Michael Krasnyk 37794a5e8a Change traffic CSV field value from weight to rate
and make the value required.

If the weight name is 'duration' than the rate value
can be computed as speed / 3.6

Issue: https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/issues/3823
2017-04-11 14:55:56 +00:00

462 lines
12 KiB

@match @testbot
Feature: Basic Map Matching
Given the profile "testbot"
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Given the extract extra arguments "--generate-edge-lookup"
Given the query options
| geometries | geojson |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with outlier that has no candidate
Given a grid size of 100 meters
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| ab1d | 0 1 2 3 | ad |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace splitting
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 1 62 63 | ab,cd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace splitting suppression
Given the query options
| gaps | ignore |
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 1 62 63 | abcd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Clean case.
Given a grid size of 100 meters
Given the query options
| tidy | true |
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 10 20 30 | abcd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Dirty case by ts.
Given a grid size of 100 meters
Given the query options
| tidy | true |
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abacd | 0 10 12 20 30 | abcd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Dirty case by dist.
Given a grid size of 8 meters
Given the query options
| tidy | true |
Given the node map
a q b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| aqbcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings |
| abcbd | abbd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with core factor
Given the contract extra arguments "--core 0.8"
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 1 2 3 | abcd |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with small distortion
Given the node map
a b c d e
h k
# The second way does not need to be a oneway
# but the grid spacing triggers the uturn
# detection on f
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcde | no |
| bfhke | yes |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings |
| afcde | abcde |
Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with oneways
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Given the node map
a b c d
e f g h
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | yes |
| hgfe | yes |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings |
| dcba | hgfe |
Scenario: Testbot - Matching with oneway streets
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Given the node map
a b c d
e f g h
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | yes |
| bc | yes |
| cd | yes |
| hg | yes |
| gf | yes |
| fe | yes |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings |
| dcba | hgfe |
| efgh | abcd |
Scenario: Testbot - request duration annotations
Given the query options
| annotations | duration |
Given the node map
a b c d e g h
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcdegh | no |
| ci | no |
And the speed file
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | a:duration |
| ach | ach | 1:1,0:1:1:2:1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Duration details
Given the query options
| annotations | duration,nodes |
Given the node map
a b c d e g h
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcdegh | no |
| ci | no |
And the speed file
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | a:duration |
| abeh | abeh | 1:0,1:1:1,0:2:1 |
| abci | abci | 1:0,1,0:1 |
# The following is the same as the above, but separated for readability (line length)
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | a:nodes |
| abeh | abeh | 1:2:3,2:3:4:5,4:5:6:7 |
| abci | abci | 1:2:3,2:3,2:3:8 |
Scenario: Testbot - Regression test for #3037
Given the query options
| overview | simplified |
| geometries | geojson |
Given the node map
| | |
| ^ |
| | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | yes |
| efg | yes |
| ae | yes |
| cg | yes |
| fb | yes |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | geometry |
| efbc | efbc | 1,0.99964,1.00036,0.99964,1.00036,1,1.000719,1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using geojson
Given the query options
| overview | full |
| geometries | geojson |
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | no |
| bd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | geometry |
| abd | abd | 1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991 |
Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using polyline
Given the query options
| overview | full |
| geometries | polyline |
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | no |
| bd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | geometry |
| abd | abd | 1,1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991,1.00009 |
Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using polyline6
Given the query options
| overview | full |
| geometries | polyline6 |
Given the node map
a b c
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | no |
| bd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | geometry |
| abd | abd | 1,1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991,1.00009 |
Scenario: Testbot - Matching alternatives count test
Given the node map
a b c d e f
g h i
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcdef | yes |
| dghi | yes |
When I match I should get
| trace | matchings | alternatives |
| abcdef | abcde | 0,0,0,0,1,1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Speed greater than speed threshhold
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Given the query options
| geometries | geojson |
Given the node map
a b ---- x
y --- c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abxycd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 1 2 3 | ab,cd |
Scenario: Testbot - Speed less than speed threshhold
Given a grid size of 10 meters
Given the query options
| geometries | geojson |
Given the node map
a b c d
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcd | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | timestamps | matchings |
| abcd | 0 1 2 3 | abcd |
# Regression test 1 for issue 3176
Scenario: Testbot - multiple segments: properly expose OSM IDs
Given the query options
| annotations | true |
Given the node map
And the nodes
| node | id |
| a | 1 |
| b | 2 |
| c | 3 |
| d | 4 |
| e | 5 |
| f | 6 |
| g | 7 |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | no |
| bc | no |
| cd | no |
| de | no |
| ef | no |
| fg | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | a:nodes |
| 12 | 1:2:3:4:5:6:7 |
| 21 | 7:6:5:4:3:2:1 |
# Regression test 2 for issue 3176
Scenario: Testbot - same edge: properly expose OSM IDs
Given the query options
| annotations | true |
Given the node map
And the nodes
| node | id |
| a | 1 |
| b | 2 |
| c | 3 |
| d | 4 |
| e | 5 |
| f | 6 |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abcdef | no |
When I match I should get
| trace | a:nodes |
| 12 | 1:2:3:4:5:6 |
| 21 | 6:5:4:3:2:1 |