/* open source routing machine Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt. */ #ifndef EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ #define EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ #include "../DataStructures/Coordinate.h" #include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h" #include "../DataStructures/ImportNode.h" #include "../DataStructures/QueryNode.h" #include "../DataStructures/Restriction.h" #include "../typedefs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef boost::unordered_map StringMap; typedef boost::unordered_map > StringToIntPairMap; struct ExtractionWay { ExtractionWay() { Clear(); } inline void Clear(){ id = UINT_MAX; nameID = UINT_MAX; path.clear(); keyVals.EraseAll(); direction = ExtractionWay::notSure; speed = -1; backward_speed = -1; duration = -1; type = -1; access = true; roundabout = false; isAccessRestricted = false; ignoreInGrid = false; } enum Directions { notSure = 0, oneway, bidirectional, opposite }; Directions direction; unsigned id; unsigned nameID; std::string name; double speed; double backward_speed; double duration; short type; bool access; bool roundabout; bool isAccessRestricted; bool ignoreInGrid; std::vector< NodeID > path; HashTable keyVals; }; struct ExtractorRelation { ExtractorRelation() : type(unknown){} enum { unknown = 0, ferry, turnRestriction } type; HashTable keyVals; }; struct InternalExtractorEdge { InternalExtractorEdge() : start(0), target(0), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) {}; InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t) : start(s), target(t), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) { } InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) { } InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra, bool iing, bool ids, bool iar): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra), ignoreInGrid(iing), isDurationSet(ids), isAccessRestricted(iar), isContraFlow(false) { assert(0 <= type); } InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra, bool iing, bool ids, bool iar, bool icf): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra), ignoreInGrid(iing), isDurationSet(ids), isAccessRestricted(iar), isContraFlow(icf) { assert(0 <= type); } NodeID start; NodeID target; short type; short direction; double speed; unsigned nameID; bool isRoundabout; bool ignoreInGrid; bool isDurationSet; bool isAccessRestricted; bool isContraFlow; _Coordinate startCoord; _Coordinate targetCoord; static InternalExtractorEdge min_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge(0,0); } static InternalExtractorEdge max_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge((std::numeric_limits::max)(), (std::numeric_limits::max)()); } }; struct _WayIDStartAndEndEdge { unsigned wayID; NodeID firstStart; NodeID firstTarget; NodeID lastStart; NodeID lastTarget; _WayIDStartAndEndEdge() : wayID(UINT_MAX), firstStart(UINT_MAX), firstTarget(UINT_MAX), lastStart(UINT_MAX), lastTarget(UINT_MAX) {} _WayIDStartAndEndEdge(unsigned w, NodeID fs, NodeID ft, NodeID ls, NodeID lt) : wayID(w), firstStart(fs), firstTarget(ft), lastStart(ls), lastTarget(lt) {} static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge min_value() { return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((std::numeric_limits::min)(), (std::numeric_limits::min)(), (std::numeric_limits::min)(), (std::numeric_limits::min)(), (std::numeric_limits::min)()); } static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge max_value() { return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((std::numeric_limits::max)(), (std::numeric_limits::max)(), (std::numeric_limits::max)(), (std::numeric_limits::max)(), (std::numeric_limits::max)()); } }; struct CmpWayByID : public std::binary_function<_WayIDStartAndEndEdge, _WayIDStartAndEndEdge, bool> { typedef _WayIDStartAndEndEdge value_type; bool operator () (const _WayIDStartAndEndEdge & a, const _WayIDStartAndEndEdge & b) const { return a.wayID < b.wayID; } value_type max_value() { return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge::max_value(); } value_type min_value() { return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge::min_value(); } }; struct Cmp : public std::binary_function { typedef NodeID value_type; bool operator () (const NodeID & a, const NodeID & b) const { return a < b; } value_type max_value() { return 0xffffffff; } value_type min_value() { return 0x0; } }; struct CmpNodeByID : public std::binary_function<_Node, _Node, bool> { typedef _Node value_type; bool operator () (const _Node & a, const _Node & b) const { return a.id < b.id; } value_type max_value() { return _Node::max_value(); } value_type min_value() { return _Node::min_value(); } }; struct CmpEdgeByStartID : public std::binary_function { typedef InternalExtractorEdge value_type; bool operator () (const InternalExtractorEdge & a, const InternalExtractorEdge & b) const { return a.start < b.start; } value_type max_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge::max_value(); } value_type min_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge::min_value(); } }; struct CmpEdgeByTargetID : public std::binary_function { typedef InternalExtractorEdge value_type; bool operator () (const InternalExtractorEdge & a, const InternalExtractorEdge & b) const { return a.target < b.target; } value_type max_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge::max_value(); } value_type min_value() { return InternalExtractorEdge::min_value(); } }; inline std::string GetRandomString() { char s[128]; static const char alphanum[] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; for (int i = 0; i < 127; ++i) { s[i] = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)]; } s[127] = 0; return std::string(s); } #endif /* EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ */