604 lines
21 KiB
604 lines
21 KiB
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#ifndef NNGRID_H_
#define NNGRID_H_
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <stxxl.h>
#include <google/dense_hash_map>
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "GridEdge.h"
#include "Percent.h"
#include "PhantomNodes.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "StaticGraph.h"
namespace NNGrid{
static unsigned getFileIndexForLatLon(const int lt, const int ln)
double lat = lt/100000.;
double lon = ln/100000.;
double x = ( lon + 180.0 ) / 360.0;
double y = ( lat + 90.0 ) / 180.0;
assert( x<=1.0 && x >= 0);
assert( y<=1.0 && y >= 0);
unsigned line = 1073741824.0*y;
line = line - (line % 32768);
assert(line % 32768 == 0);
unsigned column = 32768.*x;
unsigned fileIndex = line+column;
return fileIndex;
static unsigned getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(const int fileIndex)
unsigned fileLine = fileIndex / 32768;
fileLine = fileLine / 32;
fileLine = fileLine * 1024;
unsigned fileColumn = (fileIndex % 32768);
fileColumn = fileColumn / 32;
unsigned ramIndex = fileLine + fileColumn;
assert(ramIndex < 1024*1024);
return ramIndex;
static inline int signum(int x){
return (x > 0) ? 1 : (x < 0) ? -1 : 0;
static void bresenham(int xstart,int ystart,int xend,int yend, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > &indexList)
int x, y, t, dx, dy, incx, incy, pdx, pdy, ddx, ddy, es, el, err;
dx = xend - xstart;
dy = yend - ystart;
incx = signum(dx);
incy = signum(dy);
if(dx<0) dx = -dx;
if(dy<0) dy = -dy;
if (dx>dy)
pdx=incx; pdy=0;
ddx=incx; ddy=incy;
es =dy; el =dx;
} else
pdx=0; pdy=incy;
ddx=incx; ddy=incy;
es =dx; el =dy;
x = xstart;
y = ystart;
err = el/2;
int fileIndex = (y-1)*32768 + x;
int ramIndex = getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(fileIndex);
indexList.push_back(std::make_pair(fileIndex, ramIndex));
for(t=0; t<el; ++t)
err -= es;
err += el;
x += ddx;
y += ddy;
} else
x += pdx;
y += pdy;
int fileIndex = (y-1)*32768 + x;
int ramIndex = getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(fileIndex);
indexList.push_back(std::make_pair(fileIndex, ramIndex));
static void getListOfIndexesForEdgeAndGridSize(_Coordinate& start, _Coordinate& target, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > &indexList)
double lat1 = start.lat/100000.;
double lon1 = start.lon/100000.;
double x1 = ( lon1 + 180.0 ) / 360.0;
double y1 = ( lat1 + 90.0 ) / 180.0;
double lat2 = target.lat/100000.;
double lon2 = target.lon/100000.;
double x2 = ( lon2 + 180.0 ) / 360.0;
double y2 = ( lat2 + 90.0 ) / 180.0;
bresenham(x1*32768, y1*32768, x2*32768, y2*32768, indexList);
template<bool WriteAccess = false>
class NNGrid {
NNGrid() { ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), UINT_MAX); if( WriteAccess) { entries = new stxxl::vector<GridEdgeData>(); }}
NNGrid(const char* rif, const char* iif) {
ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), UINT_MAX);
indexInFile.open(iif, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
ramInFile.open(rif, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
~NNGrid() {
if(ramInFile.is_open()) ramInFile.close();
if(indexInFile.is_open()) indexInFile.close();
if (WriteAccess)
delete entries;
void OpenIndexFiles()
for(int i = 0; i < 1024*1024; i++)
unsigned temp;
ramInFile.read((char*)&temp, sizeof(unsigned));
ramIndexTable[i] = temp;
void AddEdge(_Edge edge, _Coordinate start, _Coordinate target)
edge.startCoord = start;
edge.targetCoord = target;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > indexList;
getListOfIndexesForEdgeAndGridSize(start, target, indexList);
for(int i = 0; i < indexList.size(); i++)
entries->push_back(GridEdgeData(edge, indexList[i].first, indexList[i].second));
void ConstructGrid(char * ramIndexOut, char * fileIndexOut)
double timestamp = get_timestamp();
//create index file on disk, old one is over written
indexOutFile.open(fileIndexOut, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
cout << "sorting grid data consisting of " << entries->size() << " edges..." << flush;
//sort entries
stxxl::sort(entries->begin(), entries->end(), CompareGridEdgeDataByRamIndex(), 1024*1024*1024);
cout << "ok in " << (get_timestamp() - timestamp) << "s" << endl;
std::vector<GridEdgeData> entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex;
unsigned indexInRamTable = entries->begin()->ramIndex;
unsigned lastPositionInIndexFile = 0;
unsigned numberOfUsedCells = 0;
unsigned maxNumberOfRAMCellElements = 0;
cout << "writing data ..." << flush;
Percent p(entries->size());
for(stxxl::vector<GridEdgeData>::iterator vt = entries->begin(); vt != entries->end(); vt++)
if(vt->ramIndex != indexInRamTable)
unsigned numberOfBytesInCell = FillCell(entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex, lastPositionInIndexFile);
if(entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex.size() > maxNumberOfRAMCellElements)
maxNumberOfRAMCellElements = entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex.size();
ramIndexTable[indexInRamTable] = lastPositionInIndexFile;
lastPositionInIndexFile += numberOfBytesInCell;
indexInRamTable = vt->ramIndex;
unsigned numberOfBytesInCell = FillCell(entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex, lastPositionInIndexFile);
ramIndexTable[indexInRamTable] = lastPositionInIndexFile;
assert(entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex.size() == 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 1024*1024; i++)
if(ramIndexTable[i] != UINT_MAX){
assert(numberOfUsedCells == 0);
//close index file
//Serialize RAM Index
ofstream ramFile(ramIndexOut, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
//write 4 MB of index Table in RAM
for(int i = 0; i < 1024*1024; i++)
ramFile.write((char *)&ramIndexTable[i], sizeof(unsigned) );
//close ram index file
bool FindRoutingStarts(const _Coordinate startCoord, const _Coordinate targetCoord, PhantomNodes * routingStarts) {
unsigned fileIndex = getFileIndexForLatLon(startCoord.lat, startCoord.lon);
std::vector<_Edge> candidates;
double timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(int j = -32768; j < (32768+1); j+=32768){
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++){
GetContentsOfFileBucket(fileIndex+i+j, candidates);
_Coordinate tmp;
double dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(std::vector<_Edge>::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); it++)
double r = 0.;
double tmpDist = ComputeDistance(startCoord, it->startCoord, it->targetCoord, tmp, &r);
if(tmpDist < dist)
routingStarts->startNode1 = it->start;
routingStarts->startNode2 = it->target;
routingStarts->startRatio = r;
dist = tmpDist;
routingStarts->startCoord.lat = tmp.lat;
routingStarts->startCoord.lon = tmp.lon;
fileIndex = getFileIndexForLatLon(targetCoord.lat, targetCoord.lon);
timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(int j = -32768; j < (32768+1); j+=32768){
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++){
GetContentsOfFileBucket(fileIndex+i+j, candidates);
dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(std::vector<_Edge>::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); it++)
double r = 0.;
double tmpDist = ComputeDistance(targetCoord, it->startCoord, it->targetCoord, tmp, &r);
if(tmpDist < dist)
routingStarts->targetNode1 = it->start;
routingStarts->targetNode2 = it->target;
routingStarts->targetRatio = r;
dist = tmpDist;
routingStarts->targetCoord.lat = tmp.lat;
routingStarts->targetCoord.lon = tmp.lon;
return true;
_Coordinate FindNearestPointOnEdge(const _Coordinate& inputCoordinate)
unsigned fileIndex = getFileIndexForLatLon(inputCoordinate.lat, inputCoordinate.lon);
std::vector<_Edge> candidates;
double timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(int j = -32768; j < (32768+1); j+=32768){
for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++){
GetContentsOfFileBucket(fileIndex+i+j, candidates);
_Coordinate nearest, tmp;
double dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
timestamp = get_timestamp();
for(std::vector<_Edge>::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); it++)
double r = 0.;
double tmpDist = ComputeDistance(inputCoordinate, it->startCoord, it->targetCoord, tmp, &r);
if(tmpDist < dist)
dist = tmpDist;
nearest = tmp;
return nearest;
unsigned FillCell(std::vector<GridEdgeData>& entriesWithSameRAMIndex, unsigned fileOffset )
vector<char> * tmpBuffer = new vector<char>();
unsigned indexIntoTmpBuffer = 0;
unsigned numberOfWrittenBytes = 0;
vector<unsigned> cellIndex;
google::dense_hash_map< unsigned, unsigned > * cellMap = new google::dense_hash_map< unsigned, unsigned >(1024);
unsigned ramIndex = entriesWithSameRAMIndex.begin()->ramIndex;
unsigned lineBase = ramIndex/1024;
lineBase = lineBase*32*32768;
unsigned columnBase = ramIndex%1024;
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
unsigned fileIndex = lineBase + i*32768 + columnBase+j;
unsigned cellIndex = i*32+j;
cellMap->insert(std::make_pair(fileIndex, cellIndex));
for(int i = 0; i < entriesWithSameRAMIndex.size() -1; i++)
assert(entriesWithSameRAMIndex[i].ramIndex== entriesWithSameRAMIndex[i+1].ramIndex);
//sort & unique
std::sort(entriesWithSameRAMIndex.begin(), entriesWithSameRAMIndex.end(), CompareGridEdgeDataByFileIndex());
std::vector<GridEdgeData>::iterator uniqueEnd = std::unique(entriesWithSameRAMIndex.begin(), entriesWithSameRAMIndex.end());
//traverse each file bucket and write its contents to disk
std::vector<GridEdgeData> entriesWithSameFileIndex;
unsigned fileIndex = entriesWithSameRAMIndex.begin()->fileIndex;
for(std::vector<GridEdgeData>::iterator it = entriesWithSameRAMIndex.begin(); it != uniqueEnd; it++)
assert(cellMap->find(it->fileIndex) != cellMap->end() ); //asserting that file index belongs to cell index
if(it->fileIndex != fileIndex)
// start in cellIndex vermerken
int localFileIndex = entriesWithSameFileIndex.begin()->fileIndex;
int localCellIndex = cellMap->find(localFileIndex)->second;
int localRamIndex = getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(localFileIndex);
assert(cellMap->find(entriesWithSameFileIndex.begin()->fileIndex) != cellMap->end());
cellIndex[localCellIndex] = indexIntoTmpBuffer + fileOffset;
indexIntoTmpBuffer += FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer(entriesWithSameFileIndex, tmpBuffer, indexIntoTmpBuffer);
entriesWithSameFileIndex.clear(); //todo: in flushEntries erledigen.
GridEdgeData data = *it;
fileIndex = it->fileIndex;
assert(cellMap->find(entriesWithSameFileIndex.begin()->fileIndex) != cellMap->end());
int localFileIndex = entriesWithSameFileIndex.begin()->fileIndex;
int localCellIndex = cellMap->find(localFileIndex)->second;
int localRamIndex = getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(localFileIndex);
cellIndex[localCellIndex] = indexIntoTmpBuffer + fileOffset;
indexIntoTmpBuffer += FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer(entriesWithSameFileIndex, tmpBuffer, indexIntoTmpBuffer);
entriesWithSameFileIndex.clear(); //todo: in flushEntries erledigen.
assert(entriesWithSameFileIndex.size() == 0);
for(int i = 0; i < 32*32; i++)
indexOutFile.write((char *)&cellIndex[i], sizeof(unsigned));
numberOfWrittenBytes += sizeof(unsigned);
//write contents of tmpbuffer to disk
for(int i = 0; i < indexIntoTmpBuffer; i++)
indexOutFile.write(&(tmpBuffer->at(i)), sizeof(char));
numberOfWrittenBytes += sizeof(char);
delete tmpBuffer;
delete cellMap;
return numberOfWrittenBytes;
unsigned FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer(const std::vector<GridEdgeData> &vectorWithSameFileIndex, vector<char> * tmpBuffer, const unsigned index)
tmpBuffer->resize(tmpBuffer->size()+(sizeof(NodeID)+sizeof(NodeID)+4*sizeof(int)+sizeof(unsigned))*vectorWithSameFileIndex.size() );
unsigned counter = 0;
unsigned max = UINT_MAX;
for(int i = 0; i < vectorWithSameFileIndex.size()-1; i++)
assert( vectorWithSameFileIndex[i].fileIndex == vectorWithSameFileIndex[i+1].fileIndex );
assert( vectorWithSameFileIndex[i].ramIndex == vectorWithSameFileIndex[i+1].ramIndex );
for(std::vector<GridEdgeData>::const_iterator et = vectorWithSameFileIndex.begin(); et != vectorWithSameFileIndex.end(); et++)
char * start = (char *)&et->edge.start;
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(NodeID); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = start[i];
char * target = (char *)&et->edge.target;
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(NodeID); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = target[i];
char * slat = (char *) &(et->edge.startCoord.lat);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = slat[i];
char * slon = (char *) &(et->edge.startCoord.lon);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = slon[i];
char * tlat = (char *) &(et->edge.targetCoord.lat);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = tlat[i];
char * tlon = (char *) &(et->edge.targetCoord.lon);
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(int); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = tlon[i];
char * umax = (char *) &max;
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned); i++)
tmpBuffer->at(index+counter) = umax[i];
return counter;
void GetContentsOfFileBucket(const unsigned fileIndex, std::vector<_Edge>& result)
unsigned ramIndex = getRAMIndexFromFileIndex(fileIndex);
unsigned startIndexInFile = ramIndexTable[ramIndex];
if(startIndexInFile == UINT_MAX){
std::vector<unsigned> cellIndex;
google::dense_hash_map< unsigned, unsigned > * cellMap = new google::dense_hash_map< unsigned, unsigned >(1024);
unsigned lineBase = ramIndex/1024;
lineBase = lineBase*32*32768;
unsigned columnBase = ramIndex%1024;
for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 32; j++)
unsigned fileIndex = lineBase + i*32768 + columnBase+j;
unsigned cellIndex = i*32+j;
cellMap->insert(std::make_pair(fileIndex, cellIndex));
unsigned numOfElementsInCell = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 32*32; i++)
indexInFile.read((char *)&cellIndex[i], sizeof(unsigned));
numOfElementsInCell += cellIndex[i];
assert(cellMap->find(fileIndex) != cellMap->end());
if(cellIndex[cellMap->find(fileIndex)->second] == UINT_MAX)
delete cellMap;
unsigned position = cellIndex[cellMap->find(fileIndex)->second] + 32*32*sizeof(unsigned) ;
unsigned numberOfEdgesInFileBucket = 0;
NodeID start, target; int slat, slon, tlat, tlon;
indexInFile.read((char *)&(start), sizeof(NodeID));
if(start == UINT_MAX || indexInFile.eof())
indexInFile.read((char *)&(target), sizeof(NodeID));
indexInFile.read((char *)&(slat), sizeof(int));
indexInFile.read((char *)&(slon), sizeof(int));
indexInFile.read((char *)&(tlat), sizeof(int));
indexInFile.read((char *)&(tlon), sizeof(int));
_Edge e(start, target);
e.startCoord.lat = slat;
e.startCoord.lon = slon;
e.targetCoord.lat = tlat;
e.targetCoord.lon = tlon;
} while(true);
delete cellMap;
/* More or less from monav project, thanks */
double ComputeDistance(const _Coordinate& inputPoint, const _Coordinate& source, const _Coordinate& target, _Coordinate& nearest, double *r)
const double vY = (double)target.lon - (double)source.lon;
const double vX = (double)target.lat - (double)source.lat;
const double wY = (double)inputPoint.lon - (double)source.lon;
const double wX = (double)inputPoint.lat - (double)source.lat;
const double lengthSquared = vX * vX + vY * vY;
if(lengthSquared != 0)
*r = (vX * wX + vY * wY) / lengthSquared;
double percentage = *r;
if(*r <=0 ){
nearest.lat = source.lat;
nearest.lon = source.lon;
percentage = 0;
return wY * wY + wX * wX;
if( *r>= 1){
nearest.lat = target.lat;
nearest.lon = target.lon;
percentage = 1;
const double dY = (double)inputPoint.lon - (double)target.lon;
const double dX = (double)inputPoint.lat - (double)target.lat;
return dY * dY + dX * dX;
nearest.lat = (double)source.lat + ( (*r) * vX );
nearest.lon = (double)source.lon + ( (*r) * vY );
const double dX = (double)source.lat + (*r) * vX - (double)inputPoint.lat;
const double dY = (double)source.lon + (*r) * vY - (double)inputPoint.lon;
return dY*dY + dX*dX;
ofstream indexOutFile;
ifstream indexInFile;
ifstream ramInFile;
stxxl::vector<GridEdgeData> * entries;
std::vector<unsigned> ramIndexTable; //4 MB for first level index in RAM
#endif /* NNGRID_H_ */