certain distance. This method is dedicated to find representative coordinates
* at turns.
* Since we are computing the length of the segment anyhow, we also return it.
util::Coordinate GetCoordinateAlongRoad(const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node,
const std::uint8_t number_of_in_lanes) const;
// Given a set of precomputed coordinates, select the representative coordinate along the road
// that best describes the turn
ExtractRepresentativeCoordinate(const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node,
const std::uint8_t intersection_lanes,
std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates) const;
// instead of finding only a single coordinate, we can also list all coordinates along a
// road.
OSRM_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED std::vector<util::Coordinate>
GetCoordinatesAlongRoad(const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node) const;
// wrapper in case of normal forward edges (traversed_in_reverse = false, to_node =
// node_based_graph.GetTarget(turn_edge)
std::vector<util::Coordinate> GetForwardCoordinatesAlongRoad(const NodeID from,
const EdgeID turn_edge) const;
// a less precise way to compute coordinates along a route. Due to the heavy interaction of
// graph traversal and turn instructions, we often don't care for high precision. We only want
// to check for available connections in order, or find (with room for error) the straightmost
// turn. This function will offer a bit more error potential but allow for much higher
// performance
util::Coordinate GetCoordinateCloseToTurn(const NodeID from_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node) const;
/* When extracting the coordinates, we first extract all coordinates. We don't care about most
* of them, though.
* Our very first step trims the coordinates to a saller set, close to the intersection.. The
* idea here is to filter all coordinates at the end of the road and consider only the formi
* close to the intersection:
* a -------------- v ----------.
* .
* .
* .
* b
* For calculating the turn angle for the intersection at `a`, we do not care about the turn
* between `v` and `b`. This calculation trims the coordinates to the ones immediately at the
* intersection.
* The optional length cache needs to store the accumulated distance up to the respective
* coordinate index [0,d(0,1),...]
TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates,
const double desired_length,
const std::vector<double> &length_cache = {}) const;
std::vector<double> PrepareLengthCache(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const double limit) const;
/* when looking at a set of coordinates, this function allows trimming the vector to a smaller,
* only containing coordinates up to a given distance along the path. The last coordinate might
* be interpolated
TrimCoordinatesByLengthFront(std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates,
const double desired_length) const;
* to correct for the initial offset, we move the lookahead coordinate close
* to the original road. We do so by subtracting the difference between the
* turn coordinate and the offset coordinate from the lookahead coordinge:
* a ------ b ------ c
* |
* d
* \
* \
* e
* is converted to:
* a ------ b ------ c
* \
* \
* e
* for fixpoint `b`, vector_base `d` and vector_head `e`
util::Coordinate GetCorrectedCoordinate(const util::Coordinate fixpoint,
const util::Coordinate vector_base,
const util::Coordinate vector_head) const;
/* generate a uniform vector of coordinates in same range distances
* Turns:
* x ------------ x -- x - x
* Into:
* x -- x -- x -- x -- x - x
SampleCoordinates(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const double length,
const double rate) const;
const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &node_based_graph;
const extractor::CompressedEdgeContainer &compressed_geometries;
const std::vector<extractor::QueryNode> &node_coordinates;
double ComputeInterpolationFactor(const double desired_distance,
const double distance_to_first,
const double distance_to_second) const;
std::pair<util::Coordinate, util::Coordinate>
RegressionLine(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates) const;
/* In an ideal world, the road would only have two coordinates if it goes mainly straigt. Since
* OSM is operating on noisy data, we have some variations going straight.
* b d
* a ---------------------------------------------- e
* c
* The road from a-e offers a lot of variation, even though it is mostly straight. Here we
* calculate the distances of all nodes in between to the straight line between a and e. If the
* distances inbetween are small, we assume a straight road. To calculate these distances, we
* don't use the coordinates of the road itself but our just calculated regression vector
double GetMaxDeviation(std::vector<util::Coordinate>::const_iterator range_begin,
const std::vector<util::Coordinate>::const_iterator &range_end,
const util::Coordinate straight_begin,
const util::Coordinate straight_end) const;
* the curve is still best described as looking at the very first vector for the turn angle.
* Consider:
* |
* a - 1
* | o
* | 2
* | o
* | 3
* | o
* | 4
* The turn itself from a-1 would be considered as a 90 degree turn, even though the road is
* taking a turn later.
* In this situaiton we return the very first coordinate, describing the road just at the
* turn.
* As an added benefit, we get a straight turn at a curved road:
* o b o
* o o
* o o
* o o
* o o
* a c
* The turn from a-b to b-c is straight. With every vector we go further down the road, the
* turn
* angle would get stronger. Therefore we consider the very first coordinate as our best
* choice
bool IsCurve(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::vector<double> &segment_distances,
const double segment_length,
const double considered_lane_width,
const util::NodeBasedEdgeData &edge_data) const;
* If the very first coordinate is within lane offsets and the rest offers a near straight line,
* we use an offset coordinate.
* ----------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------
* a -
* ----------------------------------------
* \
* ----------------------------------------
* \
* b --------------------c
* Will be considered a very slight turn, instead of the near 90 degree turn we see right here.
bool IsDirectOffset(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::size_t straight_index,
const double straight_distance,
const double segment_length,
const std::vector<double> &segment_distances,
const std::uint8_t considered_lanes) const;
// find the coordinate at a specific location in the vector
util::Coordinate ExtractCoordinateAtLength(const double distance,
const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::vector<double> &length_cache) const;
ExtractCoordinateAtLength(const double distance,
const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates) const;
} // namespace guidance
} // namespace extractor
} // namespace osrm