Currently route results are annotated with additional path information, such as geometries, turn-by-turn steps and other metadata. These annotations are generated if they are not requested or returned in the response. Datasets needed to generate these annotations are loaded and available to the OSRM process even when unused. This commit is a first step towards making the loading of these datasets optional. We refactor the code so that route annotations are only generated if explicitly requested and needed in the response. Specifically, we change the following annotations to be lazily generated: - Turn-by-turn steps - Route Overview geometry - Route segment metadata For example. a /route/v1 request with steps=false&overview=false&annotations=false would no longer call the following data facade methods: - GetOSMNodeIDOfNode - GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID - GetNameIndex - GetNameForID - GetRefForID - GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID - GetClassData - IsLeftHandDriving - GetTravelMode - IsSegregated - PreTurnBearing - PostTurnBearing - HasLaneData - GetLaneData - GetEntryClass Requests that include segment metadata and/or overview geometry but not turn-by-turn instructions will also benefit from this, although there is some interdependency with the step instructions - a call to GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID is still required. Requests for OSM annotations will understandably still need to call GetOSMNodeIDOfNode. Making these changes unlocks the optional loading of data contained in the following OSRM files: - osrm.names - osrm.icd - osrm.nbg_nodes (partial) - osrm.ebg_nodes (partial) - osrm.edges
239 lines
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239 lines
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#include "engine/datafacade/datafacade_base.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/leg_geometry.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/route_leg.hpp"
#include "engine/guidance/route_step.hpp"
#include "engine/internal_route_result.hpp"
#include "util/typedefs.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/filtered.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace osrm
namespace engine
namespace guidance
namespace detail
const constexpr std::size_t MAX_USED_SEGMENTS = 2;
struct NamedSegment
EdgeWeight duration;
std::uint32_t position;
std::uint32_t name_id;
template <std::size_t SegmentNumber>
std::array<std::uint32_t, SegmentNumber> summarizeRoute(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade &facade,
const std::vector<PathData> &route_data,
const PhantomNode &target_node,
const bool target_traversed_in_reverse)
// merges segments with same name id
const auto collapse_segments = [](std::vector<NamedSegment> &segments) {
auto out = segments.begin();
auto end = segments.end();
// Do nothing if we were given an empty array
if (out == end)
return end;
for (auto in = std::next(out); in != end; ++in)
if (in->name_id == out->name_id)
out->duration += in->duration;
BOOST_ASSERT(out != end);
*out = *in;
BOOST_ASSERT(out != end);
return ++out;
std::vector<NamedSegment> segments(route_data.size());
std::uint32_t index = 0;
[&index, &facade](const PathData &point) {
return NamedSegment{point.duration_until_turn,
const auto target_duration =
target_traversed_in_reverse ? target_node.reverse_duration : target_node.forward_duration;
const auto target_node_id = target_traversed_in_reverse ?
if (target_duration > 1)
segments.push_back({target_duration, index++, facade.GetNameIndex(target_node_id)});
// this makes sure that the segment with the lowest position comes first
segments.begin(), segments.end(), [](const NamedSegment &lhs, const NamedSegment &rhs) {
return lhs.name_id < rhs.name_id ||
(lhs.name_id == rhs.name_id && lhs.position < rhs.position);
auto new_end = collapse_segments(segments);
segments.resize(new_end - segments.begin());
// Filter out segments with an empty name (name_id == 0)
new_end = std::remove_if(segments.begin(), segments.end(), [](const NamedSegment &segment) {
return segment.name_id == 0;
segments.resize(new_end - segments.begin());
// sort descending
segments.begin(), segments.end(), [](const NamedSegment &lhs, const NamedSegment &rhs) {
return lhs.duration > rhs.duration ||
(lhs.duration == rhs.duration && lhs.position < rhs.position);
// make sure the segments are sorted by position
segments.resize(std::min(segments.size(), SegmentNumber));
segments.begin(), segments.end(), [](const NamedSegment &lhs, const NamedSegment &rhs) {
return lhs.position < rhs.position;
std::array<std::uint32_t, SegmentNumber> summary;
std::fill(summary.begin(), summary.end(), EMPTY_NAMEID);
[](const NamedSegment &segment) { return segment.name_id; });
return summary;
} // namespace detail
inline std::string assembleSummary(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade &facade,
const std::vector<PathData> &route_data,
const PhantomNode &target_node,
const bool target_traversed_in_reverse)
auto summary_array = detail::summarizeRoute<detail::MAX_USED_SEGMENTS>(
facade, route_data, target_node, target_traversed_in_reverse);
BOOST_ASSERT(summary_array.begin() != summary_array.end());
// transform a name_id into a string containing either the name, or -if the name is empty-
// the reference.
const auto name_id_to_string = [&](const NameID name_id) {
const auto name = facade.GetNameForID(name_id);
if (!name.empty())
return name.to_string();
const auto ref = facade.GetRefForID(name_id);
return ref.to_string();
const auto not_empty = [&](const std::string &name) { return !name.empty(); };
const auto summary_names = summary_array | boost::adaptors::transformed(name_id_to_string) |
return boost::algorithm::join(summary_names, ", ");
inline RouteLeg assembleLeg(const datafacade::BaseDataFacade &facade,
const std::vector<PathData> &route_data,
const PhantomNode &source_node,
const PhantomNode &target_node,
const bool target_traversed_in_reverse)
auto distance = 0.;
auto prev_coordinate = source_node.location;
for (const auto &path_point : route_data)
auto coordinate = facade.GetCoordinateOfNode(path_point.turn_via_node);
distance += util::coordinate_calculation::greatCircleDistance(prev_coordinate, coordinate);
prev_coordinate = coordinate;
distance +=
util::coordinate_calculation::greatCircleDistance(prev_coordinate, target_node.location);
const auto target_duration =
(target_traversed_in_reverse ? target_node.reverse_duration : target_node.forward_duration);
const auto target_weight =
(target_traversed_in_reverse ? target_node.reverse_weight : target_node.forward_weight);
auto duration = std::accumulate(
route_data.begin(), route_data.end(), 0, [](const double sum, const PathData &data) {
return sum + data.duration_until_turn;
auto weight = std::accumulate(
route_data.begin(), route_data.end(), 0, [](const double sum, const PathData &data) {
return sum + data.weight_until_turn;
// s
// |
// Given a route a---b---c where there is a right turn at c.
// |
// d
// |--t
// e
// (a, b, c) gets compressed to (a,c)
// (c, d, e) gets compressed to (c,e)
// The duration of the turn (a,c) -> (c,e) will be the duration of (a,c) (e.g. the duration
// of (a,b,c)).
// The phantom node of s will contain:
// `forward_duration`: duration of (a,s)
// `forward_offset`: 0 (its the first segment)
// The phantom node of t will contain:
// `forward_duration`: duration of (d,t)
// `forward_offset`: duration of (c, d)
// path_data will have entries for (s,b), (b, c), (c, d) but (d, t) is only
// caputed by the phantom node. So we need to add the target duration here.
// On local segments, the target duration is already part of the duration, however.
duration = duration + target_duration;
weight = weight + target_weight;
if (route_data.empty())
weight -=
(target_traversed_in_reverse ? source_node.reverse_weight : source_node.forward_weight);
duration -= (target_traversed_in_reverse ? source_node.reverse_duration
: source_node.forward_duration);
// use rectified linear unit function to avoid negative duration values
// due to flooring errors in phantom snapping
duration = std::max(0, duration);
return RouteLeg{std::round(distance * 10.) / 10.,
duration / 10.,
weight / facade.GetWeightMultiplier(),
} // namespace guidance
} // namespace engine
} // namespace osrm