@routing @bicycle @bridge Feature: Bicycle - Handle cycling Background: Given the profile "bicycle" Scenario: Bicycle - Use a movable bridge Given the node map """ a b c d e f g """ And the ways | nodes | highway | bridge | bicycle | | abc | primary | | | | cde | | movable | yes | | efg | primary | | | When I route I should get | from | to | route | modes | | a | g | abc,cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling,cycling | | b | f | abc,cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling,cycling | | e | c | cde,cde | cycling,cycling | | e | b | cde,abc,abc | cycling,cycling,cycling | | e | a | cde,abc,abc | cycling,cycling,cycling | | c | e | cde,cde | cycling,cycling | | c | f | cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling | | c | g | cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling | Scenario: Bicycle - Properly handle durations Given the node map """ a b c d e f g """ And the ways | nodes | highway | bridge | duration | | abc | primary | | | | cde | | movable | 00:05:00 | | efg | primary | | | When I route I should get | from | to | route | modes | speed | | a | g | abc,cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling,cycling | 6 km/h | | b | f | abc,cde,efg,efg | cycling,cycling,cycling,cycling | 5 km/h | | c | e | cde,cde | cycling,cycling | 2 km/h | | e | c | cde,cde | cycling,cycling | 2 km/h |