/* Copyright (c) 2013, Project OSRM, Dennis Luxen, others All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "../Util/GitDescription.h" #include "../Util/OSRMException.h" #include "../Util/SimpleLogger.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __linux__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include const unsigned number_of_elements = 268435456; struct Statistics { double min, max, med, mean, dev; }; void RunStatistics(std::vector &timings_vector, Statistics &stats) { std::sort(timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end()); stats.min = timings_vector.front(); stats.max = timings_vector.back(); stats.med = timings_vector[timings_vector.size() / 2]; double primary_sum = std::accumulate(timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(), 0.0); stats.mean = primary_sum / timings_vector.size(); double primary_sq_sum = std::inner_product( timings_vector.begin(), timings_vector.end(), timings_vector.begin(), 0.0); stats.dev = std::sqrt(primary_sq_sum / timings_vector.size() - (stats.mean * stats.mean)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LogPolicy::GetInstance().Unmute(); SimpleLogger().Write() << "starting up engines, " << g_GIT_DESCRIPTION << ", " << "compiled at " << __DATE__ << ", " __TIME__; #ifdef __FreeBSD__ SimpleLogger().Write() << "Not supported on FreeBSD"; return 0; #endif if (1 == argc) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "usage: " << argv[0] << " /path/on/device"; return -1; } boost::filesystem::path test_path = boost::filesystem::path(argv[1]); test_path /= "osrm.tst"; SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "temporary file: " << test_path.string(); try { // create files for testing if (2 == argc) { // create file to test if (boost::filesystem::exists(test_path)) { throw OSRMException("Data file already exists"); } std::chrono::time_point time1, time2; int *random_array = new int[number_of_elements]; std::generate(random_array, random_array + number_of_elements, std::rand); #ifdef __APPLE__ FILE *fd = fopen(test_path.string().c_str(), "w"); fcntl(fileno(fd), F_NOCACHE, 1); fcntl(fileno(fd), F_RDAHEAD, 0); time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); write(fileno(fd), (char *)random_array, number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)); time2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();; fclose(fd); #endif #ifdef __linux__ int f = open(test_path.string().c_str(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_SYNC, S_IRWXU); time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); int ret = write(f, random_array, number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)); if (-1 == ret) { throw OSRMException("could not write random data file"); } time2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); close(f); #endif std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds = time2-time1; delete[] random_array; SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "writing raw 1GB took " << elapsed_seconds.count() << "ms"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "raw write performance: " << std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed << 1024 * 1024 / (elapsed_seconds.count()) << "MB/sec"; SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "finished creation of random data. Flush disk cache now!"; } else { // // Run Non-Cached I/O benchmarks // if (!boost::filesystem::exists(test_path)) { throw OSRMException("data file does not exist"); } std::chrono::time_point time1, time2; // volatiles do not get optimized Statistics stats; #ifdef __APPLE__ volatile unsigned single_block[1024]; char *raw_array = new char[number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)]; FILE *fd = fopen(test_path.string().c_str(), "r"); fcntl(fileno(fd), F_NOCACHE, 1); fcntl(fileno(fd), F_RDAHEAD, 0); #endif #ifdef __linux__ char *single_block = (char *)memalign(512, 1024 * sizeof(unsigned)); int f = open(test_path.string().c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT | O_SYNC); if (-1 == f) { SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "opened, error: " << strerror(errno); return -1; } char *raw_array = (char *)memalign(512, number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)); #endif time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #ifdef __APPLE__ read(fileno(fd), raw_array, number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)); close(fileno(fd)); fd = fopen(test_path.string().c_str(), "r"); #endif #ifdef __linux__ int ret = read(f, raw_array, number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned)); SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "read " << ret << " bytes, error: " << strerror(errno); close(f); f = open(test_path.string().c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT | O_SYNC); SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "opened, error: " << strerror(errno); #endif time2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds = time2-time1; SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "reading raw 1GB took " << elapsed_seconds.count() << "ms"; SimpleLogger().Write() << "raw read performance: " << std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed << 1024 * 1024 / (elapsed_seconds.count()) << "MB/sec"; std::vector timing_results_raw_random; SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "running 1000 random I/Os of 4KB"; #ifdef __APPLE__ fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); #endif #ifdef __linux__ lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); #endif // make 1000 random access, time each I/O seperately unsigned number_of_blocks = (number_of_elements * sizeof(unsigned) - 1) / 4096; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { unsigned block_to_read = std::rand() % number_of_blocks; off_t current_offset = block_to_read * 4096; time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #ifdef __APPLE__ int ret1 = fseek(fd, current_offset, SEEK_SET); int ret2 = read(fileno(fd), (char *)&single_block[0], 4096); #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ int ret1 = 0; int ret2 = 0; #endif #ifdef __linux__ int ret1 = lseek(f, current_offset, SEEK_SET); int ret2 = read(f, (char *)single_block, 4096); #endif time2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (((off_t) - 1) == ret1) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "offset: " << current_offset; SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "seek error " << strerror(errno); throw OSRMException("seek error"); } if (-1 == ret2) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "offset: " << current_offset; SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "read error " << strerror(errno); throw OSRMException("read error"); } timing_results_raw_random.push_back(elapsed_seconds.count()); } // Do statistics SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "running raw random I/O statistics"; std::ofstream random_csv("random.csv", std::ios::trunc); for (unsigned i = 0; i < timing_results_raw_random.size(); ++i) { random_csv << i << ", " << timing_results_raw_random[i] << std::endl; } random_csv.close(); RunStatistics(timing_results_raw_random, stats); SimpleLogger().Write() << "raw random I/O: " << std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed << "min: " << stats.min << "ms, " << "mean: " << stats.mean << "ms, " << "med: " << stats.med << "ms, " << "max: " << stats.max << "ms, " << "dev: " << stats.dev << "ms"; std::vector timing_results_raw_seq; #ifdef __APPLE__ fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); #endif #ifdef __linux__ lseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); #endif // read every 100th block for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { off_t current_offset = i * 4096; time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); #ifdef __APPLE__ int ret1 = fseek(fd, current_offset, SEEK_SET); int ret2 = read(fileno(fd), (char *)&single_block, 4096); #endif #ifdef __FreeBSD__ int ret1 = 0; int ret2 = 0; #endif #ifdef __linux__ int ret1 = lseek(f, current_offset, SEEK_SET); int ret2 = read(f, (char *)single_block, 4096); #endif time2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); if (((off_t) - 1) == ret1) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "offset: " << current_offset; SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "seek error " << strerror(errno); throw OSRMException("seek error"); } if (-1 == ret2) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "offset: " << current_offset; SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "read error " << strerror(errno); throw OSRMException("read error"); } timing_results_raw_seq.push_back(elapsed_seconds.count()); } #ifdef __APPLE__ fclose(fd); // free(single_element); free(raw_array); // free(single_block); #endif #ifdef __linux__ close(f); #endif // Do statistics SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "running sequential I/O statistics"; // print simple statistics: min, max, median, variance std::ofstream seq_csv("sequential.csv", std::ios::trunc); for (unsigned i = 0; i < timing_results_raw_seq.size(); ++i) { seq_csv << i << ", " << timing_results_raw_seq[i] << std::endl; } seq_csv.close(); RunStatistics(timing_results_raw_seq, stats); SimpleLogger().Write() << "raw sequential I/O: " << std::setprecision(5) << std::fixed << "min: " << stats.min << "ms, " << "mean: " << stats.mean << "ms, " << "med: " << stats.med << "ms, " << "max: " << stats.max << "ms, " << "dev: " << stats.dev << "ms"; if (boost::filesystem::exists(test_path)) { boost::filesystem::remove(test_path); SimpleLogger().Write(logDEBUG) << "removing temporary files"; } } } catch (const std::exception &e) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "caught exception: " << e.what(); SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "cleaning up, and exiting"; if (boost::filesystem::exists(test_path)) { boost::filesystem::remove(test_path); SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << "removing temporary files"; } return -1; } return 0; }