Matthew Wigginton Bhagat-Conway 7ebd21f39e
pass flags into process_segment (#6658)
* pass flags into process_segment


Co-authored-by: Michael Bell <michael@mjjbell.com>
2024-04-06 09:27:42 +01:00

181 lines
6.1 KiB

Feature: osrm-extract lua ways:get_nodes()
Scenario: osrm-extract - Passing base file
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_way = function(profile, way, result)
for _, node in ipairs(way:get_nodes()) do
print('node id ' .. node:id())
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 1
return functions
And the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file}"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "node id 1"
And stdout should contain "node id 2"
Scenario: osrm-extract location-dependent data without add-locations-to-ways preprocessing and node locations cache
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_way = function(profile, way, result, relations)
return functions
And the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I try to run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file} --location-dependent-data test/data/regions/null-island.geojson --disable-location-cache"
Then it should exit with an error
And stderr should contain "invalid location"
Scenario: osrm-extract location-dependent data
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_way = function(profile, way, result, relations)
for _, key in ipairs({'answer', 'boolean', 'object', 'array'}) do
print (key .. ' ' .. tostring(way:get_location_tag(key)))
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 1
return functions
And the node map
a b
And the ways with locations
| nodes |
| ab |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file} --location-dependent-data test/data/regions/null-island.geojson --disable-location-cache"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "answer 42"
And stdout should contain "boolean true"
And stdout should contain "array nil"
And stdout should contain "object nil"
Scenario: osrm-extract location-dependent data with multi-polygons
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_way = function(profile, way, result, relations)
print('ISO3166-1 ' .. (way:get_location_tag('ISO3166-1') or 'none'))
print('answer ' .. (way:get_location_tag('answer') or 'none'))
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 1
return functions
And the node locations
| node | lat | lon | id |
| a | 22.4903670 | 113.9455227 | 1 |
| b | 22.4901701 | 113.9455899 | 2 |
| c | 22.4901852 | 113.9458608 | 3 |
| d | 22.4904033 | 113.9456999 | 4 |
| e | 1.1 | 1 | 5 |
| f | 1.2 | 1 | 6 |
And the ways with locations
| nodes | # |
| ab | Hong Kong |
| cd | China Mainland |
| ef | Null Island |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file} --location-dependent-data test/data/regions/null-island.geojson --location-dependent-data test/data/regions/hong-kong.geojson --disable-location-cache"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should not contain "1 GeoJSON polygon"
And stdout should contain "2 GeoJSON polygons"
And stdout should contain "ISO3166-1 HK"
And stdout should contain "ISO3166-1 none"
And stdout should contain "answer 42"
Scenario: osrm-extract location-dependent data via locations cache
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_node = function(profile, node, result, relations)
print ('node ' .. tostring(node:get_location_tag('answer')))
functions.process_way = function(profile, way, result, relations)
print ('way ' .. tostring(way:get_location_tag('answer')))
result.forward_mode = mode.driving
result.forward_speed = 1
return functions
And the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file} --location-dependent-data test/data/regions/null-island.geojson"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "node 42"
And stdout should contain "way 42"
Scenario: osrm-extract flags accessible in process_segment function
Given the profile file
functions = require('testbot')
functions.process_segment = function (profile, segment)
print('segment forward ' .. tostring(segment.flags.forward) .. ' backward ' .. tostring(segment.flags.backward))
return functions
And the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | yes |
And the data has been saved to disk
When I run "osrm-extract --profile {profile_file} {osm_file}"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should contain "segment forward true backward false"