2012-10-05 11:21:07 +02:00

383 lines
16 KiB

open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#include <cassert>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <gdal/gdal.h>
#include <gdal/ogrsf_frmts.h>
#include "../DataStructures/DeallocatingVector.h"
#include "../DataStructures/DynamicGraph.h"
#include "../DataStructures/ImportEdge.h"
#include "../DataStructures/NodeCoords.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Percent.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Restriction.h"
// Strongly connected components using Tarjan's Algorithm
class TarjanSCC {
struct _NodeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned edgeBasedNodeID;
unsigned nameID:31;
bool shortcut:1;
bool forward:1;
bool backward:1;
bool roundabout:1;
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
short type;
bool isAccessRestricted;
struct _EdgeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned via;
unsigned nameID;
bool forward;
bool backward;
short turnInstruction;
typedef DynamicGraph< _NodeBasedEdgeData > _NodeBasedDynamicGraph;
typedef _NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge _NodeBasedEdge;
std::vector<NodeInfo> inputNodeInfoList;
unsigned numberOfTurnRestrictions;
boost::shared_ptr<_NodeBasedDynamicGraph> _nodeBasedGraph;
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, bool> _barrierNodes;
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, bool> _trafficLights;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> RestrictionSource;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, bool> RestrictionTarget;
typedef std::vector<RestrictionTarget> EmanatingRestrictionsVector;
typedef boost::unordered_map<RestrictionSource, unsigned > RestrictionMap;
std::vector<EmanatingRestrictionsVector> _restrictionBucketVector;
RestrictionMap _restrictionMap;
struct EdgeBasedNode {
bool operator<(const EdgeBasedNode & other) const {
return other.id < id;
bool operator==(const EdgeBasedNode & other) const {
return id == other.id;
NodeID id;
int lat1;
int lat2;
int lon1;
int lon2:31;
bool belongsToTinyComponent:1;
NodeID nameID;
unsigned weight:31;
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedNode> edgeBasedNodes;
struct TarjanNode {
TarjanNode() : index(UINT_MAX), lowlink(UINT_MAX), onStack(false) {}
unsigned index;
unsigned lowlink;
bool onStack;
struct TarjanStackFrame {
explicit TarjanStackFrame(NodeID _v, NodeID p) : v(_v), parent(p) {}
NodeID v;
NodeID parent;
TarjanSCC(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdge> & inputEdges, std::vector<NodeID> & bn, std::vector<NodeID> & tl, std::vector<_Restriction> & irs, std::vector<NodeInfo> & nI) : inputNodeInfoList(nI), numberOfTurnRestrictions(irs.size()) {
BOOST_FOREACH(_Restriction & restriction, irs) {
std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> restrictionSource = std::make_pair(restriction.fromNode, restriction.viaNode);
unsigned index;
RestrictionMap::iterator restrIter = _restrictionMap.find(restrictionSource);
if(restrIter == _restrictionMap.end()) {
index = _restrictionBucketVector.size();
_restrictionMap[restrictionSource] = index;
} else {
index = restrIter->second;
//Map already contains an is_only_*-restriction
else if(restriction.flags.isOnly){
//We are going to insert an is_only_*-restriction. There can be only one.
_restrictionBucketVector.at(index).push_back(std::make_pair(restriction.toNode, restriction.flags.isOnly));
BOOST_FOREACH(NodeID id, bn) {
_barrierNodes[id] = true;
BOOST_FOREACH(NodeID id, tl) {
_trafficLights[id] = true;
DeallocatingVector< _NodeBasedEdge > edges;
for ( std::vector< NodeBasedEdge >::const_iterator i = inputEdges.begin(); i != inputEdges.end(); ++i ) {
_NodeBasedEdge edge;
if(!i->isForward()) {
edge.source = i->target();
edge.target = i->source();
edge.data.backward = i->isForward();
edge.data.forward = i->isBackward();
} else {
edge.source = i->source();
edge.target = i->target();
edge.data.forward = i->isForward();
edge.data.backward = i->isBackward();
if(edge.source == edge.target)
edge.data.distance = (std::max)((int)i->weight(), 1 );
assert( edge.data.distance > 0 );
edge.data.shortcut = false;
edge.data.roundabout = i->isRoundabout();
edge.data.ignoreInGrid = i->ignoreInGrid();
edge.data.nameID = i->name();
edge.data.type = i->type();
edge.data.isAccessRestricted = i->isAccessRestricted();
edge.data.edgeBasedNodeID = edges.size();
edges.push_back( edge );
if( edge.data.backward ) {
std::swap( edge.source, edge.target );
edge.data.forward = i->isBackward();
edge.data.backward = i->isForward();
edge.data.edgeBasedNodeID = edges.size();
edges.push_back( edge );
std::sort( edges.begin(), edges.end() );
_nodeBasedGraph = boost::make_shared<_NodeBasedDynamicGraph>( nodes, edges );
void Run() {
Percent p(_nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes());
const char *pszDriverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
OGRSFDriver *poDriver;
poDriver = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::GetRegistrar()->GetDriverByName(
pszDriverName );
if( poDriver == NULL )
printf( "%s driver not available.\n", pszDriverName );
exit( 1 );
OGRDataSource *poDS;
poDS = poDriver->CreateDataSource( "component.shp", NULL );
if( poDS == NULL ) {
printf( "Creation of output file failed.\n" );
exit( 1 );
OGRLayer *poLayer;
poLayer = poDS->CreateLayer( "component", NULL, wkbLineString, NULL );
if( poLayer == NULL ) {
printf( "Layer creation failed.\n" );
exit( 1 );
//The following is a hack to distinguish between stuff that happens before the recursive call and stuff that happens after
std::stack<std::pair<bool, TarjanStackFrame> > recursionStack; //true = stuff before, false = stuff after call
std::stack<NodeID> tarjanStack;
std::vector<unsigned> componentsIndex(_nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes(), UINT_MAX);
std::vector<NodeID> vectorOfComponentSizes;
std::vector<TarjanNode> tarjanNodes(_nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes());
unsigned currentComponent = 0, sizeOfCurrentComponent = 0;
int index = 0;
for(NodeID node = 0, endNodes = _nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes(); node < endNodes; ++node) {
if(UINT_MAX == componentsIndex[node]) {
recursionStack.push(std::make_pair(true, TarjanStackFrame(node,node)) );
while(!recursionStack.empty()) {
bool beforeRecursion = recursionStack.top().first;
TarjanStackFrame currentFrame = recursionStack.top().second;
NodeID v = currentFrame.v;
// INFO("popping node " << v << (beforeRecursion ? " before " : " after ") << "recursion");
if(beforeRecursion) {
//Mark frame to handle tail of recursion
recursionStack.push(std::make_pair(false, currentFrame));
//Mark essential information for SCC
tarjanNodes[v].index = index;
tarjanNodes[v].lowlink = index;
tarjanNodes[v].onStack = true;
// INFO("pushing " << v << " onto tarjan stack, idx[" << v << "]=" << tarjanNodes[v].index << ", lowlink["<< v << "]=" << tarjanNodes[v].lowlink);
//Traverse outgoing edges
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeIterator e2 = _nodeBasedGraph->BeginEdges(v); e2 < _nodeBasedGraph->EndEdges(v); ++e2) {
_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator vprime = _nodeBasedGraph->GetTarget(e2);
// INFO("traversing edge (" << v << "," << vprime << ")");
if(UINT_MAX == tarjanNodes[vprime].index) {
recursionStack.push(std::make_pair(true,TarjanStackFrame(vprime, v)));
} else {
// INFO("Node " << vprime << " is already explored");
if(tarjanNodes[vprime].onStack) {
unsigned newLowlink = std::min(tarjanNodes[v].lowlink, tarjanNodes[vprime].index);
// INFO("Setting lowlink[" << v << "] from " << tarjanNodes[v].lowlink << " to " << newLowlink);
tarjanNodes[v].lowlink = newLowlink;
// } else {
// INFO("But node " << vprime << " is not on stack");
} else {
// INFO("we are at the end of recursion and checking node " << v);
{ // setting lowlink in its own scope so it does not pollute namespace
// NodeID parent = (UINT_MAX == tarjanNodes[v].parent ? v : tarjanNodes[v].parent );
// INFO("parent=" << currentFrame.parent);
// INFO("tarjanNodes[" << v << "].lowlink=" << tarjanNodes[v].lowlink << ", tarjanNodes[" << currentFrame.parent << "].lowlink=" << tarjanNodes[currentFrame.parent].lowlink);
//Note the index shift by 1 compared to the recursive version
tarjanNodes[currentFrame.parent].lowlink = std::min(tarjanNodes[currentFrame.parent].lowlink, tarjanNodes[v].lowlink);
// INFO("Setting tarjanNodes[" << currentFrame.parent <<"].lowlink=" << tarjanNodes[currentFrame.parent].lowlink);
// INFO("tarjanNodes[" << v << "].lowlink=" << tarjanNodes[v].lowlink << ", tarjanNodes[" << v << "].index=" << tarjanNodes[v].index);
//after recursion, lets do cycle checking
//Check if we found a cycle. This is the bottom part of the recursion
if(tarjanNodes[v].lowlink == tarjanNodes[v].index) {
NodeID vprime;
do {
// INFO("identified component " << currentComponent << ": " << tarjanStack.top());
vprime = tarjanStack.top(); tarjanStack.pop();
tarjanNodes[vprime].onStack = false;
componentsIndex[vprime] = currentComponent;
} while( v != vprime);
if(sizeOfCurrentComponent > 1000)
INFO("large component [" << currentComponent << "]=" << sizeOfCurrentComponent);
sizeOfCurrentComponent = 0;
INFO("identified: " << vectorOfComponentSizes.size() << " many components, marking small components");
int singleCounter = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < vectorOfComponentSizes.size(); ++i){
if(1 == vectorOfComponentSizes[i])
INFO("identified " << singleCounter << " SCCs of size 1");
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator u = 0; u < _nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes(); ++u ) {
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeIterator e1 = _nodeBasedGraph->BeginEdges(u); e1 < _nodeBasedGraph->EndEdges(u); ++e1) {
_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator v = _nodeBasedGraph->GetTarget(e1);
if(_nodeBasedGraph->GetEdgeData(e1).type != SHRT_MAX) {
assert(e1 != UINT_MAX);
assert(u != UINT_MAX);
assert(v != UINT_MAX);
//edges that end on bollard nodes may actually be in two distinct components
if(std::min(vectorOfComponentSizes[componentsIndex[u]], vectorOfComponentSizes[componentsIndex[v]]) < 10) {
//INFO("(" << inputNodeInfoList[u].lat/100000. << ";" << inputNodeInfoList[u].lon/100000. << ") -> (" << inputNodeInfoList[v].lat/100000. << ";" << inputNodeInfoList[v].lon/100000. << ")");
OGRLineString lineString;
lineString.addPoint(inputNodeInfoList[u].lon/100000., inputNodeInfoList[u].lat/100000.);
lineString.addPoint(inputNodeInfoList[v].lon/100000., inputNodeInfoList[v].lat/100000.);
OGRFeature *poFeature;
poFeature = OGRFeature::CreateFeature( poLayer->GetLayerDefn() );
poFeature->SetGeometry( &lineString );
if( poLayer->CreateFeature( poFeature ) != OGRERR_NONE )
ERR( "Failed to create feature in shapefile.\n" );
OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature );
OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( poDS );
unsigned CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v) const {
std::pair < NodeID, NodeID > restrictionSource = std::make_pair(u, v);
RestrictionMap::const_iterator restrIter = _restrictionMap.find(restrictionSource);
if (restrIter != _restrictionMap.end()) {
unsigned index = restrIter->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(RestrictionSource restrictionTarget, _restrictionBucketVector.at(index)) {
if(restrictionTarget.second) {
return restrictionTarget.first;
return UINT_MAX;
bool CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w) const {
//only add an edge if turn is not a U-turn except it is the end of dead-end street.
std::pair < NodeID, NodeID > restrictionSource = std::make_pair(u, v);
RestrictionMap::const_iterator restrIter = _restrictionMap.find(restrictionSource);
if (restrIter != _restrictionMap.end()) {
unsigned index = restrIter->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(RestrictionTarget restrictionTarget, _restrictionBucketVector.at(index)) {
if(w == restrictionTarget.first)
return true;
return false;