#ifndef LUA_UTIL_HPP #define LUA_UTIL_HPP extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace util { struct LuaState { LuaState() : handle{::luaL_newstate(), &::lua_close} { luaL_openlibs(*this); } operator lua_State *() { return handle.get(); } operator lua_State const *() const { return handle.get(); } using handle_type = std::unique_ptr; handle_type handle; }; // Check if the lua function is defined inline bool luaFunctionExists(lua_State *lua_state, const char *name) { luabind::object globals_table = luabind::globals(lua_state); luabind::object lua_function = globals_table[name]; return lua_function && (luabind::type(lua_function) == LUA_TFUNCTION); } // Add the folder contain the script to the lua load path, so script can easily require() other lua // scripts inside that folder, or subfolders. // See http://lua-users.org/wiki/PackagePath for details on the package.path syntax. inline void luaAddScriptFolderToLoadPath(lua_State *lua_state, const char *file_name) { boost::filesystem::path profile_path = boost::filesystem::canonical(file_name); std::string folder = profile_path.parent_path().generic_string(); const std::string lua_code = "package.path = \"" + folder + "/?.lua;\" .. package.path"; luaL_dostring(lua_state, lua_code.c_str()); } } } #endif // LUA_UTIL_HPP