/* open source routing machine Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt. */ #include "QueryObjectsStorage.h" QueryObjectsStorage::QueryObjectsStorage( const std::string & hsgr_path, const std::string & ram_index_path, const std::string & file_index_path, const std::string & nodes_path, const std::string & edges_path, const std::string & names_path, const std::string & timestamp_path ) { if( hsgr_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no hsgr file given in ini file"); } if( ram_index_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no ram index file given in ini file"); } if( file_index_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no mem index file given in ini file"); } if( nodes_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no nodes file given in ini file"); } if( edges_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no edges file given in ini file"); } if( names_path.empty() ) { throw OSRMException("no names file given in ini file"); } SimpleLogger().Write() << "loading graph data"; //Deserialize road network graph std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrNode> node_list; std::vector< QueryGraph::_StrEdge> edge_list; const int number_of_nodes = readHSGRFromStream( hsgr_path, node_list, edge_list, &check_sum ); SimpleLogger().Write() << "Data checksum is " << check_sum; graph = new QueryGraph(node_list, edge_list); assert(0 == node_list.size()); assert(0 == edge_list.size()); if(timestamp_path.length()) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "Loading Timestamp"; std::ifstream timestampInStream(timestamp_path.c_str()); if(!timestampInStream) { SimpleLogger().Write(logWARNING) << timestamp_path << " not found"; } getline(timestampInStream, timestamp); timestampInStream.close(); } if(!timestamp.length()) { timestamp = "n/a"; } if(25 < timestamp.length()) { timestamp.resize(25); } SimpleLogger().Write() << "Loading auxiliary information"; //Init nearest neighbor data structure nodeHelpDesk = new NodeInformationHelpDesk( ram_index_path, file_index_path, nodes_path, edges_path, number_of_nodes, check_sum ); //deserialize street name list SimpleLogger().Write() << "Loading names index"; boost::filesystem::path names_file(names_path); if ( !boost::filesystem::exists( names_file ) ) { throw OSRMException("names file does not exist"); } if ( 0 == boost::filesystem::file_size( names_file ) ) { throw OSRMException("names file is empty"); } boost::filesystem::ifstream name_stream(names_file, std::ios::binary); unsigned size = 0; name_stream.read((char *)&size, sizeof(unsigned)); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != size, "name file broken"); m_name_begin_indices.resize(size); name_stream.read((char*)&m_name_begin_indices[0], size*sizeof(unsigned)); name_stream.read((char *)&size, sizeof(unsigned)); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != size, "name file broken"); m_names_char_list.resize(size+1); //+1 is sentinel/dummy element name_stream.read((char *)&m_names_char_list[0], size*sizeof(char)); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(0 != m_names_char_list.size(), "could not load any names"); name_stream.close(); SimpleLogger().Write() << "All query data structures loaded"; } void QueryObjectsStorage::GetName( const unsigned name_id, std::string & result ) const { if(UINT_MAX == name_id) { result = ""; return; } BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( name_id < m_name_begin_indices.size(), "name id too high" ); unsigned begin_index = m_name_begin_indices[name_id]; unsigned end_index = m_name_begin_indices[name_id+1]; BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( begin_index < m_names_char_list.size(), "begin index of name too high" ); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG( end_index < m_names_char_list.size(), "end index of name too high" ); BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(begin_index <= end_index, "string ends before begin"); result.clear(); result.resize(end_index - begin_index); std::copy( m_names_char_list.begin() + begin_index, m_names_char_list.begin() + end_index, result.begin() ); } QueryObjectsStorage::~QueryObjectsStorage() { delete graph; delete nodeHelpDesk; }