In windows native strings in Lua incorrectly interpreted because native separators must be escaped. Use of generic strings prevent use of backslashes and "Generic paths are portable and independent of the operating system.".
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54 lines
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#ifndef LUA_UTIL_HPP
#define LUA_UTIL_HPP
extern "C" {
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace osrm
namespace util
struct LuaState
LuaState() : handle{::luaL_newstate(), &::lua_close} { luaL_openlibs(*this); }
operator lua_State *() { return handle.get(); }
operator lua_State const *() const { return handle.get(); }
using handle_type = std::unique_ptr<lua_State, decltype(&::lua_close)>;
handle_type handle;
// Check if the lua function <name> is defined
inline bool luaFunctionExists(lua_State *lua_state, const char *name)
luabind::object globals_table = luabind::globals(lua_state);
luabind::object lua_function = globals_table[name];
return lua_function && (luabind::type(lua_function) == LUA_TFUNCTION);
// Add the folder contain the script to the lua load path, so script can easily require() other lua
// scripts inside that folder, or subfolders.
// See for details on the package.path syntax.
inline void luaAddScriptFolderToLoadPath(lua_State *lua_state, const char *file_name)
boost::filesystem::path profile_path = boost::filesystem::canonical(file_name);
std::string folder = profile_path.parent_path().generic_string();
const std::string lua_code = "package.path = \"" + folder + "/?.lua;\" .. package.path";
luaL_dostring(lua_state, lua_code.c_str());
#endif // LUA_UTIL_HPP