630 lines
18 KiB
630 lines
18 KiB
Feature: Snapping at intersections
# Use turnbot so that we can validate when we are
# snapping to one of many potential candidate ways
Given the profile "turnbot"
# https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/issues/4465
Scenario: Snapping source to intersection with one-way roads
Given the node map
a e c
\ | /
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| da | yes |
| dc | yes |
| de | yes |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| 1 | e | de,de | 20s |
| 1 | a | da,da | 28.3s |
| 1 | c | dc,dc | 28.3s |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | c | e |
| 1 | 28.3 | 28.3 | 20 |
Scenario: Snapping destination to intersection with one-way roads
Given the node map
a e c
\ | /
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| da | -1 |
| dc | -1 |
| de | -1 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| e | 1 | de,de | 20s |
| a | 1 | da,da | 28.3s |
| c | 1 | dc,dc | 28.3s |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | 1 |
| a | 28.3 |
| c | 28.3 |
| e | 20 |
Scenario: Snapping to intersection with bi-directional roads
Given the node map
a e
| /
And the ways
| nodes |
| ad |
| ed |
| dc |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| 1 | c | dc,dc | 20s | 20 |
| 1 | a | ad,ad | 20s | 20 |
| 1 | e | ed,ed | 28.3s | 28.3 |
| c | 1 | dc,dc | 20s | 20 |
| a | 1 | ad,ad | 20s | 20 |
| e | 1 | ed,ed | 28.3s | 28.3 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | c | e |
| 1 | 20 | 20 | 28.3 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | 1 |
| a | 20 |
| c | 20 |
| e | 28.3 |
Scenario: Snapping at compressible node
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | c | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| b | a | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| a | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| c | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
Scenario: Snapping at compressible node with traffic lights
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
# Turnbot will use the turn penalty instead of traffic penalty.
# We do this to induce a penalty between two edges of the same
# segment.
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | traffic_signals |
# Snaps to first edge in forward direction
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | c | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
| b | a | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| a | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| c | b | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
Scenario: Snapping at compressible node traffic lights, one-way
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | yes |
# Turnbot will use the turn penalty instead of traffic penalty.
# We do this to induce a penalty between two edges of the same
# segment.
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | traffic_signals |
# Snaps to first edge in forward direction
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | c | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
| a | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| b | a | NoRoute |
| c | b | NoRoute |
Scenario: Snapping at compressible node traffic lights, reverse one-way
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| abc | -1 |
# Turnbot will use the turn penalty instead of traffic penalty.
# We do this to induce a penalty between two edges of the same
# segment.
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | traffic_signals |
# Snaps to first edge in forward direction - as this is one-way,
# the forward direction has changed.
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | a | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
| c | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| b | c | NoRoute |
| a | b | NoRoute |
Scenario: Snapping at traffic lights, reverse disabled
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the speed file
# Turnbot will use the turn penalty instead of traffic penalty.
# We do this to induce a penalty between two edges of the same
# segment.
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | traffic_signals |
# Snaps to first edge in forward direction.
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | c | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
| a | b | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| b | a | NoRoute |
| c | b | NoRoute |
Scenario: Snapping at traffic lights, forward disabled
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the speed file
# Turnbot will use the turn penalty instead of traffic penalty.
# We do this to induce a penalty between two edges of the same
# segment.
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| b | traffic_signals |
# Forward direction is disabled, still snaps to first edge in forward direction
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| b | a | abc,abc | 20s | 20 |
| c | b | abc,abc | 40s | 40 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| b | c | NoRoute |
| a | b | NoRoute |
Scenario: Snap to target node with next section of segment blocked
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
| cde |
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the speed file
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| a | d | abc,cde,cde | 60s | 60 |
| e | b | cde,abc,abc | 60s | 60 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | e | NoRoute |
| e | a | NoRoute |
Scenario: Snapping to source node with previous section of segment blocked
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
| cde |
And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}"
And the speed file
When I route I should get
| from | to | code |
| a | e | NoRoute |
| b | e | NoRoute |
| e | a | NoRoute |
| d | a | NoRoute |
Scenario: Only snaps to one of many equidistant nearest locations
Given the node map
| |
| |
a 1 d
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| cd |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| 1 | b | ab,ab | 30s | 30 |
| 1 | c | ab,bc,bc | 80s +-1 | 80 +-1 |
Scenario: Snaps to alternative big SCC candidate if nearest candidates are not strongly connected
Given the node map
Given the extract extra arguments "--small-component-size=4"
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
| cd |
| fed |
| ghi |
| jkl |
# As forward direction is disabled...
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight | locations |
| 1 | 2 | abc,cd,fed,fed | 100s +-1 | 100 +-1 | b,c,d,e |
Scenario: Can use big or small SCC nearest candidates if at same location
Given the node map
| |
g |
Given the extract extra arguments "--small-component-size=4"
And the ways
| nodes | oneway | # comment |
| ab | no | |
| bc | no | |
| cd | no | |
| fed | no | |
| bg | yes | small SCC |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | ab | bg | b | no_right_turn |
| restriction | bc | bg | b | no_left_turn |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight | locations |
| 1 | g | bg,bg | 20s | 20 | b,g |
| 1 | e | bc,cd,fed,fed | 120s +-1 | 120 +-1 | b,c,d,e |
Scenario: Using small SCC candidates when at same location as big SCC alternatives is not supported
Given the node map
| |
| |
m |
Given the extract extra arguments "--small-component-size=4"
And the ways
| nodes | oneway | # comment |
| ab | no | |
| bc | no | |
| cd | no | |
| fed | no | |
| ghi | no | |
| jkl | no | |
| bm | yes | small SCC |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | ab | bm | b | no_right_turn |
| restriction | bc | bm | b | no_left_turn |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight | locations |
| 1 | 2 | bc,cd,fed,fed | 120s +-1 | 120 +-1 | b,c,d,e |
| 1 | m | bc,cd,fed,fed | 120s +-1 | 120 +-1 | b,c,d,e |
Scenario: Shortest via path with continuation, simple loop
Given the node map
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | time | weight |
| a,b,a | ab,ab,ab,ab | 60s | 60 |
Scenario: Shortest via path with uturns, simple loop
Given the node map
Given the query options
| continue_straight | false |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
# Does not pay the cost of the turn
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | time | weight |
| a,b,a | ab,ab,ab,ab | 40s | 40 |
Scenario: Shortest path with multiple endpoint snapping candidates
Given the node map
a d f
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | no |
| ac | no |
| ad | no |
| ae | no |
| bf | no |
| cf | yes |
| df | yes |
| ef | no |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | weight |
| a | f | ad,df,df | 40s | 40 |
| f | a | ef,ae,ae | 66.6s | 66.6 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | f |
| a | 0 | 40 |
| f | 66.6 | 0 |
Scenario: Shortest via path with continuation, multiple waypoint snapping candidates
Given the node map
b g
c h
a d f i
e j
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | no |
| ac | no |
| ad | no |
| ae | no |
| bf | no |
| cf | yes |
| df | yes |
| ef | no |
| fg | no |
| fh | -1 |
| fi | -1 |
| fj | no |
| gk | no |
| hk | no |
| ik | no |
| kj | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | df | fg | f | only_left_turn |
| restriction | fi | bf | f | only_right_turn |
# Longer routes can take different paths from sub-routes
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | time | weight |
| a,f | ad,df,df | 40s | 40 |
| f,k | fj,kj,kj | 65.6s | 65.6 |
| a,f,k | ac,cf,cf,fj,kj,kj | 132.8s | 132.8 |
| k,f | ik,fi,fi | 54.3s | 54.3 |
| f,a | ef,ae,ae | 66.6s | 66.6 |
| k,f,a | kj,fj,fj,ef,ae,ae | 141.4s | 141.4 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | f | k |
| a | 0 | 40 | 132.8 |
| f | 66.6 | 0 | 65.6 |
| k | 141.4 | 54.3 | 0 |
Scenario: Shortest via path with uturns, multiple waypoint snapping candidates
Given the node map
b g
c h
a d f i
e j
Given the query options
| continue_straight | false |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | no |
| ac | no |
| ad | no |
| ae | no |
| bf | no |
| cf | yes |
| df | yes |
| ef | no |
| fg | no |
| fh | -1 |
| fi | -1 |
| fj | no |
| gk | no |
| hk | no |
| ik | no |
| kj | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
| restriction | df | fg | f | only_left_turn |
| restriction | fi | bf | f | only_right_turn |
# Longer routes use same path as sub-routes
When I route I should get
| waypoints | route | time | weight |
| a,f | ad,df,df | 40s | 40 |
| f,k | fj,kj,kj | 65.6s | 65.6 |
| a,f,k | ad,df,df,fj,kj,kj | 105.6s | 105.6 |
| k,f | ik,fi,fi | 54.3s | 54.3 |
| f,a | ef,ae,ae | 66.6s | 66.6 |
| k,f,a | ik,fi,fi,ef,ae,ae | 120.9s | 120.9 |