Salim KAYABASI 717406043a Remove unused Node binary publishing, and upgrade build environment.
Upgrades the build environment to Node 10, which let's us pull down some security fixes in package dependencies that were unfixed in Node 4.

Also removes Node 4 and 6 binary publishing which were almost never used (20 downloads out of 50,000).

Fixes https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/issues/5312
2018-12-14 21:34:48 -07:00

189 lines
8.9 KiB

var util = require('util');
var d3 = require('d3-queue');
var classes = require('../support/data_classes');
module.exports = function () {
this.Then(/^routability should be$/, (table, callback) => {
this.buildWaysFromTable(table, () => {
var directions = ['forw','backw','bothw'],
testedHeaders = ['forw','backw','bothw','forw_rate','backw_rate','bothw_rate'],
headers = new Set(Object.keys(table.hashes()[0]));
if (!testedHeaders.some(k => !!headers.has(k))) {
throw new Error('*** routability table must contain either "forw", "backw", "bothw", "forw_rate" or "backw_mode" column');
this.reprocessAndLoadData((e) => {
if (e) return callback(e);
var testRow = (row, i, cb) => {
var outputRow = Object.assign({}, row);
// clear the fields that are tested for in the copied response object
for (var field in outputRow) {
if (testedHeaders.indexOf(field) != -1)
outputRow[field] = '';
testRoutabilityRow(i, (err, result) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
directions.filter(d => headers.has(d + '_rate')).forEach((direction) => {
var rate = direction + '_rate';
var want = row[rate];
switch (true) {
case '' === want:
outputRow[rate] = result[direction].status ?
result[direction].status.toString() : '';
case /^\d+(\.\d+){0,1}$/.test(want):
if (result[direction].rate !== undefined && !isNaN(result[direction].rate)) {
outputRow[rate] = result[direction].rate.toString();
} else {
outputRow[rate] = '';
throw new Error(util.format('*** Unknown expectation format: %s for header %s', want, rate));
directions.filter(d => headers.has(d)).forEach((direction) => {
var usingShortcut = false,
want = row[direction];
// shortcuts are when a test has mapped a value like `foot` to
// a value like `5 km/h`, to represent the speed that one
// can travel by foot. we check for these and use the mapped to
// value for later comparison.
if (this.shortcutsHash[row[direction]]) {
want = this.shortcutsHash[row[direction]];
usingShortcut = row[direction];
// TODO split out accessible/not accessible value from forw/backw headers
// rename forw/backw to forw/backw_speed
switch (true) {
case '' === want:
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].status ?
result[direction].mode : '';
case 'x' === want:
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].status ?
'x' : '';
case /^[\d.]+ s/.test(want):
// the result here can come back as a non-number value like
// `diff`, but we only want to apply the unit when it comes
// back as a number, for tableDiff's literal comparison
if (result[direction].time) {
outputRow[direction] = !isNaN(result[direction].time) ?
result[direction].time.toString()+' s' :
result[direction].time.toString() || '';
} else {
outputRow[direction] = '';
case /^\d+ km\/h/.test(want):
if (result[direction].speed) {
outputRow[direction] = !isNaN(result[direction].speed) ?
result[direction].speed.toString()+' km/h' :
result[direction].speed.toString() || '';
} else {
outputRow[direction] = '';
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].mode || '';
if (this.FuzzyMatch.match(outputRow[direction], want)) {
outputRow[direction] = usingShortcut ? usingShortcut : row[direction];
cb(null, outputRow);
this.processRowsAndDiff(table, testRow, callback);
// makes simple a-b request using the given cucumber test routability conditions
// result is an object containing the calculated values for 'rate', 'status',
// 'time', 'distance', 'speed' and 'mode', for forwards and backwards routing, as well as
// a bothw object that diffs forwards/backwards
var testRoutabilityRow = (i, cb) => {
var result = {};
var testDirection = (dir, callback) => {
var a = new classes.Location(this.origin[0] + (1+this.WAY_SPACING*i) * this.zoom, this.origin[1]),
b = new classes.Location(this.origin[0] + (3+this.WAY_SPACING*i) * this.zoom, this.origin[1]),
r = {};
r.which = dir;
this.requestRoute((dir === 'forw' ? [a, b] : [b, a]), [], [], this.queryParams, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
r.query = this.query;
r.json = JSON.parse(body);
r.code = r.json.code;
r.status = res.statusCode === 200 ? 'x' : null;
if (r.status) {
r.route = this.wayList(r.json.routes[0]);
r.summary = r.json.routes[0].legs.map(l => l.summary).join(',');
if (r.route.split(',')[0] === util.format('w%d', i)) {
r.time = r.json.routes[0].duration;
r.distance = r.json.routes[0].distance;
r.rate = Math.round(r.distance / r.json.routes[0].weight * 10) / 10.;
r.speed = r.time > 0 ? parseInt(3.6 * r.distance / r.time) : null;
// use the mode of the first step of the route
// for routability table test, we can assume the mode is the same throughout the route,
// since the route is just a single way
if( r.json.routes[0].legs[0] && r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0] ) {
r.mode = r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].mode;
} else {
r.status = null;
callback(null, r);
.defer(testDirection, 'forw')
.defer(testDirection, 'backw')
.awaitAll((err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
// check if forw and backw returned the same values
res.forEach((dirRes) => {
var which = dirRes.which;
delete dirRes.which;
result[which] = dirRes;
result.bothw = {};
var sq = d3.queue();
var parseRes = (key, scb) => {
if (result.forw[key] === result.backw[key]) {
result.bothw[key] = result.forw[key];
} else {
result.bothw[key] = 'diff';
['rate', 'status', 'time', 'distance', 'speed' ,'mode'].forEach((key) => {
sq.defer(parseRes, key);
sq.awaitAll((err) => { cb(err, result); });