@routed @options @help Feature: osrm-routed command line options: help Background: Given the profile "testbot" Scenario: osrm-routed - Help should be shown when no options are passed When I run "osrm-routed" Then stderr should be empty And stdout should contain /osrm-routed(.exe)? \[\]:/ And stdout should contain "Options:" And stdout should contain "--version" And stdout should contain "--help" And stdout should contain "--verbosity" And stdout should contain "--trial" And stdout should contain "Configuration:" And stdout should contain "--ip" And stdout should contain "--port" And stdout should contain "--threads" And stdout should contain "--shared-memory" And stdout should contain "--max-viaroute-size" And stdout should contain "--max-trip-size" And stdout should contain "--max-table-size" And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size" And stdout should contain "--default-radius" And stdout should contain "--keepalive-timeout" And it should exit successfully Scenario: osrm-routed - Help, short When I run "osrm-routed -h" Then stderr should be empty And stdout should contain /osrm-routed(.exe)? \[\]:/ And stdout should contain "Options:" And stdout should contain "--version" And stdout should contain "--help" And stdout should contain "--verbosity" And stdout should contain "--trial" And stdout should contain "Configuration:" And stdout should contain "--ip" And stdout should contain "--port" And stdout should contain "--threads" And stdout should contain "--shared-memory" And stdout should contain "--max-viaroute-size" And stdout should contain "--max-trip-size" And stdout should contain "--max-table-size" And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size" And stdout should contain "--default-radius" And stdout should contain "--keepalive-timeout" And it should exit successfully Scenario: osrm-routed - Help, long When I run "osrm-routed --help" Then stderr should be empty And stdout should contain /osrm-routed(.exe)? \[\]:/ And stdout should contain "Options:" And stdout should contain "--version" And stdout should contain "--help" And stdout should contain "--verbosity" And stdout should contain "--trial" And stdout should contain "Configuration:" And stdout should contain "--ip" And stdout should contain "--port" And stdout should contain "--threads" And stdout should contain "--shared-memory" And stdout should contain "--max-trip-size" And stdout should contain "--max-table-size" And stdout should contain "--max-table-size" And stdout should contain "--max-matching-size" And stdout should contain "--default-radius" And stdout should contain "--keepalive-timeout" And it should exit successfully