#include "catch.hpp" #include TEST_CASE("Set a single option value from string") { osmium::Options o; REQUIRE(o.empty()); o.set("foo", "bar"); REQUIRE("bar" == o.get("foo")); REQUIRE(o.get("empty").empty()); REQUIRE("default" == o.get("empty", "default")); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("foo")); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("empty")); REQUIRE(o.is_not_false("foo")); REQUIRE(o.is_not_false("empty")); REQUIRE(1 == o.size()); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.empty()); } TEST_CASE("Set option values from booleans") { osmium::Options o; o.set("t", true); o.set("f", false); REQUIRE("true" == o.get("t")); REQUIRE("false" == o.get("f")); REQUIRE(o.get("empty").empty()); REQUIRE(o.is_true("t")); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("f")); REQUIRE(o.is_not_false("t")); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_not_false("f")); REQUIRE(2 == o.size()); } TEST_CASE("Set option value from string with equal sign") { osmium::Options o; o.set("foo=bar"); REQUIRE("bar" == o.get("foo")); REQUIRE(1 == o.size()); } TEST_CASE("Set option value from string without equal sign") { osmium::Options o; o.set("foo"); REQUIRE("true" == o.get("foo")); REQUIRE(o.is_true("foo")); REQUIRE(o.is_not_false("foo")); REQUIRE(1 == o.size()); } TEST_CASE("Options with initializer list") { osmium::Options o{{ "foo", "true" }, { "bar", "17" }}; REQUIRE(o.get("foo") == "true"); REQUIRE(o.get("bar") == "17"); REQUIRE(o.is_true("foo")); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("bar")); REQUIRE(o.size() == 2); SECTION("Change existing value") { o.set("foo", "false"); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("foo")); } SECTION("Add new value") { o.set("new", "something"); REQUIRE_FALSE(o.is_true("new")); REQUIRE(o.get("new") == "something"); } } TEST_CASE("Iterating over options") { /*not const*/ osmium::Options o{{ "foo", "true" }, { "bar", "17" }}; auto it = o.begin(); REQUIRE(it->first == "bar"); REQUIRE(it->second == "17"); ++it; REQUIRE(it->first == "foo"); REQUIRE(it->second == "true"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == o.end()); } TEST_CASE("Const iterating over options") { const osmium::Options o{{ "foo", "true" }, { "bar", "17" }}; SECTION("begin/end") { auto it = o.begin(); REQUIRE(it->first == "bar"); REQUIRE(it->second == "17"); ++it; REQUIRE(it->first == "foo"); REQUIRE(it->second == "true"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == o.end()); } SECTION("cbegin/cend") { auto it = o.cbegin(); REQUIRE(it->first == "bar"); REQUIRE(it->second == "17"); ++it; REQUIRE(it->first == "foo"); REQUIRE(it->second == "true"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == o.cend()); } }