2020-11-17 14:59:06 -07:00

99 lines
3.1 KiB

EXAMPLE osmium_road_length
Calculate the length of the road network (everything tagged `highway=*`)
from the given OSM file.
* file input
* location indexes and the NodeLocationsForWays handler
* length calculation on the earth using the haversine function
SIMPLER EXAMPLES you might want to understand first:
* osmium_read
* osmium_count
* osmium_pub_names
The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain.
#include <cstdlib> // for std::exit
#include <iostream> // for std::cout, std::cerr
// Allow any format of input files (XML, PBF, ...)
#include <osmium/io/any_input.hpp>
// For the osmium::geom::haversine::distance() function
#include <osmium/geom/haversine.hpp>
// For osmium::apply()
#include <osmium/visitor.hpp>
// For the location index. There are different types of indexes available.
// This will work for all input files keeping the index in memory.
#include <osmium/index/map/flex_mem.hpp>
// For the NodeLocationForWays handler
#include <osmium/handler/node_locations_for_ways.hpp>
// The type of index used. This must match the include file above
using index_type = osmium::index::map::FlexMem<osmium::unsigned_object_id_type, osmium::Location>;
// The location handler always depends on the index type
using location_handler_type = osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays<index_type>;
// This handler only implements the way() function, we are not interested in
// any other objects.
struct RoadLengthHandler : public osmium::handler::Handler {
double length = 0;
// If the way has a "highway" tag, find its length and add it to the
// overall length.
void way(const osmium::Way& way) {
const char* highway = way.tags()["highway"];
if (highway) {
length += osmium::geom::haversine::distance(way.nodes());
}; // struct RoadLengthHandler
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " OSMFILE\n";
try {
// Initialize the reader with the filename from the command line and
// tell it to only read nodes and ways.
osmium::io::Reader reader{argv[1], osmium::osm_entity_bits::node | osmium::osm_entity_bits::way};
// The index to hold node locations.
index_type index;
// The location handler will add the node locations to the index and then
// to the ways
location_handler_type location_handler{index};
// Our handler defined above
RoadLengthHandler road_length_handler;
// Apply input data to first the location handler and then our own handler
osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, road_length_handler);
// Output the length. The haversine function calculates it in meters,
// so we first devide by 1000 to get kilometers.
std::cout << "Length: " << road_length_handler.length / 1000 << " km\n";
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
// All exceptions used by the Osmium library derive from std::exception.
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';