2022-12-20 18:00:11 +01:00

234 lines
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#include "extractor/intersection/intersection_edge.hpp"
#include "guidance/turn_instruction.hpp"
#include "util/bearing.hpp"
#include "util/log.hpp"
#include "util/node_based_graph.hpp"
#include "util/typedefs.hpp" // EdgeID
#include <boost/range/algorithm/count_if.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/find_if.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/min_element.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace osrm::extractor::intersection
inline auto makeCompareAngularDeviation(const double angle)
return [angle](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return util::angularDeviation(lhs.angle, angle) < util::angularDeviation(rhs.angle, angle);
inline auto makeExtractLanesForRoad(const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &node_based_graph)
return [&node_based_graph](const auto &road) {
return node_based_graph.GetEdgeData(road.eid).road_classification.GetNumberOfLanes();
// When viewing an intersection from an incoming edge, we can transform a shape into a view which
// gives additional information on angles and whether a turn is allowed
struct IntersectionViewData : IntersectionEdgeGeometry
IntersectionViewData(const IntersectionEdgeGeometry &geometry,
const bool entry_allowed,
const double angle)
: IntersectionEdgeGeometry(geometry), entry_allowed(entry_allowed), angle(angle)
bool entry_allowed;
double angle;
bool CompareByAngle(const IntersectionViewData &other) const;
// Intersections are sorted roads: [0] being the UTurn road, then from sharp right to sharp left.
// common operations shared amongst all intersection types
template <typename Self> struct EnableShapeOps
// same as closest turn, but for bearings
auto FindClosestBearing(double base_bearing) const
return std::min_element(
self()->begin(), self()->end(), [base_bearing](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return util::angularDeviation(lhs.perceived_bearing, base_bearing) <
util::angularDeviation(rhs.perceived_bearing, base_bearing);
// search a given eid in the intersection
auto FindEid(const EdgeID eid) const
return boost::range::find_if(*self(), [eid](const auto &road) { return road.eid == eid; });
// find the maximum value based on a conversion operator
template <typename UnaryProjection> auto FindMaximum(UnaryProjection converter) const
auto initial = converter(self()->front());
const auto extract_maximal_value = [&initial, converter](const auto &road) {
initial = std::max(initial, converter(road));
return false;
boost::range::find_if(*self(), extract_maximal_value);
return initial;
// find the maximum value based on a conversion operator and a predefined initial value
template <typename UnaryPredicate> auto Count(UnaryPredicate detector) const
return boost::range::count_if(*self(), detector);
auto self() { return static_cast<Self *>(this); }
auto self() const { return static_cast<const Self *>(this); }
struct IntersectionShape final : std::vector<IntersectionEdgeGeometry>, //
EnableShapeOps<IntersectionShape> //
using Base = std::vector<IntersectionEdgeGeometry>;
// Common operations shared among IntersectionView and Intersections.
// Inherit to enable those operations on your compatible type. CRTP pattern.
template <typename Self> struct EnableIntersectionOps
// Find the turn whose angle offers the least angular deviation to the specified angle
// For turn angles [0, 90, 260] and a query of 180 we return the 260 degree turn.
auto findClosestTurn(double angle) const
auto comp = makeCompareAngularDeviation(angle);
return boost::range::min_element(*self(), comp);
// returns a non-const_interator
auto findClosestTurn(double angle)
auto comp = makeCompareAngularDeviation(angle);
return std::min_element(self()->begin(), self()->end(), comp);
/* Check validity of the intersection object. We assume a few basic properties every set of
* connected roads should follow throughout guidance pre-processing. This utility function
* allows checking intersections for validity
auto valid() const
if (self()->empty())
return false;
auto comp = [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) { return lhs.CompareByAngle(rhs); };
const auto ordered = std::is_sorted(self()->begin(), self()->end(), comp);
if (!ordered)
return false;
const auto uturn = self()->operator[](0).angle < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
if (!uturn)
return false;
return true;
// Returns the UTurn road we took to arrive at this intersection.
const auto &getUTurnRoad() const { return self()->operator[](0); }
// Returns the right-most road at this intersection.
const auto &getRightmostRoad() const
return self()->size() > 1 ? self()->operator[](1) : self()->getUTurnRoad();
// Returns the left-most road at this intersection.
const auto &getLeftmostRoad() const
return self()->size() > 1 ? self()->back() : self()->getUTurnRoad();
// Can this be skipped over?
auto isTrafficSignalOrBarrier() const { return self()->size() == 2; }
// Checks if there is at least one road available (except UTurn road) on which to continue.
auto isDeadEnd() const
auto pred = [](const auto &road) { return road.entry_allowed; };
return std::none_of(self()->begin() + 1, self()->end(), pred);
// Returns the number of roads we can enter at this intersection, respectively.
auto countEnterable() const
auto pred = [](const auto &road) { return road.entry_allowed; };
return boost::range::count_if(*self(), pred);
// Returns the number of roads we can not enter at this intersection, respectively.
auto countNonEnterable() const { return self()->size() - self()->countEnterable(); }
// same as find closests turn but with an additional predicate to allow filtering
// the filter has to return `true` for elements that should be ignored
template <typename UnaryPredicate>
auto findClosestTurn(const double angle, const UnaryPredicate filter) const
const auto candidate =
boost::range::min_element(*self(), [angle, &filter](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
const auto filtered_lhs = filter(lhs), filtered_rhs = filter(rhs);
const auto deviation_lhs = util::angularDeviation(lhs.angle, angle),
deviation_rhs = util::angularDeviation(rhs.angle, angle);
return std::tie(filtered_lhs, deviation_lhs) <
std::tie(filtered_rhs, deviation_rhs);
// make sure only to return valid elements
return filter(*candidate) ? self()->end() : candidate;
// check if all roads between begin and end allow entry
template <typename InputIt>
bool hasAllValidEntries(const InputIt begin, const InputIt end) const
typename std::iterator_traits<InputIt>::iterator_category>::value,
"hasAllValidEntries() only accepts input iterators");
return std::all_of(
begin, end, [](const IntersectionViewData &road) { return road.entry_allowed; });
auto self() { return static_cast<Self *>(this); }
auto self() const { return static_cast<const Self *>(this); }
struct IntersectionView final : std::vector<IntersectionViewData>, //
EnableShapeOps<IntersectionView>, //
EnableIntersectionOps<IntersectionView> //
using Base = std::vector<IntersectionViewData>;
} // namespace osrm::extractor::intersection