Michael Bell db7946d762
Add support for disabling feature datasets (#6666)
This change adds support for disabling datasets, such that specific
files are not loaded into memory when running OSRM. This enables users
to not pay the memory cost for features they do not intend to use.

Initially, there are two options:
- ROUTE_GEOMETRY, for disabling overview, steps, annotations and waypoints.
- ROUTE_STEPS, for disabling steps only.

Attempts to query features for which the datasets are disabled will
lead to a DisabledDatasetException being returned.
2023-08-04 18:43:37 +01:00

322 lines
11 KiB

'use strict';
var util = require('util');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var d3 = require('d3-queue');
var OSM = require('../lib/osm');
module.exports = function () {
this.Given(/^the profile "([^"]*)"$/, (profile, callback) => {
this.profile = this.OSRM_PROFILE || profile;
this.profileFile = path.join(this.PROFILES_PATH, this.profile + '.lua');
this.Given(/^the extract extra arguments "(.*?)"$/, (args, callback) => {
this.extractArgs = this.expandOptions(args);
this.Given(/^the contract extra arguments "(.*?)"$/, (args, callback) => {
this.contractArgs = this.expandOptions(args);
this.Given(/^the partition extra arguments "(.*?)"$/, (args, callback) => {
this.partitionArgs = this.expandOptions(args);
this.Given(/^the customize extra arguments "(.*?)"$/, (args, callback) => {
this.customizeArgs = this.expandOptions(args);
this.Given(/^the data load extra arguments "(.*?)"$/, (args, callback) => {
this.loaderArgs = this.expandOptions(args);
this.Given(/^a grid size of ([0-9.]+) meters$/, (meters, callback) => {
this.Given(/^the origin ([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+),([-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)$/, (lon, lat, callback) => {
this.setOrigin([parseFloat(lon), parseFloat(lat)]);
this.Given(/^the shortcuts$/, (table, callback) => {
let q = d3.queue();
let addShortcut = (row, cb) => {
this.shortcutsHash[row.key] = row.value;
table.hashes().forEach((row) => {
q.defer(addShortcut, row);
this.Given(/^the node map$/, (docstring, callback) => {
var q = d3.queue();
var addNode = (name, ri, ci, cb) => {
var lonLat = this.tableCoordToLonLat(ci, ri);
if (name.match(/[a-z]/) ) {
if (this.nameNodeHash[name]) throw new Error(util.format('*** duplicate node %s', name));
this.addOSMNode(name, lonLat[0], lonLat[1], null);
} else if (name.match(/[0-9]/) ) {
if (this.locationHash[name]) throw new Error(util.format('*** duplicate node %s', name));
this.addLocation(name, lonLat[0], lonLat[1], null);
docstring.split(/\n/).forEach( (row,ri) => {
row.split('').forEach( (cell,ci) => {
if( cell.match(/[a-z0-9]/) ) {
q.defer(addNode, cell, ri, ci*0.5);
this.Given(/^the node locations$/, (table, callback) => {
let q = d3.queue();
let addNodeLocations = (row, cb) => {
let name = row.node;
if (this.findNodeByName(name)) throw new Error(util.format('*** duplicate node %s', name));
if (name.match(/[a-z]/)) {
let id = row.id && parseInt(row.id);
this.addOSMNode(name, row.lon, row.lat, id);
} else {
this.addLocation(name, row.lon, row.lat);
table.hashes().forEach((row) => q.defer(addNodeLocations, row));
this.Given(/^the nodes$/, (table, callback) => {
let q = d3.queue();
let addNode = (row, cb) => {
let name = row.node,
node = this.findNodeByName(name);
delete row.node;
if (!node) throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown node %s', name));
for (let key in row) {
if (key=='id') {
node.setID( row[key] );
} else {
node.addTag(key, row[key]);
table.hashes().forEach((row) => q.defer(addNode, row));
this.Given(/^the ways( with locations)?$/, (add_locations, table, callback) => {
if (this.osm_str) throw new Error('*** Map data already defined - did you pass an input file in this scenario?');
let q = d3.queue();
let addWay = (row, cb) => {
let way = new OSM.Way(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID, !!add_locations);
let nodes = row.nodes;
if (this.nameWayHash.nodes) throw new Error(util.format('*** duplicate way %s', nodes));
for (let i=0; i<nodes.length; i++) {
let c = nodes[i];
if (!c.match(/[a-z]/)) throw new Error(util.format('*** ways can only use names a-z (%s)', c));
let node = this.findNodeByName(c);
if (!node) throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown node %s', c));
let tags = {
highway: 'primary'
for (let key in row) {
tags[key] = row[key];
delete tags.nodes;
if (row.highway === '(nil)') delete tags.highway;
if (row.name === undefined)
tags.name = nodes;
else if (row.name === '""' || row.name === "''") // eslint-disable-line quotes
tags.name = '';
else if (row.name === '' || row.name === '(nil)')
delete tags.name;
tags.name = row.name;
this.nameWayHash[nodes] = way;
table.hashes().forEach((row) => q.defer(addWay, row));
this.Given(/^the relations$/, (table, callback) => {
if (this.osm_str) throw new Error('*** Map data already defined - did you pass an input file in this scenario?');
let q = d3.queue();
let addRelation = (headers, row, cb) => {
let relation = new OSM.Relation(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID);
var name = null;
for (let index in row) {
var key = headers[index];
var value = row[index];
let isNode = key.match(/^node:?(.*)/),
isWay = key.match(/^way:?(.*)/),
isRelation = key.match(/^relation:?(.*)/),
isColonSeparated = key.match(/^(.*):(.*)/);
if (isNode) {
value.split(',').map(function(v) { return v.trim(); }).forEach((nodeName) => {
if (nodeName.length !== 1) throw new Error(util.format('*** invalid relation node member "%s"', nodeName));
let node = this.findNodeByName(nodeName);
if (!node) throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown relation node member "%s"', nodeName));
relation.addMember('node', node.id, isNode[1]);
} else if (isWay) {
value.split(',').map(function(v) { return v.trim(); }).forEach((wayName) => {
let way = this.findWayByName(wayName);
if (!way) throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown relation way member "%s"', wayName));
relation.addMember('way', way.id, isWay[1]);
} else if (isRelation) {
value.split(',').map(function(v) { return v.trim(); }).forEach((relName) => {
let otherrelation = this.findRelationByName(relName);
if (!otherrelation) throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown relation relation member "%s"', relName));
relation.addMember('relation', otherrelation.id, isRelation[1]);
} else if (isColonSeparated && isColonSeparated[1] !== 'restriction') {
throw new Error(util.format('*** unknown relation member type "%s:%s", must be either "node" or "way"', isColonSeparated[1], isColonSeparated[2]));
} else {
relation.addTag(key, value);
if (key.match(/name/)) name = value;
relation.uid = this.OSM_UID;
if (name) {
this.nameRelationHash[name] = relation;
var headers = table.raw()[0];
table.rows().forEach((row) => q.defer(addRelation, headers, row));
this.Given(/^the input file ([^"]*)$/, (file, callback) => {
if (path.extname(file) !== '.osm') throw new Error('*** Input file must be in .osm format');
fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (!err) this.osm_str = data.toString();
this.Given(/^the raster source$/, (data, callback) => {
// TODO: Don't overwrite if it exists
fs.writeFile(this.rasterCacheFile, data, callback);
// we need this to pass it to the profiles
this.environment = Object.assign({OSRM_RASTER_SOURCE: this.rasterCacheFile}, this.environment);
this.Given(/^the speed file$/, (data, callback) => {
// TODO: Don't overwrite if it exists
fs.writeFile(this.speedsCacheFile, data, callback);
this.Given(/^the turn penalty file$/, (data, callback) => {
// TODO: Don't overwrite if it exists
fs.writeFile(this.penaltiesCacheFile, data, callback);
this.Given(/^the profile file(?: "([^"]*)" initialized with)?$/, (profile, data, callback) => {
const lua_profiles_path = this.PROFILES_PATH.split(path.sep).join('/');
let text = 'package.path = "' + lua_profiles_path + '/?.lua;" .. package.path\n';
if (profile == null) {
text += data + '\n';
} else {
text += 'local functions = require("' + profile + '")\n';
text += 'functions.setup_parent = functions.setup\n';
text += 'functions.setup = function()\n';
text += 'local profile = functions.setup_parent()\n';
text += data + '\n';
text += 'return profile\n';
text += 'end\n';
text += 'return functions\n';
this.profileFile = this.profileCacheFile;
// TODO: Don't overwrite if it exists
fs.writeFile(this.profileCacheFile, text, callback);
this.Given(/^the data has been saved to disk$/, (callback) => {
this.Given(/^the data has been (extract|contract|partition|customiz)ed$/, (step, callback) => {
this.Given(/^osrm-routed is stopped$/, (callback) => {
this.Given(/^data is loaded directly/, (callback) => {
this.Given(/^data is loaded with datastore$/, (callback) => {
this.Given(/^the HTTP method "([^"]*)"$/, (method, callback) => {
this.httpMethod = method;