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open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#ifndef EDGE_H
#define EDGE_H
#include <cassert>
class NodeBasedEdge {
bool operator< (const NodeBasedEdge& e) const {
if (source() == e.source()) {
if (target() == e.target()) {
if (weight() == e.weight()) {
return (isForward() && isBackward() &&
((! e.isForward()) || (! e.isBackward())));
return (weight() < e.weight());
return (target() < e.target());
return (source() < e.source());
/** Default constructor. target and weight are set to 0.*/
NodeBasedEdge() :
_source(0), _target(0), _name(0), _weight(0), forward(0), backward(0), _type(0), _roundabout(false), _ignoreInGrid(false), _accessRestricted(false) { assert(false); } //shall not be used.
explicit NodeBasedEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, NodeID n, EdgeWeight w, bool f, bool b, short ty, bool ra, bool ig, bool ar) :
_source(s), _target(t), _name(n), _weight(w), forward(f), backward(b), _type(ty), _roundabout(ra), _ignoreInGrid(ig), _accessRestricted(ar) { if(ty < 0) {ERR("Type: " << ty);}; }
NodeID target() const {return _target; }
NodeID source() const {return _source; }
NodeID name() const { return _name; }
EdgeWeight weight() const {return _weight; }
short type() const { assert(_type >= 0); return _type; }
bool isBackward() const { return backward; }
bool isForward() const { return forward; }
bool isLocatable() const { return _type != 14; }
bool isRoundabout() const { return _roundabout; }
bool ignoreInGrid() const { return _ignoreInGrid; }
bool isAccessRestricted() const { return _accessRestricted; }
NodeID _source;
NodeID _target;
NodeID _name;
EdgeWeight _weight;
bool forward;
bool backward;
short _type;
bool _roundabout;
bool _ignoreInGrid;
bool _accessRestricted;
class EdgeBasedEdge {
bool operator< (const EdgeBasedEdge& e) const {
if (source() == e.source()) {
if (target() == e.target()) {
if (weight() == e.weight()) {
return (isForward() && isBackward() &&
((! e.isForward()) || (! e.isBackward())));
return (weight() < e.weight());
return (target() < e.target());
return (source() < e.source());
template<class EdgeT>
EdgeBasedEdge(const EdgeT & myEdge ) :
// _nameID1(myEdge.data.nameID),
// _turnInstruction(myEdge.data.turnInstruction)
{ }
/** Default constructor. target and weight are set to 0.*/
EdgeBasedEdge() :
_source(0), _target(0), _edgeID(0), _weight(0), _forward(false), _backward(false) { }
explicit EdgeBasedEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, NodeID v, EdgeWeight w, bool f, bool b) :
_source(s), _target(t), _edgeID(v), _weight(w), _forward(f), _backward(b){}
NodeID target() const {return _target; }
NodeID source() const {return _source; }
EdgeWeight weight() const {return _weight; }
NodeID id() const { return _edgeID; }
bool isBackward() const { return _backward; }
bool isForward() const { return _forward; }
NodeID _source;
NodeID _target;
NodeID _edgeID;
EdgeWeight _weight:30;
bool _forward:1;
bool _backward:1;
struct MinimalEdgeData {
EdgeWeight distance;
bool forward;
bool backward;
typedef NodeBasedEdge ImportEdge;
#endif // EDGE_H