* Fix test cache to consider MLD executable changes Currently the test cache is not invalidated if changes to osrm-partition or osrm-customize executables. This is problematic when these executables make breaking changes to the data format. We fix this by including both in the list of executables that can invalidate the test cache. * Executables use hyphens
200 lines
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200 lines
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'use strict';
const d3 = require('d3-queue');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const path = require('path');
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const hash = require('../lib/hash');
const rimraf = require('rimraf');
module.exports = function() {
this.initializeCache = (callback) => {
this.getOSRMHash((err, osrmHash) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
this.osrmHash = osrmHash;
// computes all paths for every feature
this.setupFeatures = (features, callback) => {
this.featureIDs = {};
this.featureCacheDirectories = {};
this.featureProcessedCacheDirectories = {};
let queue = d3.queue();
function initializeFeature(feature, callback) {
let uri = feature.getUri();
// setup cache for feature data
// if OSRM_PROFILE is set to force a specific profile, then
// include the profile name in the hash of the profile file
hash.hashOfFile(uri, this.OSRM_PROFILE, (err, hash) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
// shorten uri to be realtive to 'features/'
let featurePath = path.relative(path.resolve('./features'), uri);
// bicycle/bollards/{HASH}/
let featureID = path.join(featurePath, hash);
let featureCacheDirectory = this.getFeatureCacheDirectory(featureID);
let featureProcessedCacheDirectory = this.getFeatureProcessedCacheDirectory(featureCacheDirectory, this.osrmHash);
this.featureIDs[uri] = featureID;
this.featureCacheDirectories[uri] = featureCacheDirectory;
this.featureProcessedCacheDirectories[uri] = featureProcessedCacheDirectory;
.defer(mkdirp, featureProcessedCacheDirectory)
.defer(this.cleanupFeatureCache.bind(this), featureCacheDirectory, hash)
.defer(this.cleanupProcessedFeatureCache.bind(this), featureProcessedCacheDirectory, this.osrmHash)
for (let i = 0; i < features.length; ++i) {
queue.defer(initializeFeature.bind(this), features[i]);
this.cleanupProcessedFeatureCache = (directory, osrmHash, callback) => {
let parentPath = path.resolve(path.join(directory, '..'));
fs.readdir(parentPath, (err, files) => {
let q = d3.queue();
function runStats(path, callback) {
fs.stat(path, (err, stat) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
callback(null, {file: path, stat: stat});
files.map(f => { q.defer(runStats, path.join(parentPath, f)); });
q.awaitAll((err, results) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
let q = d3.queue();
results.forEach(r => {
if (r.stat.isDirectory() && r.file.search(osrmHash) < 0) {
q.defer(rimraf, r.file);
this.cleanupFeatureCache = (directory, featureHash, callback) => {
let parentPath = path.resolve(path.join(directory, '..'));
fs.readdir(parentPath, (err, files) => {
let q = d3.queue();
files.filter(name => { return name !== featureHash;})
.map((f) => { q.defer(rimraf, path.join(parentPath, f)); });
this.setupFeatureCache = (feature) => {
let uri = feature.getUri();
this.featureID = this.featureIDs[uri];
this.featureCacheDirectory = this.featureCacheDirectories[uri];
this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory = this.featureProcessedCacheDirectories[uri];
this.setupScenarioCache = (scenarioID) => {
this.scenarioCacheFile = this.getScenarioCacheFile(this.featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.processedCacheFile = this.getProcessedCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.inputCacheFile = this.getInputCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.rasterCacheFile = this.getRasterCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.speedsCacheFile = this.getSpeedsCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.penaltiesCacheFile = this.getPenaltiesCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
this.profileCacheFile = this.getProfileCacheFile(this.featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID);
// returns a hash of all OSRM code side dependencies
this.getOSRMHash = (callback) => {
let dependencies = [
var addLuaFiles = (directory, callback) => {
fs.readdir(path.normalize(directory), (err, files) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
var luaFiles = files.filter(f => !!f.match(/\.lua$/)).map(f => path.normalize(directory + '/' + f));
Array.prototype.push.apply(dependencies, luaFiles);
// Note: we need a serialized queue here to ensure that the order of the files
// passed is stable. Otherwise the hash will not be stable
.defer(addLuaFiles, this.PROFILES_PATH)
.defer(addLuaFiles, this.PROFILES_PATH + '/lib')
.awaitAll(hash.hashOfFiles.bind(hash, dependencies, callback));
// test/cache/bicycle/bollards/{HASH}/
this.getFeatureCacheDirectory = (featureID) => {
return path.join(this.CACHE_PATH, featureID);
// converts the scenario titles in file prefixes
this.getScenarioID = (scenario) => {
let name = scenario.getName().toLowerCase().replace(/[/\-'=,():*#]/g, '')
.replace(/\s/g, '_').replace(/__/g, '_').replace(/\.\./g, '.')
.substring(0, 64);
return util.format('%d_%s', scenario.getLine(), name);
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{scenario}_raster.asc
this.getRasterCacheFile = (featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '_raster.asc';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{scenario}_speeds.csv
this.getSpeedsCacheFile = (featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '_speeds.csv';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{scenario}_penalties.csv
this.getPenaltiesCacheFile = (featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '_penalties.csv';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{scenario}_profile.lua
this.getProfileCacheFile = (featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '_profile.lua';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{scenario}.osm
this.getScenarioCacheFile = (featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '.osm';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{osrm_hash}/
this.getFeatureProcessedCacheDirectory = (featureCacheDirectory, osrmHash) => {
return path.join(featureCacheDirectory, osrmHash);
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{osrm_hash}/{scenario}.osrm
this.getProcessedCacheFile = (featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '.osrm';
// test/cache/{feature_path}/{feature_hash}/{osrm_hash}/{scenario}.osm
this.getInputCacheFile = (featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID) => {
return path.join(featureProcessedCacheDirectory, scenarioID) + '.osm';
return this;