Dennis Luxen c0402345f7 Squashed 'third_party/libosmium/' changes from f074d94..8bcd4ea
8bcd4ea Add explicit cast operator from osmium::Timestamp to uint32_t.
0b24814 Fixed the full_queue_sleep_duration const (again).
5e19dd2 Try different workaround for windows...
df5d6c9 Fix build error on Windows.
1553adf Workaround for missing support for u8 string literals on Windows.
aa5e44a Do not build benchmarks in Appveyor to speed up build.
2b22b31 Remove warning generated by assert by casting to largest type.
148c5e3 Fix inclusion of our own css file into doxygen documentation.
13bce6f Split out test thats fails on Windows and do not run it on appveyor.
ca04757 Make CMake add_unit_test() function more flexible.
6c04a63 Tell CMake to output json file with compile commands.
c0dd848 Fix indentation in some tests.
dfa7e4b Formatting: Consistently use spaces around equal signs.
08fe6db Add change log, release version 2.1.0.
667192e Add XML tests.
28acfc7 Make sorting the PBF stringtables optional.
8184781 Fix PBFInputFormat. Use member variable instead of static variable.
2b48945 Fix comment.
6d37054 Rename m_done to m_quit_input_thread to clarify what it is for.
bc23083 Fix race condition in PBF reader.
7fc380e Add various docs, noexcepts, asserts, and tests.
aeaf4d7 Not a good idea to how overbroad patterns in .gitignore.
c1ef2f9 Bugfix: Multipolygon collector was accessing non-existent NodeRef.
0ef9a13 Add noexcept and docs to some functions in NodeRefList class.
da4d764 Workaround for Doxygen bug.
e67d5d9 use absolute paths to osmium in YouCompleteMe configuration
38abeac remove template parameter from NodeRefList
c47adf0 Add check that osm xml file has <osm> or <osmChange> as top-level element.
5e4af90 Updated version number to 2.0.0.
5b2bc3e Workaround in cmake test for sparsehash size.

git-subtree-dir: third_party/libosmium
git-subtree-split: 8bcd4ea771696812bbb08ebc58e3ee22d0538070
2015-04-13 15:44:38 +02:00

76 lines
2.1 KiB

- configuration: Debug
- configuration: Release
# branches to build
# whitelist
- develop
# scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning
- git config --global core.autocrlf input
# clone directory
clone_folder: c:\projects\osrm
platform: x64
# by default, all script lines are interpreted as batch
- nuget install protobuf
- cd c:\projects\osrm
- curl -O http://build.project-osrm.org/libs_osrm_%Configuration%.7z
- 7z x libs_osrm_%Configuration%.7z | find ":"
- cd c:/projects/osrm
- mkdir build
- cd build
- echo Running cmake...
- call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64
- SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\;%PATH%
- SET P=c:/projects/osrm
- set TBB_INSTALL_DIR=%P%/tbb
- set TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM=intel64/vc12
- cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 12 Win64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%Configuration% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P%/libs -DBOOST_ROOT=%P%/boost_min -DBoost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS=1.57 -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -T CTP_Nov2013
- msbuild /clp:Verbosity=minimal /nologo OSRM.sln
- msbuild /clp:Verbosity=minimal /nologo tests.vcxproj
- cd %Configuration%
- if "%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%"=="develop" (7z a %P%/osrm_%Configuration%.zip *.exe *.pdb %P%/libs/bin/*.dll -tzip)
- cd ..\..\profiles
- echo disk=c:\temp\stxxl,10000,wincall > .stxxl.txt
- if "%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%"=="develop" (7z a %P%/osrm_%Configuration%.zip * -tzip)
- set PATH=%PATH%;c:/projects/osrm/libs/bin
- cd c:/projects/osrm/build/%Configuration%
- datastructure-tests.exe
- algorithm-tests.exe
test: off
- path: osrm_Debug.zip
name: osrm_Debug.zip
- path: osrm_Release.zip
name: osrm_Release.zip
provider: FTP
secure: ef7oiQTTXFGt8NdNiOHm/uRFVrUttzyFbIlnaeHhQvw=
secure: Bw+Se2GTJxA6+GtRkEc//tQSBHOuFIuJHBjFwR9cD+8=
secure: eqwESZqxMXC/j5mOCpaXuw==
folder: /
enable_ssl: true
active_mode: false
# notifications:
# - provider: HipChat
# auth_token:
# secure: boLE7BjcahdIUxv9jkN7U3F8iOASF+MkhtctlVoWJoo=
# room: Directions