122 lines
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122 lines
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@routing @turns @testbot
Feature: Turn directions/codes
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Turn directions
Given the query options
| instructions | true |
Given the node map
| o | p | a | b | c |
| n | | | | d |
| m | | x | | e |
| l | | | | f |
| k | j | i | h | g |
And the ways
| nodes |
| xa |
| xb |
| xc |
| xd |
| xe |
| xf |
| xg |
| xh |
| xi |
| xj |
| xk |
| xl |
| xm |
| xn |
| xo |
| xp |
When I match I should get
| trace | route | turns | matchings |
| im | xi,xm | head,left,destination | im |
| io | xi,xo | head,slight_left,destination | io |
| ia | xi,xa | head,straight,destination | ia |
| ic | xi,xc | head,slight_right,destination | ic |
| ie | xi,xe | head,right,destination | ie |
| ko | xk,xo | head,left,destination | ko |
| ka | xk,xa | head,slight_left,destination | ka |
| kc | xk,xc | head,straight,destination | kc |
| ke | xk,xe | head,slight_right,destination | ke |
| kg | xk,xg | head,right,destination | kg |
| ma | xm,xa | head,left,destination | ma |
| mc | xm,xc | head,slight_left,destination | mc |
| me | xm,xe | head,straight,destination | me |
| mg | xm,xg | head,slight_right,destination | mg |
| mi | xm,xi | head,right,destination | mi |
| oc | xo,xc | head,left,destination | oc |
| oe | xo,xe | head,slight_left,destination | oe |
| og | xo,xg | head,straight,destination | og |
| oi | xo,xi | head,slight_right,destination | oi |
| ok | xo,xk | head,right,destination | ok |
| ae | xa,xe | head,left,destination | ae |
| ag | xa,xg | head,slight_left,destination | ag |
| ai | xa,xi | head,straight,destination | ai |
| ak | xa,xk | head,slight_right,destination | ak |
| am | xa,xm | head,right,destination | am |
| cg | xc,xg | head,left,destination | cg |
| ci | xc,xi | head,slight_left,destination | ci |
| ck | xc,xk | head,straight,destination | ck |
| cm | xc,xm | head,slight_right,destination | cm |
| co | xc,xo | head,right,destination | co |
| ei | xe,xi | head,left,destination | ei |
| ek | xe,xk | head,slight_left,destination | ek |
| em | xe,xm | head,straight,destination | em |
| eo | xe,xo | head,slight_right,destination | eo |
| ea | xe,xa | head,right,destination | ea |
| gk | xg,xk | head,left,destination | gk |
| gm | xg,xm | head,slight_left,destination | gm |
| go | xg,xo | head,straight,destination | go |
| ga | xg,xa | head,slight_right,destination | ga |
| gc | xg,xc | head,right,destination | gc |
Scenario: Turn directions
Given the query options
| instructions | true |
Given the node map
| o | p | a | b | c |
| n | | | | d |
| m | | x | | e |
| l | | | | f |
| k | j | i | h | g |
And the ways
| nodes |
| xa |
| xb |
| xc |
| xd |
| xe |
| xf |
| xg |
| xh |
| xi |
| xj |
| xk |
| xl |
| xm |
| xn |
| xo |
| xp |
When I match I should get
| trace | route | turns | matchings | duration |
| im | xi,xm | head,left,destination | im | 80 |
| io | xi,xo | head,slight_left,destination | io | 88 |
| ia | xi,xa | head,straight,destination | ia | 80 |
| ic | xi,xc | head,slight_right,destination | ic | 88 |
| ie | xi,xe | head,right,destination | ie | 60 |