This change adds support for disabling datasets, such that specific files are not loaded into memory when running OSRM. This enables users to not pay the memory cost for features they do not intend to use. Initially, there are two options: - ROUTE_GEOMETRY, for disabling overview, steps, annotations and waypoints. - ROUTE_STEPS, for disabling steps only. Attempts to query features for which the datasets are disabled will lead to a DisabledDatasetException being returned.
463 lines
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463 lines
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var OSRM = require('../../');
var test = require('tape');
var data_path = require('./constants').data_path;
var mld_data_path = require('./constants').mld_data_path;
var three_test_coordinates = require('./constants').three_test_coordinates;
var two_test_coordinates = require('./constants').two_test_coordinates;
const flatbuffers = require('../../features/support/flatbuffers').flatbuffers;
const FBResult = require('../../features/support/fbresult_generated').osrm.engine.api.fbresult.FBResult;
test('match: match in Monaco with flatbuffers format', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620],
format: 'flatbuffers'
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
const fb = FBResult.getRootAsFBResult(new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(response));
assert.equal(fb.routesLength(), 1);
test('match: match in Monaco', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620]
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings.every(function(m) {
return !!m.distance && !!m.duration && Array.isArray(m.legs) && !!m.geometry && m.confidence > 0;
assert.equal(response.tracepoints.length, 3);
assert.ok(response.tracepoints.every(function(t) {
return !!t.hint && !isNaN(t.matchings_index) && !isNaN(t.waypoint_index) && !!;
test('match: match in Monaco returning a buffer', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620]
osrm.match(options, { format: 'json_buffer' }, function(err, response) {
assert.ok(response instanceof Buffer);
response = JSON.parse(response);
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings.every(function(m) {
return !!m.distance && !!m.duration && Array.isArray(m.legs) && !!m.geometry && m.confidence > 0;
assert.equal(response.tracepoints.length, 3);
assert.ok(response.tracepoints.every(function(t) {
return !!t.hint && !isNaN(t.matchings_index) && !isNaN(t.waypoint_index) && !!;
test('match: match in Monaco without timestamps', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.tracepoints.length, 3);
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
test('match: match in Monaco without geometry compression', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
geometries: 'geojson'
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].geometry instanceof Object);
test('match: match in Monaco with geometry compression', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.equal('string', typeof response.matchings[0].geometry);
test('match: match in Monaco with speed annotations options', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620],
radiuses: [4.07, 4.07, 4.07],
steps: true,
annotations: ['speed'],
overview: 'false',
geometries: 'geojson'
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].confidence > 0, 'has confidence');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation; }), 'every leg has annotations');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.speed; }), 'every leg has annotations for speed');
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.weight; }), 'has no annotations for weight')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.datasources; }), 'has no annotations for datasources')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.duration; }), 'has no annotations for duration')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.distance; }), 'has no annotations for distance')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.nodes; }), 'has no annotations for nodes')
assert.equal(undefined, response.matchings[0].geometry);
test('match: match in Monaco with several (duration, distance, nodes) annotations options', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620],
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620],
radiuses: [4.07, 4.07, 4.07],
steps: true,
annotations: ['duration','distance','nodes'],
overview: 'false',
geometries: 'geojson'
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].confidence > 0, 'has confidence');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation; }), 'every leg has annotations');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.distance; }), 'every leg has annotations for distance');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.duration; }), 'every leg has annotations for durations');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.nodes; }), 'every leg has annotations for nodes');
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.weight; }), 'has no annotations for weight')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.datasources; }), 'has no annotations for datasources')
assert.notOk(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.speed; }), 'has no annotations for speed')
assert.equal(undefined, response.matchings[0].geometry);
test('match: match in Monaco with all options', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: [1424684612, 1424684616, 1424684620],
radiuses: [4.07, 4.07, 4.07],
steps: true,
annotations: true,
overview: 'false',
geometries: 'geojson',
gaps: 'split',
tidy: false
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].confidence > 0, 'has confidence');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation; }), 'every leg has annotations');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.distance; }), 'every leg has annotations for distance');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every((l) => {return l.annotation.duration; }), 'every leg has annotations for durations');
assert.equal(undefined, response.matchings[0].geometry);
test('match: throws on missing arguments', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match({}) },
/Two arguments required/);
test('match: throws on non-object arg', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(null, function(err, response) {}) },
/First arg must be an object/);
test('match: throws on invalid coordinates param', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: ''
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/);
options.coordinates = [three_test_coordinates[0]];
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/At least two coordinates must be provided/);
options.coordinates = three_test_coordinates[0]
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/);
options.coordinates = [three_test_coordinates[0][0], three_test_coordinates[0][1]];
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/);
test('match: throws on invalid timestamps param', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
timestamps: 'timestamps'
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Timestamps must be an array of integers \(or undefined\)/);
options.timestamps = ['invalid', 'timestamp', 'array'];
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Timestamps array items must be numbers/);
options.timestamps = [1424684612, 1424684616];
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Timestamp array must have the same size as the coordinates array/);
test('match: throws on invalid gaps param', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
gaps: ['invalid gaps param']
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/Gaps must be a string: \[split, ignore\]/);
options.gaps = 'invalid gaps param';
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/'gaps' param must be one of \[split, ignore\]/);
test('match: throws on invalid tidy param', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
tidy: 'invalid tidy param'
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}) },
/tidy must be of type Boolean/);
test('match: throws on invalid config param', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({path: mld_data_path, algorithm: 'MLD'});
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, { format: 'invalid' }, function(err, response) {}) },
/format must be a string:/);
test('match: match in Monaco without motorways', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({path: mld_data_path, algorithm: 'MLD'});
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
exclude: ['motorway']
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.tracepoints.length, 3);
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values needs at least two', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [0]
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {}); },
'At least two waypoints must be provided');
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values, needs first and last coordinate indices', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [1, 2]
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {console.log(err);}); },
'First and last waypoints values must correspond to first and last coordinate indices');
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values, order matters', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [2, 0]
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {console.log(err);}); },
'First and last waypoints values must correspond to first and last coordinate indices');
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must correspond with a coordinate index', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [0, 3, 2]
assert.throws(function() { osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {console.log(err);}); },
'Waypoints must correspond with the index of an input coordinate');
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must be an array', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: "string"
assert.throws(function () { osrm.match(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); },
'Waypoints must be an array of integers corresponding to the input coordinates.');
test('match: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must be an array of integers', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [0,1,"string"]
assert.throws(function () { osrm.match(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); },
'Waypoint values must be an array of integers');
test('match: error on split trace', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var four_coords = Array.from(three_test_coordinates);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: four_coords,
timestamps: [1700, 1750, 1424684616, 1424684620],
waypoints: [0,3]
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.ok(err, 'Errors with NoMatch');
test('match: match in Monaco with waypoints', function(assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM(data_path);
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates,
waypoints: [0,2]
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.equal(response.matchings[0].legs.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings.every(function(m) {
return !!m.distance && !!m.duration && Array.isArray(m.legs) && !!m.geometry && m.confidence > 0;
assert.equal(response.tracepoints.length, 3);
assert.ok(response.tracepoints.every(function(t) {
return !!t.hint && !isNaN(t.matchings_index) && !isNaN(t.waypoint_index) && !!;
test('match: throws on disabled geometry', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({'path': data_path, 'disable_feature_dataset': ['ROUTE_GEOMETRY']});
var options = {
coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates),
osrm.match(options, function(err, route) {
assert.match(err.message, /DisabledDatasetException/);
test('match: ok on disabled geometry', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({'path': data_path, 'disable_feature_dataset': ['ROUTE_GEOMETRY']});
var options = {
steps: false,
overview: 'false',
annotations: false,
skip_waypoints: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates),
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
test('match: throws on disabled steps', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({'path': data_path, 'disable_feature_dataset': ['ROUTE_STEPS']});
var options = {
steps: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates),
osrm.match(options, function(err, route) {
assert.match(err.message, /DisabledDatasetException/);
test('match: ok on disabled steps', function (assert) {
var osrm = new OSRM({'path': data_path, 'disable_feature_dataset': ['ROUTE_STEPS']});
var options = {
steps: false,
overview: 'simplified',
annotations: true,
coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates),
osrm.match(options, function(err, response) {
assert.equal(response.matchings.length, 1);
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].geometry, "the match has geometry");
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs, "the match has legs");
assert.notok(response.matchings[0].legs.every(l => { return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps');
assert.ok(response.matchings[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation;}), 'every leg has annotations');