#ifndef OSRM_ENGINE_DATA_WATCHDOG_HPP #define OSRM_ENGINE_DATA_WATCHDOG_HPP #include "engine/datafacade/contiguous_internalmem_datafacade.hpp" #include "engine/datafacade/shared_memory_allocator.hpp" #include "engine/datafacade_factory.hpp" #include "storage/shared_datatype.hpp" #include "storage/shared_memory.hpp" #include "storage/shared_monitor.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace engine { namespace detail { // We need this wrapper type since template-template specilization of FacadeT is broken on clang // when it is combined with an templated alias (DataFacade in this case). // See https://godbolt.org/g/ZS6Xmt for an example. template class DataWatchdogImpl; template class DataWatchdogImpl> final { using mutex_type = typename storage::SharedMonitor::mutex_type; using Facade = datafacade::ContiguousInternalMemoryDataFacade; public: DataWatchdogImpl() : active(true), timestamp(0) { // create the initial facade before launching the watchdog thread { boost::interprocess::scoped_lock current_region_lock(barrier.get_mutex()); facade_factory = DataFacadeFactory( std::make_shared(barrier.data().region)); timestamp = barrier.data().timestamp; } watcher = std::thread(&DataWatchdogImpl::Run, this); } ~DataWatchdogImpl() { active = false; barrier.notify_all(); watcher.join(); } std::shared_ptr Get(const api::BaseParameters ¶ms) const { return facade_factory.Get(params); } std::shared_ptr Get(const api::TileParameters ¶ms) const { return facade_factory.Get(params); } private: void Run() { while (active) { boost::interprocess::scoped_lock current_region_lock(barrier.get_mutex()); while (active && timestamp == barrier.data().timestamp) { barrier.wait(current_region_lock); } if (timestamp != barrier.data().timestamp) { auto region = barrier.data().region; facade_factory = DataFacadeFactory( std::make_shared(region)); timestamp = barrier.data().timestamp; util::Log() << "updated facade to region " << region << " with timestamp " << timestamp; } } util::Log() << "DataWatchdog thread stopped"; } storage::SharedMonitor barrier; std::thread watcher; bool active; unsigned timestamp; DataFacadeFactory facade_factory; }; } // This class monitors the shared memory region that contains the pointers to // the data and layout regions that should be used. This region is updated // once a new dataset arrives. template class FacadeT> using DataWatchdog = detail::DataWatchdogImpl>; } } #endif