Michael Bell 2d1e620429
Fix test cache to consider MLD executable changes (#6129)
* Fix test cache to consider MLD executable changes

Currently the test cache is not invalidated if changes to
osrm-partition or osrm-customize executables. This is problematic
when these executables make breaking changes to the data format.

We fix this by including both in the list of executables that
can invalidate the test cache.

* Executables use hyphens
2021-09-21 12:35:34 -07:00

130 lines
5.7 KiB

'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const fs = require('fs');
const d3 = require('d3-queue');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const tryConnect = require('../lib/try_connect');
// Sets up all constants that are valid for all features
module.exports = function () {
this.initializeEnv = (callback) => {
this.TIMEOUT = process.env.CUCUMBER_TIMEOUT && parseInt(process.env.CUCUMBER_TIMEOUT) || 5000;
// set cucumber default timeout
this.ROOT_PATH = process.cwd();
this.TEST_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_PATH, 'test');
this.CACHE_PATH = path.resolve(this.TEST_PATH, 'cache');
this.LOGS_PATH = path.resolve(this.TEST_PATH, 'logs');
this.PROFILES_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_PATH, 'profiles');
this.FIXTURES_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_PATH, 'unit_tests/fixtures');
this.BIN_PATH = process.env.OSRM_BUILD_DIR && process.env.OSRM_BUILD_DIR || path.resolve(this.ROOT_PATH, 'build');
this.DATASET_NAME = 'cucumber';
this.PLATFORM_WINDOWS = process.platform.match(/^win.*/);
this.DEFAULT_ENVIRONMENT = process.env;
this.DEFAULT_PROFILE = 'bicycle';
this.DEFAULT_LOAD_METHOD = process.argv[process.argv.indexOf('-m') +1].match('mmap') ? 'mmap' : 'datastore';
this.DEFAULT_ORIGIN = [1,1];
this.OSM_USER = 'osrm';
this.OSM_UID = 1;
this.OSM_TIMESTAMP = '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z';
this.WAY_SPACING = 100;
this.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE = 100; // meters
// get algorithm name from the command line profile argument
this.ROUTING_ALGORITHM = process.argv[process.argv.indexOf('-p') + 1].match('mld') ? 'MLD' : 'CH';
this.TIMEZONE_NAMES = this.PLATFORM_WINDOWS ? 'win' : 'iana';
this.OSRM_PORT = process.env.OSRM_PORT && parseInt(process.env.OSRM_PORT) || 5000;
this.OSRM_IP = process.env.OSRM_IP || '';
this.HOST = `http://${this.OSRM_IP}:${this.OSRM_PORT}`;
this.OSRM_PROFILE = process.env.OSRM_PROFILE;
this.TERMSIGNAL = 9;
this.EXE = '.exe';
} else {
this.EXE = '';
// heuristically detect .so/.a/.dll/.lib suffix
this.LIB = ['lib%s.a', 'lib%s.so', '%s.dll', '%s.lib'].find((format) => {
try {
const lib = this.BIN_PATH + '/' + util.format(format, 'osrm');
fs.accessSync(lib, fs.F_OK);
} catch(e) { return false; }
return true;
if (this.LIB === undefined) {
throw new Error('*** Unable to detect dynamic or static libosrm libraries');
this.OSRM_EXTRACT_PATH = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-extract', this.EXE));
this.OSRM_CONTRACT_PATH = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-contract', this.EXE));
this.OSRM_CUSTOMIZE_PATH = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-customize', this.EXE));
this.OSRM_PARTITION_PATH = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-partition', this.EXE));
this.OSRM_ROUTED_PATH = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-routed', this.EXE));
this.LIB_OSRM_EXTRACT_PATH = util.format('%s/' + this.LIB, this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-extract'),
this.LIB_OSRM_CONTRACT_PATH = util.format('%s/' + this.LIB, this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-contract'),
this.LIB_OSRM_CUSTOMIZE_PATH = util.format('%s/' + this.LIB, this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-customize'),
this.LIB_OSRM_PARTITION_PATH = util.format('%s/' + this.LIB, this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm-partition'),
this.LIB_OSRM_PATH = util.format('%s/' + this.LIB, this.BIN_PATH, 'osrm');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.info(util.format('Node Version', process.version));
if (parseInt(process.version.match(/v(\d+)/)[1]) < 4) throw new Error('*** Please upgrade to Node 4.+ to run OSRM cucumber tests');
fs.exists(this.TEST_PATH, (exists) => {
if (exists)
return callback();
return callback(new Error('*** Test folder doesn\'t exist.'));
this.getProfilePath = (profile) => {
return path.resolve(this.PROFILES_PATH, profile + '.lua');
this.verifyOSRMIsNotRunning = (callback) => {
tryConnect(this.OSRM_IP, this.OSRM_PORT, (err) => {
if (!err) return callback(new Error('*** osrm-routed is already running.'));
else callback();
this.verifyExistenceOfBinaries = (callback) => {
var verify = (binPath, cb) => {
fs.exists(binPath, (exists) => {
if (!exists) return cb(new Error(util.format('%s is missing. Build failed?', binPath)));
var helpPath = util.format('%s --help', binPath);
child_process.exec(helpPath, (err) => {
if (err) {
return cb(new Error(util.format('*** %s exited with code %d', helpPath, err.code)));
var q = d3.queue();
[this.OSRM_EXTRACT_PATH, this.OSRM_CONTRACT_PATH, this.OSRM_CUSTOMIZE_PATH, this.OSRM_PARTITION_PATH, this.OSRM_ROUTED_PATH].forEach(bin => { q.defer(verify, bin); });
process.on('exit', () => {
this.osrmLoader.shutdown(() => {});
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
// TODO need to handle for windows??