Changes the processing order in the edge based graph factory. Instead of iterating over all outgoing edges in order, we compute the edge expanded graph in the order of intersections. This allows to remember intersection shapes and re-use them for all possible ingoing edges. Also: use low accuracry mode for intersections degree 2 intersections We can use lower accuracy here, since the `bearing` after the turn is not as relevant for off-route detection. Getting lost is near impossible here.
1378 lines
45 KiB
1378 lines
45 KiB
@routing @guidance
Feature: Simple Turns
Given the profile "car"
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Scenario: Four Way Intersection
Given the node map
a b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
| eb | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | ab,eb,eb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,eb,eb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | eb,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| e,c | eb,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | eb,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Rotated Four Way Intersection
Given the node map
a c
d e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
| eb | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | ab,eb,eb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,eb,eb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | eb,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| e,c | eb,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | eb,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Through Street
Given the node map
a b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abe | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abe,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abe,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cb,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cb,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| c,e | cb,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | db,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,e | db,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| e,c | abe,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | abe,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Double Through Street
Given the node map
a b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abe | primary |
| cbd | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,e | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,a | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| c,d | cbd,cbd | depart,arrive |
| c,e | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,a | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | cbd,cbd | depart,arrive |
| d,e | cbd,abe,abe | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,a | abe,abe | depart,arrive |
| e,c | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| e,d | abe,cbd,cbd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Intersection
Given the node map
a b d
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| cb | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,cb,cb | depart,turn left,arrive |
| a,d | ab,db,db | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| d,c | db,cb,cb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| d,a | db,ab,ab | depart,new name straight,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Intersection - Meeting Oneways
Given the node map
a b d
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| ab | primary | yes |
| bc | primary | yes |
| db | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,bc,bc | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,c | db,bc,bc | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Intersection on Through Street
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| db | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| a,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn left,arrive |
| c,a | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| c,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: High Degree Intersection
Given the node map
i b c
h a d
g f e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| ac | primary |
| ad | primary |
| ae | primary |
| af | primary |
| ag | primary |
| ah | primary |
| ai | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| b,c | ab,ac,ac | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| b,d | ab,ad,ad | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,e | ab,ae,ae | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
| b,f | ab,af,af | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| b,g | ab,ag,ag | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| b,h | ab,ah,ah | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,i | ab,ai,ai | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Disturbed High Degree Intersection
Given the node map
i c
h a d
g e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| ac | primary |
| ad | primary |
| ae | primary |
| af | primary |
| ag | primary |
| ah | primary |
| ai | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| b,c | ab,ac,ac | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| b,d | ab,ad,ad | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,e | ab,ae,ae | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
| b,f | ab,af,af | depart,new name straight,arrive |
| b,g | ab,ag,ag | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| b,h | ab,ah,ah | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,i | ab,ai,ai | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Turn instructions at high latitude
Given the node locations
| node | lat | lon |
| a | 55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| b | 55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| c | 55.68711 | 12.52383 |
| d | 55.68745 | 12.52450 |
| e | 55.68755 | 12.52450 |
| x | -55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| y | -55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| z | -55.68711 | 12.52383 |
| v | -55.68745 | 12.52450 |
| w | -55.68755 | 12.52450 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| bd |
| be |
| xy |
| yz |
| vy |
| wy |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | turns |
| a | c | ab,bc,bc | depart,turn left,arrive |
| c | a | bc,ab,ab | depart,turn right,arrive |
| x | z | xy,yz,yz | depart,turn right,arrive |
| z | x | yz,xy,xy | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Four Way Intersection Double Through Street Segregated
Given the node map
q p
b c
j i d o
k h e n
g f
l m
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway | name |
| khaij | primary | yes | first |
| odaen | primary | yes | first |
| qbacp | primary | yes | second |
| mfagl | primary | yes | second |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| f,e | second,first,first | depart,turn right,arrive |
| f,c | second,second | depart,arrive |
| f,i | second,first,first | depart,turn left,arrive |
| f,g | second,second,second | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| d,c | first,second,second | depart,turn right,arrive |
| d,i | first,first | depart,arrive |
| d,g | first,second,second | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,e | first,first,first | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| b,i | second,first,first | depart,turn right,arrive |
| b,g | second,second | depart,arrive |
| b,e | second,first,first | depart,turn left,arrive |
| b,c | second,second,second | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
| h,g | first,second,second | depart,turn right,arrive |
| h,e | first,first | depart,arrive |
| h,c | first,second,second | depart,turn left,arrive |
| h,i | first,first,first | depart,continue uturn,arrive |
Scenario: Three Way Similar Sharp Turns
Given the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| ab | primary |
| bc | primary |
| bd | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | ab,bc,bc | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,d | ab,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| d,c | bd,bc,bc | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
| d,a | bd,ab,ab | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (1)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (2)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (3)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (4)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (5)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (6)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Left Turn Assignment (7)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp left,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (1)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (2)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (3)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (4)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (5)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (6)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment (7)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns
Given the node map
a b c
d e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (2)
Given the node map
f c
a b
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (3)
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Two Turns (4)
Given the node map
a b c
d e
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Turns
Given the node map
a b c
d f
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
| bg | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways
Given the node map
b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| dbe | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
| e,d | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways
Given the node map
b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| dbe | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
| e,d | dbe,dbe | depart,arrive |
Scenario: Slight Turn involving Oneways - Name Change
Given the node map
b e
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| db | primary | no |
| be | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | abc,abc | depart,arrive |
| d,e | db,be,be | depart,new name slight right,arrive |
| e,d | be,db,db | depart,new name slight left,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 1
Given the node map
a b c
d e f
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | no |
| db | primary | yes |
| eb | primary | no |
| fb | primary | no |
| bg | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,e | abc,eb,eb | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,fb,fb | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 2
Given the node map
a b c
d e f
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | yes |
| bd | primary | yes |
| eb | primary | yes |
| bf | primary | yes |
| bg | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Right Turn Assignment Three Conflicting Turns with invalid - 3
Given the node map
a b c
d e f
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway |
| abc | primary | no |
| db | primary | no |
| be | primary | no |
| fb | primary | yes |
| bg | primary | no |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,db,db | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
Scenario: Conflicting Turns with well distinguished turn
Given the node map
a b c
f d
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
Scenario: Conflicting Turns with well distinguished turn (back)
Given the node map
a b c
d f
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abc | primary |
| bd | primary |
| be | primary |
| bf | primary |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | abc,bd,bd | depart,turn sharp right,arrive |
| a,e | abc,be,be | depart,turn right,arrive |
| a,f | abc,bf,bf | depart,turn slight right,arrive |
Scenario: Turn Lane on Splitting up Road
Given the node map
g - - - f -
' .
. h - - e - - c - - d
a - - b _______/
And the ways
| nodes | highway | oneway | name |
| ab | secondary | yes | road |
| be | secondary | yes | road |
| ecd | secondary | no | road |
| efg | secondary | yes | road |
| ehb | secondary_link | yes | road |
| bi | tertiary | no | cross |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | ehb | be | b | no_left_turn |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,d | road,road | depart,arrive |
| d,i | road,cross,cross | depart,turn left,arrive |
| d,g | road,road | depart,arrive |
Scenario: Go onto turning major road
Given the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| abc | primary | road |
| bd | residential | in |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,c | depart,arrive | road,road |
| d,a | depart,turn left,arrive | in,road,road |
| d,c | depart,new name straight,arrive | in,road,road |
Scenario: Channing Street
Given the node map
g f
d c b a
h e
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| c | traffic_signals |
| b | traffic_signals |
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Channing Street Northeast | residential | no |
| bcd | Channing Street Northwest | residential | yes |
| ebf | North Capitol Street Northeast | primary | yes |
| gch | North Capitol Street Northeast | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,d | depart,arrive | Channing Street Northeast,Channing Street Northwest |
| a,h | depart,turn left,arrive | Channing Street Northeast,North Capitol Street Northeast,North Capitol Street Northeast |
Scenario: V St NW, Florida Ave NW: Turn Instruction
Given the node map
y x
d b a
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| abc | V St NW | tertiary | yes |
| xcde | Florida Ave NW | tertiary | yes |
| yd | Champlain St NW | residential | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,e | depart,turn left,arrive | V St NW,Florida Ave NW,Florida Ave NW |
Scenario: Make Sharp Left at Traffic Signal
Given the node map
f y
j k a b x
e c
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| f | traffic_signals |
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| yf | yf | trunk_link | yes |
| gfeh | Centreville Road | primary | |
| fi | fi | trunk_link | yes |
| ij | Bloomingdale Road | residential | |
| jkabx | Blue Star Memorial Hwy | trunk | |
| bcde | bcde | trunk_link | yes |
| kh | kh | trunk_link | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,h | depart,off ramp right,turn sharp left,arrive | Blue Star Memorial Hwy,bcde,Centreville Road,Centreville Road |
Scenario: Unnecessary Slight Left onto Stralauer Strasse
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Molkenmarkt | secondary | yes |
| bc | Stralauer Str | secondary | yes |
| cd | Stralauer Str | secondary | yes |
| ec | Molkenmarkt | secondary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,d | depart,arrive | Molkenmarkt,Stralauer Str |
| e,d | depart,arrive | Molkenmarkt,Stralauer Str |
Scenario: Unnecessary Slight Left onto Stralauer Strasse
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Molkenmarkt | secondary | yes |
| bc | Molkenmarkt | secondary | yes |
| cd | Stralauer Str | secondary | yes |
| ec | Molkenmarkt | secondary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,d | depart,new name straight,arrive | Molkenmarkt,Stralauer Str,Stralauer Str |
| e,d | depart,new name slight left,arrive | Molkenmarkt,Stralauer Str,Stralauer Str |
Scenario: Collapse Turn Instruction, Issue #2725
Given the node map
g d
h c
r x s
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| bc | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| cd | Hermannbruecke | secondary | yes |
| de | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| ef | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| eg | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| gh | Hermannbruecke | secondary | yes |
| hb | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| xa | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| yx | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| rxs | Silbersteinstr | tertiary | |
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| x | traffic_signals |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,f | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| f,a | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| y,f | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| f,y | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
Scenario: Collapse Turn Instruction, Issue #2725 - not trivially mergable at e
Given the node map
g d
h c
r x s
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| bc | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| cd | Hermannbruecke | secondary | yes |
| de | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| ef | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| eg | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| gh | Hermannbruecke | secondary | yes |
| hb | Hermannstr | secondary | yes |
| xa | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| yx | Hermannstr | secondary | |
| rxs | Silbersteinstr | tertiary | |
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| x | traffic_signals |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,f | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| f,a | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| y,f | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
| f,y | depart,arrive | Hermannstr,Hermannstr |
Scenario: Obvious Index wigh very narrow turn to the right
Given the node map
a - b -.-.- - - c
' ' 'd
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| abc | primary | road |
| bd | primary_link | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,c | depart,arrive | road,road |
| a,d | depart,turn slight right,arrive | road,, |
Scenario: Obvious Index wigh very narrow turn to the right
Given the node map
a - b - . -.- - c
e - -'-'d-f
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| abc | primary | road |
| bd | primary_link | |
| edf | primary_link | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,c | depart,arrive | road,road |
| a,f | depart,turn slight right,arrive | road,, |
Scenario: Obvious Index wigh very narrow turn to the left
Given the node map
. . .d
a - b -'-'- - - c
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| abc | primary | road |
| bd | primary_link | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,c | depart,arrive | road,road |
| a,d | depart,turn slight left,arrive | road,, |
Scenario: Obvious Index wigh very narrow turn to the left
Given the node map
e - -.- d-f
a - b - ' - - - c
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| abc | primary | road |
| bd | primary_link | |
| edf | primary_link | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,f | depart,turn slight left,arrive | road,, |
| a,c | depart,arrive | road,road |
Scenario: Non-Obvious Turn Next to service road
Given the node map
a - - - - - - - b - - - d
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| ab | primary | in |
| bc | primary | through |
| be | primary | through |
| bd | service | |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns |
| a,c | in,through,through | depart,turn left,arrive |
Scenario: No Slight Right over Jannowitzbruecke
Given the node map
l m
| |
f._ | |
' g---h.
| | '.
| | i
a_ | |
| |'d._
| | 'e
j k
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| bcde | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| gf | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| ihg | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| lgbj | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
| kchm | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,e | depart,new name straight,arrive | Stralauer Str,Holzmarktstr,Holzmarktstr |
Scenario: No Slight Right over Jannowitzbruecke -- less extreme
Given the node map
l m
| |
f_ | |
' 'g h_
| | '\_
| | i
a_ | |
'_ b c_
| | \_
| | e
j k
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| bce | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| gf | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| ihg | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| lgbj | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
| kchm | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,e | depart,new name straight,arrive | Stralauer Str,Holzmarktstr,Holzmarktstr |
Scenario: No Slight Right over Jannowitzbruecke
Given the node map
l m
| |
| |
_ _ g h_
f' | | '_
| | i
| |
_ _b c__
a' | | 'd
| |
j k
And the ways
| nodes | name | highway | oneway |
| ab | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| bcd | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| gf | Stralauer Str | tertiary | yes |
| ihg | Holzmarktstr | secondary | yes |
| lgbj | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
| kchm | Alexanderstr | primary | yes |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | turns | route |
| a,d | depart,arrive | Stralauer Str,Holzmarktstr |