// OSRM route classes // base route class OSRM.SimpleRoute = function (label, style) { this.label = (label ? label : "route"); this.route = new L.DashedPolyline(); this.route.setLatLngs( [] ); if(style) this.route.setStyle( style ); this.shown = false; this.route.on('click', this.onClick); }; OSRM.extend( OSRM.SimpleRoute,{ show: function() { map.addLayer(this.route); this.shown = true; }, hide: function() { map.removeLayer(this.route); this.shown = false; }, isShown: function() { return this.shown; }, getPositions: function() { return this.route.getLatLngs(); }, setPositions: function(positions) { this.route.setLatLngs( positions ); }, setStyle: function(style) { this.route.setStyle(style); }, centerView: function() { var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds( this.getPositions() ); bounds._southWest.lng-=1.02; // dirty hack map.fitBounds( bounds ); }, onClick: function(e) { if(my_route.isRoute()) findViaPosition( e.latlng ); }, toString: function() { return "OSRM.Route("+ this.label + ", " + this.route.getLatLngs().length + " points)"; }, }); // multiroute class (several separate route parts) OSRM.MultiRoute = function (label) { this.label = (label ? label : "multiroute"); this.route = new L.LayerGroup(); this.shown = false; }; OSRM.extend( OSRM.MultiRoute,{ show: function() { map.addLayer(this.route); this.shown = true; }, hide: function() { map.removeLayer(this.route); this.shown = false; }, isShown: function() { return this.shown; }, addRoute: function(positions) { var line = new L.DashedPolyline( positions ); line.on('click', function(e) { my_route.fire('click',e); }); this.route.addLayer( line ); }, clearRoutes: function() { this.route.clearLayers(); }, setStyle: function(style) { this.route.invoke('setStyle', style); }, toString: function() { return "OSRM.MultiRoute("+ this.label + ")"; } }); // main route class OSRM.Route = function() { this._current_route = new OSRM.SimpleRoute("current" , {dashed:false} ); this._old_route = new OSRM.SimpleRoute("old", {dashed:false,color:"#123"} ); this._unnamed_route = new OSRM.MultiRoute("unnamed"); this._current_route_style = {dashed:false,color:'#0033FF', weight:5}; this._current_noroute_style = {dashed:true, color:'#222222', weight:2}; this._old_route_style = {dashed:false,color:'#112233', weight:5}; this._old_noroute_style = {dashed:true, color:'#000000', weight:2}; this._unnamed_route_style = {dashed:false, color:'#FF00FF', weight:10}; this._old_unnamed_route_style = {dashed:false, color:'#990099', weight:10}; this._noroute = OSRM.Route.ROUTE; }; OSRM.Route.NOROUTE = true; OSRM.Route.ROUTE = false; OSRM.extend( OSRM.Route,{ showRoute: function(positions, noroute) { this._noroute = noroute; this._current_route.setPositions( positions ); if ( this._noroute == OSRM.Route.NOROUTE ) this._current_route.setStyle( this._current_noroute_style ); else this._current_route.setStyle( this._current_route_style ); this._current_route.show(); //this._raiseUnnamedRoute(); }, hideRoute: function() { this._current_route.hide(); this._unnamed_route.hide(); }, showUnnamedRoute: function(positions) { this._unnamed_route.clearRoutes(); for(var i=0; i easier way in Leaglet 0.4+ _raiseUnnamedRoute: function() { if(this._unnamed_route.isShown()) { this._unnamed_route.hide(); this._unnamed_route.show(); } }, showOldRoute: function() { this._old_route.setPositions( this._current_route.getPositions() ); if ( this._noroute == OSRM.Route.NOROUTE) this._old_route.setStyle( this._old_noroute_style ); else this._old_route.setStyle( this._old_route_style ); this._old_route.show(); this._raiseUnnamedRoute(); // change color of unnamed route highlighting - no separate object as dragged route does not have unnamed route highlighting this._unnamed_route.setStyle( this._old_unnamed_route_style ); }, hideOldRoute: function() { this._old_route.hide(); }, isShown: function() { return this._current_route.isShown(); }, isRoute: function() { return !(this._noroute); }, getPositions: function() { return this._current_route.getPositions(); }, fire: function(type,event) { this._current_route.route.fire(type,event); }, centerView: function() { this._current_route.centerView(); } });