This change takes the existing typedefs for weight, duration and distance, and makes them proper types, using the existing Alias functionality. Primarily this is to prevent bugs where the metrics are switched, but it also adds additional documentation. For example, it now makes it clear (despite the naming of variables) that most of the trip algorithm is running on the duration metric. I've not made any changes to the casts performed between metrics and numeric types, they now just more explicit.
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269 lines
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// implements all data storage when shared memory _IS_ used
#include "contractor/query_edge.hpp"
#include "extractor/class_data.hpp"
#include "extractor/maneuver_override.hpp"
#include "extractor/travel_mode.hpp"
#include "extractor/turn_lane_types.hpp"
#include "guidance/turn_bearing.hpp"
#include "guidance/turn_instruction.hpp"
#include "engine/algorithm.hpp"
#include "engine/datafacade/algorithm_datafacade.hpp"
#include "engine/datafacade/datafacade_base.hpp"
#include "util/guidance/bearing_class.hpp"
#include "util/guidance/entry_class.hpp"
#include "util/typedefs.hpp"
namespace osrm
namespace test
class MockBaseDataFacade : public engine::datafacade::BaseDataFacade
using StringView = util::StringView;
bool ExcludeNode(const NodeID) const override { return false; };
util::Coordinate GetCoordinateOfNode(const NodeID /* id */) const override
return {util::FixedLongitude{0}, util::FixedLatitude{0}};
OSMNodeID GetOSMNodeIDOfNode(const NodeID /* id */) const override { return OSMNodeID{0}; }
bool EdgeIsCompressed(const EdgeID /* id */) const { return false; }
GeometryID GetGeometryIndex(const NodeID /* id */) const override
return GeometryID{SPECIAL_GEOMETRYID, false};
ComponentID GetComponentID(const NodeID /* id */) const override
return ComponentID{INVALID_COMPONENTID, false};
TurnPenalty GetWeightPenaltyForEdgeID(const unsigned /* id */) const override final
return {0};
TurnPenalty GetDurationPenaltyForEdgeID(const unsigned /* id */) const override final
return {0};
std::string GetTimestamp() const override { return ""; }
NodeForwardRange GetUncompressedForwardGeometry(const EdgeID /* id */) const override
static NodeID data[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
static extractor::SegmentDataView::SegmentNodeVector nodes(data, 4);
return boost::make_iterator_range(nodes.cbegin(), nodes.cend());
NodeReverseRange GetUncompressedReverseGeometry(const EdgeID id) const override
return NodeReverseRange(GetUncompressedForwardGeometry(id));
WeightForwardRange GetUncompressedForwardWeights(const EdgeID /* id */) const override
static std::uint64_t data[] = {1, 2, 3};
static const extractor::SegmentDataView::SegmentWeightVector weights(
util::vector_view<std::uint64_t>(data, 3), 3);
return WeightForwardRange(weights.begin(), weights.end());
WeightReverseRange GetUncompressedReverseWeights(const EdgeID id) const override
return WeightReverseRange(GetUncompressedForwardWeights(id));
DurationForwardRange GetUncompressedForwardDurations(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override
static std::uint64_t data[] = {1, 2, 3};
static const extractor::SegmentDataView::SegmentDurationVector durations(
util::vector_view<std::uint64_t>(data, 3), 3);
return DurationForwardRange(durations.begin(), durations.end());
DurationReverseRange GetUncompressedReverseDurations(const EdgeID id) const override
return DurationReverseRange(GetUncompressedForwardDurations(id));
DatasourceForwardRange GetUncompressedForwardDatasources(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override
return {};
DatasourceReverseRange GetUncompressedReverseDatasources(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override
return DatasourceReverseRange(DatasourceForwardRange());
StringView GetDatasourceName(const DatasourceID) const override final { return {}; }
GetTurnInstructionForEdgeID(const EdgeID /* id */) const override
return osrm::guidance::TurnInstruction::NO_TURN();
std::vector<RTreeLeaf> GetEdgesInBox(const util::Coordinate /* south_west */,
const util::Coordinate /*north_east */) const override
return {};
NearestPhantomNodesInRange(const util::Coordinate /*input_coordinate*/,
const double /*max_distance*/,
const boost::optional<engine::Bearing> /*bearing*/,
const engine::Approach /*approach*/,
const bool /*use_all_edges*/) const override
return {};
NearestPhantomNodes(const util::Coordinate /*input_coordinate*/,
const size_t /*max_results*/,
const boost::optional<double> /*max_distance*/,
const boost::optional<engine::Bearing> /*bearing*/,
const engine::Approach /*approach*/) const override
return {};
engine::PhantomCandidateAlternatives NearestCandidatesWithAlternativeFromBigComponent(
const util::Coordinate /*input_coordinate*/,
const boost::optional<double> /*max_distance*/,
const boost::optional<engine::Bearing> /*bearing*/,
const engine::Approach /*approach*/,
const bool /*use_all_edges*/) const override
return {};
std::uint32_t GetCheckSum() const override { return 0; }
extractor::TravelMode GetTravelMode(const NodeID /* id */) const override
extractor::ClassData GetClassData(const NodeID /*id*/) const override final { return 0; }
std::vector<std::string> GetClasses(const extractor::ClassData /*data*/) const override final
return {};
NameID GetNameIndex(const NodeID /* id */) const override { return 0; }
StringView GetNameForID(const NameID) const override final { return {}; }
StringView GetRefForID(const NameID) const override final { return {}; }
StringView GetPronunciationForID(const NameID) const override final { return {}; }
StringView GetDestinationsForID(const NameID) const override final { return {}; }
StringView GetExitsForID(const NameID) const override final { return {}; }
bool GetContinueStraightDefault() const override { return true; }
double GetMapMatchingMaxSpeed() const override { return 180 / 3.6; }
const char *GetWeightName() const override final { return "duration"; }
unsigned GetWeightPrecision() const override final { return 1; }
double GetWeightMultiplier() const override final { return 10.; }
bool IsLeftHandDriving(const NodeID /*id*/) const override { return false; }
bool IsSegregated(const NodeID /*id*/) const override { return false; }
guidance::TurnBearing PreTurnBearing(const EdgeID /*eid*/) const override final
return guidance::TurnBearing{0.0};
guidance::TurnBearing PostTurnBearing(const EdgeID /*eid*/) const override final
return guidance::TurnBearing{0.0};
bool HasLaneData(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override final { return true; };
util::guidance::LaneTupleIdPair GetLaneData(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override final
return {{0, 0}, 0};
GetTurnDescription(const LaneDescriptionID /*lane_description_id*/) const override final
return {};
util::guidance::BearingClass GetBearingClass(const NodeID /*node*/) const override
util::guidance::BearingClass result;
return result;
util::guidance::EntryClass GetEntryClass(const EdgeID /*id*/) const override
util::guidance::EntryClass result;
return result;
GetOverridesThatStartAt(const NodeID /* edge_based_node_id */) const override
return {};
template <typename AlgorithmT> class MockAlgorithmDataFacade;
template <>
class MockAlgorithmDataFacade<engine::datafacade::CH>
: public engine::datafacade::AlgorithmDataFacade<engine::datafacade::CH>
EdgeData foo;
unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const override { return 0; }
unsigned GetNumberOfEdges() const override { return 0; }
unsigned GetOutDegree(const NodeID /* n */) const override { return 0; }
NodeID GetTarget(const EdgeID /* e */) const override { return SPECIAL_NODEID; }
const EdgeData &GetEdgeData(const EdgeID /* e */) const override { return foo; }
EdgeRange GetAdjacentEdgeRange(const NodeID /* node */) const override
return EdgeRange(static_cast<EdgeID>(0), static_cast<EdgeID>(0), {});
EdgeID FindEdge(const NodeID /* from */, const NodeID /* to */) const override
EdgeID FindEdgeInEitherDirection(const NodeID /* from */, const NodeID /* to */) const override
EdgeID FindSmallestEdge(const NodeID /* from */,
const NodeID /* to */,
std::function<bool(EdgeData)> /* filter */) const override
EdgeID FindEdgeIndicateIfReverse(const NodeID /* from */,
const NodeID /* to */,
bool & /* result */) const override
template <typename AlgorithmT>
class MockDataFacade final : public MockBaseDataFacade, public MockAlgorithmDataFacade<AlgorithmT>
} // namespace test
} // namespace osrm