192 lines
9.0 KiB
192 lines
9.0 KiB
const util = require('util');
const d3 = require('d3-queue');
const classes = require('../support/data_classes');
module.exports = function () {
this.Then(/^routability should be$/, (table, callback) => {
this.buildWaysFromTable(table, () => {
var directions = ['forw','backw','bothw'],
testedHeaders = ['forw','backw','bothw','forw_rate','backw_rate','bothw_rate'],
headers = new Set(Object.keys(table.hashes()[0]));
if (!testedHeaders.some(k => !!headers.has(k))) {
throw new Error('*** routability table must contain either "forw", "backw", "bothw", "forw_rate" or "backw_mode" column');
this.reprocessAndLoadData((e) => {
if (e) return callback(e);
var testRow = (row, i, cb) => {
var outputRow = Object.assign({}, row);
// clear the fields that are tested for in the copied response object
for (var field in outputRow) {
if (testedHeaders.indexOf(field) != -1)
outputRow[field] = '';
testRoutabilityRow(i, (err, result) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
directions.filter(d => headers.has(d + '_rate')).forEach((direction) => {
var rate = direction + '_rate';
var want = row[rate];
switch (true) {
case '' === want:
outputRow[rate] = result[direction].status ?
result[direction].status.toString() : '';
case /^\d+(\.\d+){0,1}$/.test(want):
if (result[direction].rate !== undefined && !isNaN(result[direction].rate)) {
outputRow[rate] = result[direction].rate.toString();
} else {
outputRow[rate] = '';
throw new Error(util.format('*** Unknown expectation format: %s for header %s', want, rate));
directions.filter(d => headers.has(d)).forEach((direction) => {
var usingShortcut = false,
want = row[direction];
// shortcuts are when a test has mapped a value like `foot` to
// a value like `5 km/h`, to represent the speed that one
// can travel by foot. we check for these and use the mapped to
// value for later comparison.
if (this.shortcutsHash[row[direction]]) {
want = this.shortcutsHash[row[direction]];
usingShortcut = row[direction];
// TODO split out accessible/not accessible value from forw/backw headers
// rename forw/backw to forw/backw_speed
switch (true) {
case '' === want:
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].status ?
result[direction].mode : '';
case 'x' === want:
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].status ?
'x' : '';
case /^[\d.]+ s/.test(want):
// the result here can come back as a non-number value like
// `diff`, but we only want to apply the unit when it comes
// back as a number, for tableDiff's literal comparison
if (result[direction].time) {
outputRow[direction] = !isNaN(result[direction].time) ?
result[direction].time.toString()+' s' :
result[direction].time.toString() || '';
} else {
outputRow[direction] = '';
case /^\d+ km\/h/.test(want):
if (result[direction].speed) {
outputRow[direction] = !isNaN(result[direction].speed) ?
result[direction].speed.toString()+' km/h' :
result[direction].speed.toString() || '';
} else {
outputRow[direction] = '';
outputRow[direction] = result[direction].mode || '';
if (this.FuzzyMatch.match(outputRow[direction], want)) {
outputRow[direction] = usingShortcut ? usingShortcut : row[direction];
cb(null, outputRow);
this.processRowsAndDiff(table, testRow, callback);
// makes simple a-b request using the given cucumber test routability conditions
// result is an object containing the calculated values for 'rate', 'status',
// 'time', 'distance', 'speed' and 'mode', for forwards and backwards routing, as well as
// a bothw object that diffs forwards/backwards
var testRoutabilityRow = (i, cb) => {
var result = {};
var testDirection = (dir, callback) => {
const coordA = this.offsetOriginBy(1+this.WAY_SPACING*i, 0);
const coordB = this.offsetOriginBy(3+this.WAY_SPACING*i, 0);
var a = new classes.Location(coordA[0], coordA[1]),
b = new classes.Location(coordB[0], coordB[1]),
r = {};
r.which = dir;
this.requestRoute((dir === 'forw' ? [a, b] : [b, a]), [], [], this.queryParams, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
r.query = this.query;
r.json = JSON.parse(body);
r.code = r.json.code;
r.status = res.statusCode === 200 ? 'x' : null;
if (r.status) {
r.route = this.wayList(r.json.routes[0]);
r.summary = r.json.routes[0].legs.map(l => l.summary).join(',');
if (r.route.split(',')[0] === util.format('w%d', i)) {
r.time = r.json.routes[0].duration;
r.distance = r.json.routes[0].distance;
r.rate = Math.round(r.distance / r.json.routes[0].weight * 10) / 10.;
r.speed = r.time > 0 ? parseInt(3.6 * r.distance / r.time) : null;
// use the mode of the first step of the route
// for routability table test, we can assume the mode is the same throughout the route,
// since the route is just a single way
if( r.json.routes[0].legs[0] && r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0] ) {
r.mode = r.json.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].mode;
} else {
r.status = null;
callback(null, r);
.defer(testDirection, 'forw')
.defer(testDirection, 'backw')
.awaitAll((err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
// check if forw and backw returned the same values
res.forEach((dirRes) => {
var which = dirRes.which;
delete dirRes.which;
result[which] = dirRes;
result.bothw = {};
var sq = d3.queue();
var parseRes = (key, scb) => {
if (result.forw[key] === result.backw[key]) {
result.bothw[key] = result.forw[key];
} else {
result.bothw[key] = 'diff';
['rate', 'status', 'time', 'distance', 'speed' ,'mode'].forEach((key) => {
sq.defer(parseRes, key);
sq.awaitAll((err) => { cb(err, result); });