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99 lines
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@routing @guidance
Feature: Exit Numbers and Names
Given the profile "car"
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Scenario: Exit number on the way after the motorway junction
Given the node map
a . . b . c . . d
` e . . f
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | motorway_junction |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name | junction:ref |
| abcd | motorway | MainRoad | |
| be | motorway_link | ExitRamp | 3 |
| ef | motorway_link | ExitRamp | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns | exits |
| a,f | MainRoad,ExitRamp,ExitRamp | depart,off ramp slight right,arrive | ,3, |
Scenario: Exit number on the way, motorway junction node tag missing, multiple numbers
Given the node map
a . . b . c . . d
` e . . f
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name | junction:ref |
| abcd | motorway | MainRoad | |
| be | motorway_link | ExitRamp | 10;12 |
| ef | motorway_link | ExitRamp | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns | exits |
| a,f | MainRoad,ExitRamp,ExitRamp | depart,off ramp slight right,arrive | ,10;12, |
Scenario: Exit number on the ways after the motorway junction, multiple exits
Given the node map
a . . b . c . . d
` e . . f
` g . . h
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | motorway_junction |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name | junction:ref |
| abcd | motorway | MainRoad | |
| be | motorway_link | ExitRamp | 3 |
| ef | motorway_link | ExitRamp | |
| bg | motorway_link | ExitRamp | 3 |
| gh | motorway_link | ExitRamp | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns | exits |
| a,f | MainRoad,ExitRamp,ExitRamp | depart,off ramp slight right,arrive | ,3, |
| a,h | MainRoad,ExitRamp,ExitRamp | depart,off ramp right,arrive | ,3, |
# http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/417524818#map=17/37.38663/-121.97972
Scenario: Exit 393 on Bayshore Freeway
Given the node map
` b
` c
. ` d
f ` e
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| c | motorway_junction |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name | junction:ref | oneway | destination |
| abcde | motorway | Bayshore Freeway | | yes | |
| cf | motorway_link | | 393 | yes | Great America Parkway;Bowers Avenue |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns | exits | destinations |
| a,e | Bayshore Freeway,Bayshore Freeway | depart,arrive | , | , |
| a,f | Bayshore Freeway,, | depart,off ramp slight right,arrive | ,393,393 | ,Great America Parkway, Bowers Avenue,Great America Parkway, Bowers Avenue |