246 lines
8.7 KiB
246 lines
8.7 KiB
@routing @testbot @mld
Feature: Multi level routing
Given the profile "testbot"
And the partition extra arguments "--small-component-size 1 --max-cell-sizes 4,16,64"
Scenario: Testbot - Multi level routing check partition
Given the node map
│ │ │ │
d───c h───g
╲ ╱
╱ ╲
i───j m───n
│ │ │ │
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abcda | primary |
| efghe | primary |
| ijkli | primary |
| nmop | primary |
| cm | primary |
| hj | primary |
| kp | primary |
| be | primary |
And the data has been extracted
When I run "osrm-partition --max-cell-sizes 4,16 --small-component-size 1 {processed_file}"
Then it should exit successfully
And stdout should not contain "level 1 #cells 1 bit size 1"
Scenario: Testbot - Multi level routing
Given the node map
a────b e─────f
\ │ │ /
d───c h───g
╲ ╱
╱ ╲
i───j m───n
/ │ │ \
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| i | traffic_signals |
| n | traffic_signals |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abcda | primary |
| efghe | primary |
| ijkli | primary |
| mnopm | primary |
| cm | primary |
| hj | primary |
| kp | primary |
And the partition extra arguments "--small-component-size 1 --max-cell-sizes 4,16"
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | abcda,abcda | 25s |
| a | f | abcda,cm,mnopm,kp,ijkli,hj,efghe,efghe | 239.2s |
| a | l | abcda,cm,mnopm,kp,ijkli,ijkli | 157.1s |
| a | o | abcda,cm,mnopm,mnopm,mnopm | 137.1s |
| f | l | efghe,hj,ijkli,ijkli | 136.7s |
| f | o | efghe,hj,ijkli,kp,mnopm,mnopm | 162.1s |
| l | o | ijkli,kp,mnopm,mnopm | 80s |
| c | m | cm,cm | 44.7s |
| f | a | efghe,hj,ijkli,kp,mnopm,cm,abcda,abcda | 239.2s |
| l | a | ijkli,kp,mnopm,cm,abcda,abcda | 157.1s |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 239.2 | 157.1 | 137.1 |
| f | 239.2 | 0 | 136.7 | 162.1 |
| l | 157.1 | 136.7 | 0 | 80 |
| o | 137.1 | 162.1 | 80 | 0 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 239.2 | 157.1 | 137.1 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a |
| a | 0 |
| f | 239.2 |
| l | 157.1 |
| o | 137.1 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 239.2 | 157.1 | 137.1 |
| o | 137.1 | 162.1 | 80 | 0 |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | a | o |
| a | 0 | 137.1 |
| f | 239.2 | 162.1 |
| l | 157.1 | 80 |
| o | 137.1 | 0 |
When I request a travel distance matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 2391.6 | 1570.8 | 1370.9 |
| f | 2391.6 | 0 | 1297.2 | 1620.9 |
| l | 1570.8 | 1297.2 | 0 | 800 |
| o | 1370.9 | 1620.9 | 800 | 0 |
When I request a travel distance matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 2391.6 | 1570.8 | 1370.9 |
When I request a travel distance matrix I should get
| | a |
| a | 0 |
| f | 2391.6 |
| l | 1570.8 |
| o | 1370.9 |
When I request a travel distance matrix I should get
| | a | f | l | o |
| a | 0 | 2391.6 | 1570.8 | 1370.9 |
| f | 2391.6 | 0 | 1297.2 | 1620.9 |
When I request a travel distance matrix I should get
| | a | o |
| a | 0 | 1370.9 |
| f | 2391.6 | 1620.9 |
| l | 1570.8 | 800 |
| o | 1370.9 | 0 |
Scenario: Testbot - Multi level routing: horizontal road
Given the node map
a───b e───f
│ │ │ │
d───c h───g
│ │
│ │
m───n q───r
│ │ │ │
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abcda | primary |
| efghe | primary |
| mnopm | primary |
| qrstq | primary |
| ijkl | primary |
| dim | primary |
| glr | primary |
| ot | secondary |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | abcda,abcda | 20s |
| a | d | abcda,abcda | 20s |
| a | l | abcda,dim,ijkl,ijkl | 100s |
| a | p | abcda,dim,mnopm,mnopm | 80s |
| a | o | abcda,dim,mnopm,mnopm | 100s |
| a | t | abcda,dim,mnopm,ot,ot | 140s |
| a | s | abcda,dim,ijkl,glr,qrstq,qrstq | 140s |
| a | f | abcda,dim,ijkl,glr,efghe,efghe | 140s |
Scenario: Testbot - Multi level routing: route over internal cell edge hf
Given the node map
│ │
╲ │ ╳ │ ╲
│ │
And the partition extra arguments "--small-component-size 1 --max-cell-sizes 4,16"
And the ways
| nodes | maxspeed |
| abcda | 5 |
| efghe | 5 |
| ijkli | 5 |
| eg | 10 |
| ce | 15 |
| ch | 15 |
| fi | 15 |
| gi | 15 |
| hf | 100 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | k | abcda,ch,hf,fi,ijkli,ijkli | 724.3s |
Scenario: Testbot - Edge case for matrix plugin with
Given the node map
│ ╳ │
│ │
e f
│ ╱ │
h g───i
And the partition extra arguments "--small-component-size 1 --max-cell-sizes 5,16,64"
And the nodes
| node | highway |
| e | traffic_signals |
| g | traffic_signals |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | maxspeed |
| abcda | primary | |
| ac | primary | |
| db | primary | |
| deh | primary | |
| cfg | primary | |
| ef | primary | 1 |
| eg | primary | 1 |
| hf | primary | 1 |
| hg | primary | 1 |
| gi | primary | |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| h | i | deh,abcda,cfg,gi,gi | 134s |
When I request a travel time matrix I should get
| | h | i |
| h | 0 | 134 |
| i | 134 | 0 |