@routing @bicycle @turn_penalty Feature: Turn Penalties Background: Given the profile "turnbot" Given a grid size of 200 meters Scenario: Bike - turns should incur a delay that depend on the angle Given the node map """ c d e b j f a s g """ And the ways | nodes | | sj | | ja | | jb | | jc | | jd | | je | | jf | | jg | When I route I should get | from | to | route | time | distance | | s | a | sj,ja,ja | 63s +-1 | 483m +-1 | | s | b | sj,jb,jb | 50s +-1 | 400m +-1 | | s | c | sj,jc,jc | 54s +-1 | 483m +-1 | | s | d | sj,jd,jd | 40s +-1 | 400m +-1 | | s | e | sj,je,je | 53s +-1 | 483m +-1 | | s | f | sj,jf,jf | 50s +-1 | 400m +-1 | | s | g | sj,jg,jg | 63s +-1 | 483m +-1 | Scenario: Bicycle - Turn penalties on cyclability Given the profile file """ require 'bicycle' properties.weight_name = 'cyclability' """ Given the node map """ a--b-----c | | d e--------f-----------g / / / h """ And the ways | nodes | highway | | abc | residential | | bd | residential | | efg | residential | | fh | residential | When I route I should get | from | to | distance | weight | # | | a | c | 900m +- 1 | 216 | Going straight has no penalties | | a | d | 900m +- 1 | 220.2 | Turning right had penalties | | e | g | 2100m +- 4| 503.9 | Going straght has no penalties | | e | h | 2100m +- 4| 515.1 | Turn sharp right has even higher penalties|