2016-10-11 09:07:48 +02:00

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@routing @car @names
Feature: Car - Street names in instructions
Given the profile "car"
Scenario: Car - A named street
Given the node map
a b
And the ways
| nodes | name | ref |
| ab | My Way | |
| bc | Your Way | A1 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | ref |
| a | c | My Way,Your Way,Your Way | ,A1,A1|
Scenario: Car - A named street with pronunciation
Given the node map
a b d
And the ways
| nodes | name |name:pronunciation | ref |
| ab | My Way | | |
| bd | My Way | meyeway | A1 |
| cd | Your Way | yourewaye | |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | pronunciations | ref |
| a | d | My Way,My Way | ,meyeway | ,A1 |
| 1 | c | Your Way,Your Way | yourewaye,yourewaye | , |
# See #2860
Scenario: Car - same street name but different pronunciation
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | name | name:pronunciation |
| abc | Houston St | hew-stun |
| bde | Houston St | how-stun |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | pronunciations |
| a | c | Houston St,Houston St | hew-stun,hew-stun |
| a | e | Houston St,Houston St,Houston St | hew-stun,how-stun,how-stun |
Scenario: Car - Use way type to describe unnamed ways
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name |
| ab | tertiary | |
| bcd | residential | |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | c | tertiary,residential,residential |
Scenario: Inner city expressway with on road
Given the node map
a b c g
And the ways
| nodes | highway | name | name:pronunciation |
| abc | primary | road | roooaad |
| cg | primary | road | roooaad |
| bfd | trunk_link | | |
| cde | trunk | trunk | truank |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | abc | cde | c | no_right_turn |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | turns | pronunciations |
| a,e | road,trunk,trunk | depart,turn right,arrive | roooaad,truank,truank |