Moritz Kobitzsch 561b7cc58e Rember Intersection Shapes
Changes the processing order in the edge based graph factory.
Instead of iterating over all outgoing edges in order, we compute the edge
expanded graph in the order of intersections.
This allows to remember intersection shapes and re-use them for all possible ingoing edges.

Also: use low accuracry mode for intersections degree 2 intersections

We can use lower accuracy here, since the `bearing`
after the turn is not as relevant for off-route detection.
Getting lost is near impossible here.
2016-12-01 15:24:20 +01:00

1157 lines
51 KiB

#include "extractor/guidance/coordinate_extractor.hpp"
#include "extractor/guidance/constants.hpp"
#include "extractor/guidance/toolkit.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/transform.hpp>
namespace osrm
namespace extractor
namespace guidance
// to use the corrected coordinate, we require it to be at least a bit further down the
// road than the offset coordinate. We postulate a minimum Distance of 2 Meters
const constexpr double DESIRED_COORDINATE_DIFFERENCE = 2.0;
// the default distance we lookahead on a road. This distance prevents small mapping
// errors to impact the turn angles.
const constexpr double LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE_WITHOUT_LANES = 10.0;
// The standard with of a interstate highway is 3.7 meters. Local roads have
// smaller widths, ranging from 2.5 to 3.25 meters. As a compromise, we use
// the 3.25 here for our angle calculations
const constexpr double ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH = 3.25;
const constexpr double FAR_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE = 40.0;
// The count of lanes assumed when no lanes are present. Since most roads will have lanes for both
// directions or a lane count specified, we use 2. Overestimating only makes our calculations safer,
// so we are fine for 1-lane ways. larger than 2 lanes should usually be specified in the data.
const constexpr std::uint16_t ASSUMED_LANE_COUNT = 2;
// When looking at lane offsets, motorway exits often are modelled not at a 90 degree angle but at
// some slight turn. To correctly detect these offsets, we need to allow for a bit more than just
// the lane width as an offset
double GetOffsetCorrectionFactor(const RoadClassification &road_classification)
if (road_classification.IsMotorwayClass() || road_classification.IsRampClass())
return 2.5;
switch (road_classification.GetClass())
case RoadPriorityClass::TRUNK:
return 2.0;
case RoadPriorityClass::PRIMARY:
return 1.5;
return 1.0;
const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &node_based_graph,
const extractor::CompressedEdgeContainer &compressed_geometries,
const std::vector<extractor::QueryNode> &node_coordinates)
: node_based_graph(node_based_graph), compressed_geometries(compressed_geometries),
CoordinateExtractor::GetCoordinateAlongRoad(const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node,
const std::uint8_t intersection_lanes) const
// we first extract all coordinates from the road
auto coordinates =
GetCoordinatesAlongRoad(intersection_node, turn_edge, traversed_in_reverse, to_node);
return ExtractRepresentativeCoordinate(intersection_node,
util::Coordinate CoordinateExtractor::ExtractRepresentativeCoordinate(
const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node,
const std::uint8_t intersection_lanes,
std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates) const
const auto is_valid_result = [&](const util::Coordinate coordinate) {
return util::Coordinate(traversed_in_reverse
? node_coordinates[to_node]
: node_coordinates[intersection_node]) != coordinate;
// this is only used for debug purposes in assertions. We don't want warnings about it
// the lane count might not always be set. We need to assume a positive number, though. Here we
// select the number of lanes to operate on
const auto considered_lanes =
GetOffsetCorrectionFactor(node_based_graph.GetEdgeData(turn_edge).road_classification) *
((intersection_lanes == 0) ? ASSUMED_LANE_COUNT : intersection_lanes);
// Fallback. These roads are small broken self-loops that shouldn't be in the data at all
if (intersection_node == to_node)
return coordinates[1];
/* if we are looking at a straight line, we don't care where exactly the coordinate
* is. Simply return the final coordinate. Turn angles/turn vectors are the same no matter which
* coordinate we look at.
if (coordinates.size() <= 2)
// Here we can't check for validity, due to possible dead-ends with repeated coordinates
// BOOST_ASSERT(is_valid_result(coordinates.back()));
return coordinates.back();
// due to repeated coordinates / smaller offset errors we skip over the very first parts of the
// coordinate set to add a small level of fault tolerance
const constexpr double distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies = 2;
// fallback, mostly necessary for dead ends
if (intersection_node == to_node)
const auto result = ExtractCoordinateAtLength(
distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies, coordinates);
return result;
// If this reduction leaves us with only two coordinates, the turns/angles are represented in a
// valid way. Only curved roads and other difficult scenarios will require multiple coordinates.
if (coordinates.size() == 2)
return coordinates.back();
const auto &turn_edge_data = node_based_graph.GetEdgeData(turn_edge);
// roundabouts, check early to avoid other costly checks
if (turn_edge_data.roundabout || turn_edge_data.circular)
const auto result = ExtractCoordinateAtLength(
distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies, coordinates);
return result;
const util::Coordinate turn_coordinate =
node_coordinates[traversed_in_reverse ? to_node : intersection_node];
// Low priority roads are usually modelled very strangely. The roads are so small, though, that
// our basic heuristic looking at the road should be fine.
if (turn_edge_data.road_classification.IsLowPriorityRoadClass())
// Look ahead a tiny bit. Low priority road classes can be modelled fairly distinct in the
// very first part of the road. It's less accurate than searching for offsets but the models
// contained in OSM are just to strange to capture fully. Using the fallback here we try to
// do the best of what we can.
coordinates =
TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::move(coordinates), LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE_WITHOUT_LANES);
if (coordinates.size() > 2 &&
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(turn_coordinate, coordinates[1]) <
const auto result =
GetCorrectedCoordinate(turn_coordinate, coordinates[1], coordinates.back());
return result;
return coordinates.back();
const auto first_distance =
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]);
/* if the very first coordinate along the road is reasonably far away from the road, we assume
* the coordinate to correctly represent the turn. This could probably be improved using
* information on the very first turn angle (requires knowledge about previous road) and the
* respective lane widths.
const bool first_coordinate_is_far_away = [&first_distance, considered_lanes]() {
const auto required_distance =
return first_distance > required_distance;
if (first_coordinate_is_far_away)
return coordinates[1];
// now, after the simple checks have succeeded make our further computations simpler
const auto lookahead_distance =
* The coordinates along the road are in different distances from the source. If only very few
* coordinates are close to the intersection, It might just be we simply looked to far down the
* road. We can decide to weight coordinates differently based on their distance from the
* intersection.
* In addition, changes very close to an intersection indicate graphical representation of the
* intersection over perceived turn angles.
* a -
* \
* -------------------- b
* Here the initial angle close to a might simply be due to OSM-Ways being located in the middle
* of the actual roads. If a road splits in two, the ways for the separate direction can be
* modeled very far apart with a steep angle at the split, even though the roads actually don't
* take a turn. The distance between the coordinates can be an indicator for these small changes
* Luckily, these segment distances are a byproduct of trimming
auto segment_distances = PrepareLengthCache(coordinates, lookahead_distance);
coordinates =
TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::move(coordinates), lookahead_distance, segment_distances);
segment_distances.back() = std::min(segment_distances.back(), lookahead_distance);
BOOST_ASSERT(segment_distances.size() == coordinates.size());
const auto total_distance =
std::accumulate(segment_distances.begin(), segment_distances.end(), 0.);
// if we are now left with two, well than we don't have to worry, or the segment is very small
if (coordinates.size() == 2 ||
total_distance <= distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies)
return coordinates.back();
const double max_deviation_from_straight = GetMaxDeviation(
coordinates.begin(), coordinates.end(), coordinates.front(), coordinates.back());
// if the deviation from a straight line is small, we can savely use the coordinate. We use half
// a lane as heuristic to determine if the road is straight enough.
if (max_deviation_from_straight < 0.5 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH)
// At loops in traffic circles, we can have small deviations as well (if the circle is tiny)
// As a back-up, we have to check for this case
if (coordinates.front() == coordinates.back())
const auto result = ExtractCoordinateAtLength(
distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies, coordinates);
return result;
return coordinates.back();
* if a road turns barely in the beginning, it is similar to the first coordinate being
* sufficiently far ahead.
* possible negative:
* http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=52.514503%2013.32252#map=19/52.51450/13.32252
const auto straight_distance_and_index = [&]() {
auto straight_distance = segment_distances[1];
std::size_t index;
for (index = 2; index < coordinates.size(); ++index)
// check the deviation from a straight line
if (GetMaxDeviation(coordinates.begin(),
coordinates.begin() + index,
*(coordinates.begin() + index)) < 0.25 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH)
straight_distance += segment_distances[index];
return std::make_pair(index - 1, straight_distance);
const auto straight_distance = straight_distance_and_index.second;
const auto straight_index = straight_distance_and_index.first;
const bool starts_of_without_turn = [&]() {
return straight_distance >=
if (starts_of_without_turn)
// skip over repeated coordinates
const auto result = ExtractCoordinateAtLength(5, coordinates, segment_distances);
return result;
// compute the regression vector based on the sum of least squares
const auto regression_line = RegressionLine(coordinates);
* If we can find a line that represents the full set of coordinates within a certain range in
* relation to ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH, we use the regression line to express the turn angle.
* This yields a transformation similar to:
* c d d
* b -> c
* b
* a a
const double max_deviation_from_regression = GetMaxDeviation(
coordinates.begin(), coordinates.end(), regression_line.first, regression_line.second);
if (max_deviation_from_regression < 0.35 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH)
// We use the locations on the regression line to offset the regression line onto the
// intersection.
const auto coord_between_front =
regression_line.first, regression_line.second, coordinates.front())
const auto coord_between_back =
regression_line.first, regression_line.second, coordinates.back())
const auto result =
GetCorrectedCoordinate(turn_coordinate, coord_between_front, coord_between_back);
return result;
if (IsCurve(coordinates,
considered_lanes * 0.5 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH,
if (total_distance <= distance_to_skip_over_due_to_coordinate_inaccuracies)
return coordinates.back();
* In curves we now have to distinguish between larger curves and tiny curves modelling the
* actual turn in the beginnig.
* We distinguish between turns that simply model the initial way of getting onto the
* destination lanes and the ones that performa a larger turn.
const double offset =
std::min(0.5 * considered_lanes * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH, 0.2 * segment_distances.back());
coordinates = TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::move(coordinates), offset, segment_distances);
BOOST_ASSERT(coordinates.size() >= 2);
segment_distances.back() = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
*(coordinates.end() - 2), coordinates.back());
const auto vector_head = coordinates.back();
coordinates =
TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::move(coordinates), 0.5 * offset, segment_distances);
BOOST_ASSERT(coordinates.size() >= 2);
const auto result =
GetCorrectedCoordinate(turn_coordinate, coordinates.back(), vector_head);
return result;
if (IsDirectOffset(coordinates,
// could be too agressive? Depend on lanes to check how far we want to go out?
// compare
// http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=52.411243%2013.363575#map=19/52.41124/13.36357
const auto offset_index = std::max<decltype(straight_index)>(1, straight_index);
const auto result = GetCorrectedCoordinate(
turn_coordinate, coordinates[offset_index], coordinates[offset_index + 1]);
return result;
// skip over the first coordinates, in specific the assumed lane count. We add a small
// safety factor, to not overshoot on the regression
const auto trimming_length = 0.8 * (considered_lanes * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH);
const auto trimmed_coordinates =
TrimCoordinatesByLengthFront(coordinates, 0.8 * trimming_length);
if (trimmed_coordinates.size() >= 2 && (total_distance >= trimming_length + 2))
// get the regression line
const auto regression_line_trimmed = RegressionLine(trimmed_coordinates);
// and compute the maximum deviation from it
const auto max_deviation_from_trimmed_regression =
if (max_deviation_from_trimmed_regression < 0.5 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH)
const auto result = GetCorrectedCoordinate(
turn_coordinate, regression_line_trimmed.first, regression_line_trimmed.second);
return result;
// We use the locations on the regression line to offset the regression line onto the
// intersection.
const auto result =
ExtractCoordinateAtLength(LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE_WITHOUT_LANES, coordinates, segment_distances);
return result;
CoordinateExtractor::ExtractCoordinateAtLength(const double distance,
const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::vector<double> &length_cache) const
BOOST_ASSERT(length_cache.size() == coordinates.size());
double accumulated_distance = 0.;
auto length_cache_itr = length_cache.begin() + 1;
// find the end of the segment containing the coordinate which is at least distance away
const auto find_coordinate_at_distance = [distance, &accumulated_distance, &length_cache_itr](
const util::Coordinate /*coordinate*/) mutable {
const auto result = (accumulated_distance + *length_cache_itr) >= distance;
if (!result)
accumulated_distance += *length_cache_itr;
return result;
// find the beginning fo the segment (begin here and above for the length cache need to match
// up!)
const auto coordinate_base =
std::find_if(coordinates.begin() + 1, coordinates.end(), find_coordinate_at_distance) - 1;
if (static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(coordinates.begin(), coordinate_base) + 1) >=
return coordinates.back();
const auto interpolation_factor =
ComputeInterpolationFactor(distance - accumulated_distance, 0, *length_cache_itr);
return util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
interpolation_factor, *coordinate_base, *(coordinate_base + 1));
util::Coordinate CoordinateExtractor::ExtractCoordinateAtLength(
const double distance, const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates) const
double accumulated_distance = 0.;
// checks (via its state) for an accumulated distance
const auto coordinate_at_distance =
[ distance, &accumulated_distance, last_coordinate = coordinates.front() ](
const util::Coordinate coordinate) mutable
const double segment_distance =
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(last_coordinate, coordinate);
const auto result = (accumulated_distance + segment_distance) >= distance;
if (!result)
accumulated_distance += segment_distance;
return result;
// find the begin of the segment containing the coordinate
const auto coordinate_base =
std::find_if(coordinates.begin() + 1, coordinates.end(), coordinate_at_distance) - 1;
if (static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(coordinates.begin(), coordinate_base) + 1) >=
return coordinates.back();
const auto interpolation_factor = ComputeInterpolationFactor(
distance - accumulated_distance,
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(*coordinate_base, *(coordinate_base + 1)));
return util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
interpolation_factor, *coordinate_base, *(coordinate_base + 1));
util::Coordinate CoordinateExtractor::GetCoordinateCloseToTurn(const NodeID from_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node) const
const auto end_node = traversed_in_reverse ? from_node : to_node;
const auto start_node = traversed_in_reverse ? to_node : from_node;
if (!compressed_geometries.HasEntryForID(turn_edge))
return node_coordinates[end_node];
const auto &geometry = compressed_geometries.GetBucketReference(turn_edge);
// the compressed edges contain node ids, we transfer them to coordinates accessing the
// node_coordinates array
const auto compressedGeometryToCoordinate =
[this](const CompressedEdgeContainer::OnewayCompressedEdge &compressed_edge) {
return node_coordinates[compressed_edge.node_id];
// return the first coordinate that is reasonably far away from the start node
const util::Coordinate start_coordinate = node_coordinates[start_node];
// OSM data has a tendency to include repeated nodes with identical coordinates. To skip
// over these, we search for the first coordinate along the path that is at least a meter
// away from the first entry
const auto far_enough_away = [start_coordinate, compressedGeometryToCoordinate](
const CompressedEdgeContainer::OnewayCompressedEdge &compressed_edge) {
return util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
compressedGeometryToCoordinate(compressed_edge), start_coordinate) > 1;
// find the first coordinate, that is at least unequal to the begin of the edge
if (traversed_in_reverse)
const auto far_enough =
std::find_if(geometry.rbegin(), geometry.rend(), far_enough_away);
return (far_enough != geometry.rend()) ? compressedGeometryToCoordinate(*far_enough)
: node_coordinates[end_node];
const auto far_enough = std::find_if(geometry.begin(), geometry.end(), far_enough_away);
return (far_enough != geometry.end()) ? compressedGeometryToCoordinate(*far_enough)
: node_coordinates[end_node];
CoordinateExtractor::GetForwardCoordinatesAlongRoad(const NodeID from, const EdgeID turn_edge) const
return GetCoordinatesAlongRoad(from, turn_edge, false, node_based_graph.GetTarget(turn_edge));
CoordinateExtractor::GetCoordinatesAlongRoad(const NodeID intersection_node,
const EdgeID turn_edge,
const bool traversed_in_reverse,
const NodeID to_node) const
if (!compressed_geometries.HasEntryForID(turn_edge))
if (traversed_in_reverse)
return {{node_coordinates[to_node]}, {node_coordinates[intersection_node]}};
return {{node_coordinates[intersection_node]}, {node_coordinates[to_node]}};
// extracts the geometry in coordinates from the compressed edge container
std::vector<util::Coordinate> result;
const auto &geometry = compressed_geometries.GetBucketReference(turn_edge);
result.reserve(geometry.size() + 2);
// the compressed edges contain node ids, we transfer them to coordinates accessing the
// node_coordinates array
const auto compressedGeometryToCoordinate =
[this](const CompressedEdgeContainer::OnewayCompressedEdge &compressed_edge)
-> util::Coordinate { return node_coordinates[compressed_edge.node_id]; };
// add the coordinates to the result in either normal or reversed order, based on
// traversed_in_reverse
if (traversed_in_reverse)
BOOST_ASSERT(intersection_node < node_coordinates.size());
BOOST_ASSERT(intersection_node < node_coordinates.size());
return result;
CoordinateExtractor::GetMaxDeviation(std::vector<util::Coordinate>::const_iterator range_begin,
const std::vector<util::Coordinate>::const_iterator &range_end,
const util::Coordinate straight_begin,
const util::Coordinate straight_end) const
// compute the deviation of a single coordinate from a straight line
auto get_single_deviation = [&](const util::Coordinate coordinate) {
// find the projected coordinate
auto coord_between = util::coordinate_calculation::projectPointOnSegment(
straight_begin, straight_end, coordinate)
// and calculate the distance between the intermediate coordinate and the coordinate
// on the osrm-way
return util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(coord_between, coordinate);
// note: we don't accumulate here but rather compute the maximum. The functor passed here is not
// summing up anything.
return std::accumulate(
range_begin, range_end, 0.0, [&](const double current, const util::Coordinate coordinate) {
return std::max(current, get_single_deviation(coordinate));
bool CoordinateExtractor::IsCurve(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::vector<double> &segment_distances,
const double segment_length,
const double considered_lane_width,
const util::NodeBasedEdgeData &edge_data) const
BOOST_ASSERT(coordinates.size() > 2);
// by default, we treat roundabout as curves
if (edge_data.roundabout)
return true;
// TODO we might have to fix this to better compensate for errors due to repeated coordinates
const bool takes_an_actual_turn = [&coordinates]() {
const auto begin_bearing =
util::coordinate_calculation::bearing(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]);
const auto end_bearing = util::coordinate_calculation::bearing(
coordinates[coordinates.size() - 2], coordinates[coordinates.size() - 1]);
const auto total_angle = angularDeviation(begin_bearing, end_bearing);
return total_angle > 0.5 * NARROW_TURN_ANGLE;
if (!takes_an_actual_turn)
return false;
const auto get_deviation = [](const util::Coordinate line_start,
const util::Coordinate line_end,
const util::Coordinate point) {
// find the projected coordinate
auto coord_between =
util::coordinate_calculation::projectPointOnSegment(line_start, line_end, point).second;
// and calculate the distance between the intermediate coordinate and the coordinate
return util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(coord_between, point);
// a curve needs to be on one side of the coordinate array
const bool all_same_side = [&]() {
if (coordinates.size() <= 3)
return true;
const bool ccw = util::coordinate_calculation::isCCW(
coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), coordinates[1]);
return std::all_of(
coordinates.begin() + 2, coordinates.end() - 1, [&](const util::Coordinate coordinate) {
const bool compare_ccw = util::coordinate_calculation::isCCW(
coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), coordinate);
return ccw == compare_ccw;
if (!all_same_side)
return false;
// check if the deviation is a sequence that increases up to a maximum deviation and decreses
// after, following what we would expect from a modelled curve
bool has_up_down_deviation = false;
std::size_t maximum_deviation_index = 0;
double maximum_deviation = 0;
std::tie(has_up_down_deviation, maximum_deviation_index, maximum_deviation) =
[&coordinates, get_deviation]() -> std::tuple<bool, std::size_t, double> {
const auto increasing = [&](const util::Coordinate lhs, const util::Coordinate rhs) {
return get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), lhs) <=
get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), rhs);
const auto decreasing = [&](const util::Coordinate lhs, const util::Coordinate rhs) {
return get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), lhs) >=
get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), rhs);
if (coordinates.size() < 3)
return std::make_tuple(true, 0, 0.);
if (coordinates.size() == 3)
return std::make_tuple(
true, 1, get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), coordinates[1]));
const auto maximum_itr =
std::is_sorted_until(coordinates.begin() + 1, coordinates.end(), increasing);
if (maximum_itr == coordinates.end())
return std::make_tuple(true, coordinates.size() - 1, 0.);
else if (std::is_sorted(maximum_itr, coordinates.end(), decreasing))
return std::make_tuple(
std::distance(coordinates.begin(), maximum_itr),
get_deviation(coordinates.front(), coordinates.back(), *maximum_itr));
return std::make_tuple(false, 0, 0.);
// a curve has increasing deviation from its front/back vertices to a certain point and after it
// only decreases
if (!has_up_down_deviation)
return false;
// if the maximum deviation is at a quarter of the total curve, we are probably looking at a
// normal turn
const auto distance_to_max_deviation = std::accumulate(
segment_distances.begin(), segment_distances.begin() + maximum_deviation_index, 0.);
if ((distance_to_max_deviation <= 0.35 * segment_length ||
maximum_deviation < std::max(0.3 * considered_lane_width, 0.5 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH)) &&
return false;
BOOST_ASSERT(coordinates.size() >= 3);
// Compute all turn angles along the road
const auto turn_angles = [coordinates]() {
std::vector<double> turn_angles;
turn_angles.reserve(coordinates.size() - 2);
for (std::size_t index = 0; index + 2 < coordinates.size(); ++index)
coordinates[index], coordinates[index + 1], coordinates[index + 2]));
return turn_angles;
const bool curve_is_valid =
[&turn_angles, &segment_distances, &segment_length, &considered_lane_width]() {
// internal state for our lamdae
bool last_was_straight = false;
// a turn angle represents two segments between three coordinates. We initialize the
// distance with the very first segment length (in-segment) of the first turn-angle
double straight_distance = std::max(0., segment_distances[1] - considered_lane_width);
auto distance_itr = segment_distances.begin() + 1;
// every call to the lamda requires a call to the distances. They need to be aligned
BOOST_ASSERT(segment_distances.size() == turn_angles.size() + 2);
const auto detect_invalid_curve = [&](const double previous_angle,
const double current_angle) {
const auto both_actually_turn =
(angularDeviation(previous_angle, STRAIGHT_ANGLE) > FUZZY_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE) &&
(angularDeviation(current_angle, STRAIGHT_ANGLE) > FUZZY_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE);
// they cannot be straight, since they differ at least by FUZZY_ANGLE_DIFFERENCE
const auto turn_direction_switches =
(previous_angle > STRAIGHT_ANGLE) == (current_angle < STRAIGHT_ANGLE);
// a turn that switches direction mid-curve is not a valid curve
if (both_actually_turn && turn_direction_switches)
return true;
const bool is_straight = angularDeviation(current_angle, STRAIGHT_ANGLE) < 5;
if (is_straight)
// since the angle is straight, we augment it by the second part of the segment
straight_distance += *distance_itr;
if (last_was_straight && straight_distance > 0.3 * segment_length)
return true;
} // if a segment on its own is long enough, thats fair game as well
else if (straight_distance > 0.3 * segment_length)
return true;
// we reset the last distance, starting with the next in-segment again
straight_distance = *distance_itr;
last_was_straight = is_straight;
return false;
const auto end_of_straight_segment =
std::adjacent_find(turn_angles.begin(), turn_angles.end(), detect_invalid_curve);
// No curve should have a very long straight segment
return end_of_straight_segment == turn_angles.end();
return (segment_length > 2 * considered_lane_width && curve_is_valid);
bool CoordinateExtractor::IsDirectOffset(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const std::size_t straight_index,
const double straight_distance,
const double segment_length,
const std::vector<double> &segment_distances,
const std::uint8_t considered_lanes) const
// check if a given length is with half a lane of the assumed lane offset
const auto IsCloseToLaneDistance = [considered_lanes](const double width) {
// a road usually is connected to the middle of the lanes. So the lane-offset has to
// consider half to road
const auto lane_offset = 0.5 * considered_lanes * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH;
return width - lane_offset < ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH; // less or going over at most a small bit
// Check whether the very first coordinate is simply an offset. This is the case if the initial
// vertex is close to the turn and the remaining coordinates are nearly straight.
const auto offset_index = std::max<decltype(straight_index)>(1, straight_index);
// we need at least a single coordinate
if (offset_index + 1 >= coordinates.size())
return false;
BOOST_ASSERT(segment_distances.size() == coordinates.size());
// the straight part has to be around the lane distance
if (!IsCloseToLaneDistance(std::accumulate(
segment_distances.begin(), segment_distances.begin() + offset_index + 1, 0.)))
return false;
// the segment itself cannot be short
if (segment_length < 0.4 * FAR_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE)
return false;
// if the remaining segment is short, we don't consider it an offset
if ((segment_length - std::max(straight_distance, segment_distances[1])) < 0.1 * segment_length)
return false;
// when we compare too long a distance, we run into problems due to turning roads. Here we
// compute which index to consider when checking if the remaining road remains straight
const auto segment_offset_past_thirty_meters =
std::find_if(segment_distances.begin() + offset_index,
[accumulated_distance = 0.](const auto value) mutable {
accumulated_distance += value;
return value >= 30;
// transform the found offset in the segment distances into the appropriate part in the
// coordinates array
const auto deviation_compare_end =
coordinates.begin() +
coordinates.size(), // don't go over
std::distance(segment_distances.begin(), segment_offset_past_thirty_meters) + 1);
// finally, we cannot be far off from a straight line for the remaining coordinates
return 0.5 * ASSUMED_LANE_WIDTH > GetMaxDeviation(coordinates.begin() + offset_index,
*(deviation_compare_end - 1));
CoordinateExtractor::PrepareLengthCache(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const double limit) const
BOOST_ASSERT(limit >= 0);
std::vector<double> segment_distances;
// sentinel
std::find_if(std::next(std::begin(coordinates)), std::end(coordinates), [
last_coordinate = coordinates.front(),
accumulated_distance = 0.
](const util::Coordinate current_coordinate) mutable {
const auto distance =
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(last_coordinate, current_coordinate);
accumulated_distance += distance;
last_coordinate = current_coordinate;
return accumulated_distance >= limit;
return segment_distances;
CoordinateExtractor::TrimCoordinatesToLength(std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates,
const double desired_length,
const std::vector<double> &length_cache) const
BOOST_ASSERT(coordinates.size() >= 2);
BOOST_ASSERT(desired_length >= 0);
double distance_to_current_coordinate = 0;
std::size_t coordinate_index = 0;
const auto compute_length =
[&coordinate_index, &distance_to_current_coordinate, &coordinates]() {
const auto new_distance =
distance_to_current_coordinate +
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(coordinates[coordinate_index - 1],
return new_distance;
const auto read_length_from_cache = [&length_cache, &coordinate_index]() {
return length_cache[coordinate_index];
bool use_cache = !length_cache.empty();
if (use_cache && length_cache.back() < desired_length && coordinates.size() >= 2)
if (coordinates.size() > length_cache.size())
coordinates.erase(coordinates.begin() + length_cache.size(), coordinates.end());
const auto distance_between_last_coordinates =
util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(*(coordinates.end() - 2),
*(coordinates.end() - 1));
const auto interpolation_factor =
ComputeInterpolationFactor(length_cache.back(), 0, distance_between_last_coordinates);
coordinates.back() = util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
interpolation_factor, *(coordinates.end() - 2), coordinates.back());
return coordinates;
BOOST_ASSERT(!use_cache || length_cache.back() >= desired_length);
for (coordinate_index = 1; coordinate_index < coordinates.size(); ++coordinate_index)
// get the length to the next candidate, given that we can or cannot have a length cache
const auto distance_to_next_coordinate =
use_cache ? read_length_from_cache() : compute_length();
// if we reached the number of coordinates, we can stop here
if (distance_to_next_coordinate >= desired_length)
coordinates.resize(coordinate_index + 1);
coordinates.back() = util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
coordinates[coordinate_index - 1],
// remember the accumulated distance
distance_to_current_coordinate = distance_to_next_coordinate;
return coordinates;
CoordinateExtractor::GetCorrectedCoordinate(const util::Coordinate fixpoint,
const util::Coordinate vector_base,
const util::Coordinate vector_head) const
// if the coordinates are close together, we were not able to look far ahead, so
// we can use the end-coordinate
if (util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(vector_base, vector_head) <
return vector_head;
/* to correct for the initial offset, we move the lookahead coordinate close
* to the original road. We do so by subtracting the difference between the
* turn coordinate and the offset coordinate from the lookahead coordinge:
* a ------ b ------ c
* |
* d
* \
* \
* e
* is converted to:
* a ------ b ------ c
* \
* \
* e
* for turn node `b`, vector_base `d` and vector_head `e`
const auto offset_percentage = 90;
const auto corrected_lon =
vector_head.lon -
util::FixedLongitude{offset_percentage *
static_cast<int>(vector_base.lon - fixpoint.lon) / 100};
const auto corrected_lat =
vector_head.lat -
util::FixedLatitude{offset_percentage *
static_cast<int>(vector_base.lat - fixpoint.lat) / 100};
return util::Coordinate(corrected_lon, corrected_lat);
CoordinateExtractor::SampleCoordinates(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates,
const double max_sample_length,
const double rate) const
BOOST_ASSERT(rate > 0 && coordinates.size() >= 2);
// the return value
std::vector<util::Coordinate> sampled_coordinates;
sampled_coordinates.reserve(ceil(max_sample_length / rate) + 2);
// the very first coordinate is always part of the sample
double carry_length = 0., total_length = 0.;
// interpolate coordinates as long as we are not past the desired length
const auto add_samples_until_length_limit = [&](const util::Coordinate previous_coordinate,
const util::Coordinate current_coordinate) {
// pretend to have found an element and stop the sampling
if (total_length > max_sample_length)
return true;
const auto distance_between = util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
previous_coordinate, current_coordinate);
if (carry_length + distance_between >= rate)
// within the current segment, there is at least a single coordinate that we want to
// sample. We extract all coordinates that are on our sampling intervals and update our
// local sampling item to reflect the travelled distance
const auto base_sampling = rate - carry_length;
// the number of samples in the interval is equal to the length of the interval (+ the
// already traversed part from the previous segment) divided by the sampling rate
BOOST_ASSERT(max_sample_length > total_length);
const std::size_t num_samples = std::floor(
(std::min(max_sample_length - total_length, distance_between) + carry_length) /
for (std::size_t sample_value = 0; sample_value < num_samples; ++sample_value)
const auto interpolation_factor = ComputeInterpolationFactor(
base_sampling + sample_value * rate, 0, distance_between);
auto sampled_coordinate = util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
interpolation_factor, previous_coordinate, current_coordinate);
// current length needs to reflect how much is missing to the next sample. Here we can
// ignore max sample range, because if we reached it, the loop is done anyhow
carry_length = (distance_between + carry_length) - (num_samples * rate);
// do the necessary bookkeeping and continue
carry_length += distance_between;
// the total length travelled is always updated by the full distance
total_length += distance_between;
return false;
// misuse of adjacent_find. Loop over coordinates, until a total sample length is reached
std::adjacent_find(coordinates.begin(), coordinates.end(), add_samples_until_length_limit);
return sampled_coordinates;
double CoordinateExtractor::ComputeInterpolationFactor(const double desired_distance,
const double distance_to_first,
const double distance_to_second) const
BOOST_ASSERT(distance_to_first < desired_distance);
double segment_length = distance_to_second - distance_to_first;
BOOST_ASSERT(segment_length > 0);
BOOST_ASSERT(distance_to_second >= desired_distance);
double missing_distance = desired_distance - distance_to_first;
return std::max(0., std::min(missing_distance / segment_length, 1.0));
CoordinateExtractor::TrimCoordinatesByLengthFront(std::vector<util::Coordinate> coordinates,
const double desired_length) const
BOOST_ASSERT(desired_length >= 0);
double distance_to_index = 0;
std::size_t index = 0;
for (std::size_t next_index = 1; next_index < coordinates.size(); ++next_index)
const double next_distance =
distance_to_index + util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance(
coordinates[index], coordinates[next_index]);
if (next_distance >= desired_length)
const auto factor =
ComputeInterpolationFactor(desired_length, distance_to_index, next_distance);
auto interpolated_coordinate = util::coordinate_calculation::interpolateLinear(
factor, coordinates[index], coordinates[next_index]);
if (index > 0)
coordinates.erase(coordinates.begin(), coordinates.begin() + index);
coordinates.front() = interpolated_coordinate;
return coordinates;
distance_to_index = next_distance;
index = next_index;
// the coordinates in total are too short in length for the desired length
// this part is only reached when we don't return from within the above loop
return coordinates;
std::pair<util::Coordinate, util::Coordinate>
CoordinateExtractor::RegressionLine(const std::vector<util::Coordinate> &coordinates) const
// create a sample of all coordinates to improve the quality of our regression vector
// (less dependent on modelling of the data in OSM)
const auto sampled_coordinates = SampleCoordinates(coordinates, FAR_LOOKAHEAD_DISTANCE, 1);
if (sampled_coordinates.size() < 2) // less than 1 meter in length
return {coordinates.front(), coordinates.back()};
// compute the regression vector based on the sum of least squares
const auto regression_line = leastSquareRegression(sampled_coordinates);
const auto coord_between_front =
regression_line.first, regression_line.second, coordinates.front())
const auto coord_between_back =
regression_line.first, regression_line.second, coordinates.back())
return {coord_between_front, coord_between_back};
} // namespace guidance
} // namespace extractor
} // namespace osrm