This adds a few more configuration options for a more flexible access tag handling: accessTags - replaces accessTag and is an ordered list of access tags to take into account. The first tag in the list found will determine the access. This allows to model OSM's access hierarchy where a more specific access tag might override a more general one. accessForbiddenKeys - unordered list of values that disallow access (similar to accessRestrictionKeys). Replaces hardcoded values in extractor. accessForbiddenDefault - unordered list of highway types where access is forbidden unless an explicit positiv access tag is given. Replaces the current track hack.
547 lines
24 KiB
547 lines
24 KiB
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stxxl.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "DataStructures/InputReaderFactory.h"
#include "DataStructures/ExtractorCallBacks.h"
#include "DataStructures/ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "DataStructures/PBFParser.h"
#include "DataStructures/XMLParser.h"
#include "Util/BaseConfiguration.h"
#include "Util/InputFileUtil.h"
#include "Util/MachineInfo.h"
#include "Util/StringUtil.h"
using namespace std;
typedef BaseConfiguration ExtractorConfiguration;
unsigned globalRestrictionCounter = 0;
ExtractorCallbacks * extractCallBacks;
bool nodeFunction(_Node n);
bool adressFunction(_Node n, HashTable<string, string> & keyVals);
bool restrictionFunction(_RawRestrictionContainer r);
bool wayFunction(_Way w);
template<class ClassT>
bool removeIfUnused(ClassT n) { return (false == n.used); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc < 2) {
ERR("usage: \n" << argv[0] << " <file.osm/.osm.bz2/.osm.pbf>");
//Check if another instance of stxxl is already running or if there is a general problem
try {
stxxl::vector<unsigned> testForRunningInstance;
} catch(std::exception & e) {
ERR("Could not instantiate STXXL layer." << std::endl << e.what());
double startupTime = get_timestamp();
INFO("extracting data from input file " << argv[1]);
bool isPBF(false);
std::string outputFileName(argv[1]);
std::string restrictionsFileName(argv[1]);
std::string::size_type pos = outputFileName.find(".osm.bz2");
if(pos==std::string::npos) {
pos = outputFileName.find(".osm.pbf");
if(pos!=std::string::npos) {
isPBF = true;
if(pos!=string::npos) {
outputFileName.replace(pos, 8, ".osrm");
restrictionsFileName.replace(pos, 8, ".osrm.restrictions");
} else {
if(pos!=string::npos) {
outputFileName.replace(pos, 5, ".osrm");
restrictionsFileName.replace(pos, 5, ".osrm.restrictions");
} else {
std::string adressFileName(outputFileName);
Settings settings;
boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
try {
INFO("Loading speed profiles");
boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("speedprofile.ini", pt);
INFO("Found the following speed profiles: ");
int profileCounter(0);
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, pt.get_child("")) {
std::string name = v.first;
cout << " [" << profileCounter << "]" << name << endl;
std::string usedSpeedProfile(pt.get_child("").begin()->first);
INFO("Using profile \"" << usedSpeedProfile << "\"")
BOOST_FOREACH(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v, pt.get_child(usedSpeedProfile)) {
std::string name = v.first;
std::string value = v.second.get<std::string>("");
DEBUG("inserting " << name << "=" << value);
if(name == "obeyOneways") {
if(value == "no")
settings.obeyOneways = false;
} else if(name == "obeyBollards") {
if(value == "no") {
settings.obeyBollards = false;
} else if(name == "useRestrictions") {
if(value == "no")
settings.useRestrictions = false;
} else if(name == "accessTags") {
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
stringSplit(value, ',', tokens);
settings.accessTags = tokens;
} else if(name == "excludeFromGrid") {
settings.excludeFromGrid = value;
} else if(name == "defaultSpeed") {
settings.defaultSpeed = atoi(value.c_str());
settings.speedProfile["default"] = std::make_pair(settings.defaultSpeed, settings.speedProfile.size() );
} else if( name == "takeMinimumOfSpeeds") {
settings.takeMinimumOfSpeeds = ("yes" == value);
} else if( name == "ignoreAreas") {
settings.ignoreAreas = ("yes" == value);
} else if( name == "accessRestrictedService") {
//split value at commas
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
stringSplit(value, ',', tokens);
//put each value into map
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string & s, tokens) {
INFO("adding " << s << " to accessRestrictedService");
settings.accessRestrictedService.insert(std::make_pair(s, true));
} else if( name == "accessRestrictionKeys") {
//split value at commas
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
stringSplit(value, ',', tokens);
//put each value into map
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string & s, tokens) {
INFO("adding " << s << " to accessRestrictionKeys");
settings.accessRestrictionKeys.insert(std::make_pair(s, true));
} else if( name == "accessForbiddenKeys") {
//split value at commas
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
stringSplit(value, ',', tokens);
//put each value into map
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string & s, tokens) {
INFO("adding " << s << " to accessForbiddenKeys");
settings.accessForbiddenKeys.insert(std::make_pair(s, true));
} else if( name == "accessForbiddenDefault") {
//split value at commas
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
stringSplit(value, ',', tokens);
//put each value into map
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string & s, tokens) {
INFO("adding " << s << " to accessForbiddenDefault");
settings.accessForbiddenDefault.insert(std::make_pair(s, true));
settings.speedProfile[name] = std::make_pair(std::atoi(value.c_str()), settings.speedProfile.size() );
} catch(std::exception& e) {
ERR("caught: " << e.what() );
unsigned amountOfRAM = 1;
unsigned installedRAM = GetPhysicalmemory();
if(installedRAM < 2048264) {
WARN("Machine has less than 2GB RAM.");
if(testDataFile("extractor.ini")) {
ExtractorConfiguration extractorConfig("extractor.ini");
unsigned memoryAmountFromFile = atoi(extractorConfig.GetParameter("Memory").c_str());
if( memoryAmountFromFile != 0 && memoryAmountFromFile <= installedRAM/(1024*1024))
amountOfRAM = memoryAmountFromFile;
INFO("Using " << amountOfRAM << " GB of RAM for buffers");
StringMap stringMap;
STXXLContainers externalMemory;
unsigned usedNodeCounter = 0;
unsigned usedEdgeCounter = 0;
double time = get_timestamp();
stringMap[""] = 0;
extractCallBacks = new ExtractorCallbacks(&externalMemory, settings, &stringMap);
BaseParser<_Node, _RawRestrictionContainer, _Way> * parser;
if(isPBF) {
parser = new PBFParser(argv[1]);
} else {
parser = new XMLParser(argv[1]);
parser->RegisterCallbacks(&nodeFunction, &restrictionFunction, &wayFunction, &adressFunction);
INFO("Parser not initialized!");
try {
// INFO("raw no. of names: " << externalMemory.nameVector.size());
// INFO("raw no. of nodes: " << externalMemory.allNodes.size());
// INFO("no. of used nodes: " << externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.size());
// INFO("raw no. of edges: " << externalMemory.allEdges.size());
// INFO("raw no. of ways: " << externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.size());
// INFO("raw no. of addresses: " << externalMemory.adressVector.size());
// INFO("raw no. of restrictions: " << externalMemory.restrictionsVector.size());
cout << "[extractor] parsing finished after " << get_timestamp() - time << " seconds" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
boost::uint64_t memory_to_use = static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(amountOfRAM) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
cout << "[extractor] Sorting used nodes ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.begin(), externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.end(), Cmp(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Erasing duplicate nodes ... " << flush;
stxxl::vector<NodeID>::iterator NewEnd = unique ( externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.begin(),externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.end() ) ;
externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.resize ( NewEnd - externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.begin() );
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting all nodes ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.allNodes.begin(), externalMemory.allNodes.end(), CmpNodeByID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting used ways ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.begin(), externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.end(), CmpWayByID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by from... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.restrictionsVector.begin(), externalMemory.restrictionsVector.end(), CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction starts ... " << flush;
STXXLRestrictionsVector::iterator restrictionsIT = externalMemory.restrictionsVector.begin();
STXXLWayIDStartEndVector::iterator wayStartAndEndEdgeIT = externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.begin();
while(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT != externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.end() && restrictionsIT != externalMemory.restrictionsVector.end()) {
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->wayID < restrictionsIT->fromWay){
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->wayID > restrictionsIT->fromWay) {
assert(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->wayID == restrictionsIT->fromWay);
NodeID viaNode = restrictionsIT->restriction.viaNode;
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstStart == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstTarget;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstTarget == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstStart;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastStart == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastTarget;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastTarget == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastStart;
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by to ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.restrictionsVector.begin(), externalMemory.restrictionsVector.end(), CmpRestrictionContainerByTo(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
unsigned usableRestrictionsCounter(0);
cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction ends ... " << flush;
restrictionsIT = externalMemory.restrictionsVector.begin();
wayStartAndEndEdgeIT = externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.begin();
while(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT != externalMemory.wayStartEndVector.end() && restrictionsIT != externalMemory.restrictionsVector.end()) {
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->wayID < restrictionsIT->toWay){
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->wayID > restrictionsIT->toWay) {
NodeID viaNode = restrictionsIT->restriction.viaNode;
if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastStart == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastTarget;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastTarget == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->lastStart;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstStart == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstTarget;
} else if(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstTarget == viaNode) {
restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode = wayStartAndEndEdgeIT->firstStart;
if(UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode && UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode) {
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
INFO("usable restrictions: " << usableRestrictionsCounter );
//serialize restrictions
ofstream restrictionsOutstream;
|, ios::binary);
restrictionsOutstream.write((char*)&usableRestrictionsCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
for(restrictionsIT = externalMemory.restrictionsVector.begin(); restrictionsIT != externalMemory.restrictionsVector.end(); ++restrictionsIT) {
if(UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode && UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode) {
restrictionsOutstream.write((char *)&(restrictionsIT->restriction), sizeof(_Restriction));
ofstream fout;
|, ios::binary);
fout.write((char*)&usedNodeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Confirming/Writing used nodes ... " << flush;
STXXLNodeVector::iterator nodesIT = externalMemory.allNodes.begin();
STXXLNodeIDVector::iterator usedNodeIDsIT = externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.begin();
while(usedNodeIDsIT != externalMemory.usedNodeIDs.end() && nodesIT != externalMemory.allNodes.end()) {
if(*usedNodeIDsIT < nodesIT->id){
if(*usedNodeIDsIT > nodesIT->id) {
if(*usedNodeIDsIT == nodesIT->id) {
if(!settings.obeyBollards && nodesIT->bollard)
nodesIT->bollard = false;
fout.write((char*)&(*nodesIT), sizeof(_Node));
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
cout << "[extractor] setting number of nodes ... " << flush;
ios::pos_type positionInFile = fout.tellp();
fout.write((char*)&usedNodeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
cout << "ok" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
// Sort edges by start.
cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by start ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.allEdges.begin(), externalMemory.allEdges.end(), CmpEdgeByStartID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Setting start coords ... " << flush;
fout.write((char*)&usedEdgeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
// Traverse list of edges and nodes in parallel and set start coord
nodesIT = externalMemory.allNodes.begin();
STXXLEdgeVector::iterator edgeIT = externalMemory.allEdges.begin();
while(edgeIT != externalMemory.allEdges.end() && nodesIT != externalMemory.allNodes.end()) {
if(edgeIT->start < nodesIT->id){
if(edgeIT->start > nodesIT->id) {
if(edgeIT->start == nodesIT->id) {
edgeIT-> = nodesIT->lat;
edgeIT->startCoord.lon = nodesIT->lon;
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
// Sort Edges by target
cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by target ... " << flush;
stxxl::sort(externalMemory.allEdges.begin(), externalMemory.allEdges.end(), CmpEdgeByTargetID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Setting target coords ... " << flush;
// Traverse list of edges and nodes in parallel and set target coord
nodesIT = externalMemory.allNodes.begin();
edgeIT = externalMemory.allEdges.begin();
while(edgeIT != externalMemory.allEdges.end() && nodesIT != externalMemory.allNodes.end()) {
if(edgeIT->target < nodesIT->id){
if(edgeIT->target > nodesIT->id) {
if(edgeIT->target == nodesIT->id) {
if(edgeIT-> != INT_MIN && edgeIT->startCoord.lon != INT_MIN) {
edgeIT-> = nodesIT->lat;
edgeIT->targetCoord.lon = nodesIT->lon;
double distance = ApproximateDistance(edgeIT->, edgeIT->startCoord.lon, nodesIT->lat, nodesIT->lon);
assert(edgeIT->speed != -1);
double weight = ( distance * 10. ) / (edgeIT->speed / 3.6);
int intWeight = std::max(1, (int)std::floor((edgeIT->isDurationSet ? edgeIT->speed : weight)+.5) );
int intDist = std::max(1, (int)distance);
short zero = 0;
short one = 1;
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->start, sizeof(unsigned));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->target, sizeof(unsigned));
fout.write((char*)&intDist, sizeof(int));
switch(edgeIT->direction) {
case _Way::notSure:
fout.write((char*)&zero, sizeof(short));
case _Way::oneway:
fout.write((char*)&one, sizeof(short));
case _Way::bidirectional:
fout.write((char*)&zero, sizeof(short));
case _Way::opposite:
fout.write((char*)&one, sizeof(short));
cerr << "[error] edge with no direction: " << edgeIT->direction << endl;
fout.write((char*)&intWeight, sizeof(int));
assert(edgeIT->type >= 0);
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->type, sizeof(short));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->nameID, sizeof(unsigned));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->isRoundabout, sizeof(bool));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->ignoreInGrid, sizeof(bool));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->isAccessRestricted, sizeof(bool));
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
cout << "[extractor] setting number of edges ... " << flush;
fout.write((char*)&usedEdgeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
cout << "ok" << endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] writing street name index ... " << flush;
std::string nameOutFileName = (outputFileName + ".names");
ofstream nameOutFile(nameOutFileName.c_str(), ios::binary);
unsigned sizeOfNameIndex = externalMemory.nameVector.size();
nameOutFile.write((char *)&(sizeOfNameIndex), sizeof(unsigned));
BOOST_FOREACH(string str, externalMemory.nameVector) {
unsigned lengthOfRawString = strlen(str.c_str());
nameOutFile.write((char *)&(lengthOfRawString), sizeof(unsigned));
nameOutFile.write(str.c_str(), lengthOfRawString);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
// time = get_timestamp();
// cout << "[extractor] writing address list ... " << flush;
// adressFileName.append(".address");
// ofstream addressOutFile(adressFileName.c_str());
// for(STXXLAddressVector::iterator it = adressVector.begin(); it != adressVector.end(); it++) {
// addressOutFile << it-> << "|" << it-> << "|" << it->node.lon << "|" << it->city << "|" << it->street << "|" << it->housenumber << "|" << it->state << "|" << it->country << "\n";
// }
// addressOutFile.close();
// cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
} catch ( const exception& e ) {
cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << endl;
return false;
double endTime = (get_timestamp() - startupTime);
INFO("Processed " << (usedNodeCounter)/(endTime) << " nodes/sec and " << usedEdgeCounter/endTime << " edges/sec");
delete parser;
delete extractCallBacks;
INFO("[extractor] finished.");
std::cout << "\nRun:\n"
"./osrm-prepare " << outputFileName << " " << restrictionsFileName << std::endl;
return 0;
bool nodeFunction(_Node n) {
return true;
bool adressFunction(_Node n, HashTable<string, string> & keyVals){
extractCallBacks->adressFunction(n, keyVals);
return true;
bool restrictionFunction(_RawRestrictionContainer r) {
return true;
bool wayFunction(_Way w) {
return true;