/* Copyright (c) 2015, Project OSRM contributors All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "description_factory.hpp" #include "../algorithms/polyline_formatter.hpp" #include "../algorithms/coordinate_calculation.hpp" #include "../data_structures/internal_route_result.hpp" #include "../data_structures/turn_instructions.hpp" #include "../util/container.hpp" #include "../util/integer_range.hpp" #include "../typedefs.h" DescriptionFactory::DescriptionFactory() : entire_length(0) { via_indices.push_back(0); } std::vector const &DescriptionFactory::GetViaIndices() const { return via_indices; } void DescriptionFactory::SetStartSegment(const PhantomNode &source, const bool traversed_in_reverse) { start_phantom = source; const EdgeWeight segment_duration = (traversed_in_reverse ? source.reverse_weight : source.forward_weight); const TravelMode travel_mode = (traversed_in_reverse ? source.backward_travel_mode : source.forward_travel_mode); AppendSegment(source.location, PathData(0, source.name_id, TurnInstruction::HeadOn, segment_duration, travel_mode)); BOOST_ASSERT(path_description.back().duration == segment_duration); } void DescriptionFactory::SetEndSegment(const PhantomNode &target, const bool traversed_in_reverse, const bool is_via_location) { target_phantom = target; const EdgeWeight segment_duration = (traversed_in_reverse ? target.reverse_weight : target.forward_weight); const TravelMode travel_mode = (traversed_in_reverse ? target.backward_travel_mode : target.forward_travel_mode); path_description.emplace_back(target.location, target.name_id, segment_duration, 0.f, is_via_location ? TurnInstruction::ReachViaLocation : TurnInstruction::NoTurn, true, true, travel_mode); BOOST_ASSERT(path_description.back().duration == segment_duration); } void DescriptionFactory::AppendSegment(const FixedPointCoordinate &coordinate, const PathData &path_point) { // if the start location is on top of a node, the first movement might be zero-length, // in which case we dont' add a new description, but instead update the existing one if ((1 == path_description.size()) && (path_description.front().location == coordinate)) { if (path_point.segment_duration > 0) { path_description.front().name_id = path_point.name_id; path_description.front().travel_mode = path_point.travel_mode; } return; } // make sure mode changes are announced, even when there otherwise is no turn const TurnInstruction turn = [&]() -> TurnInstruction { if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn == path_point.turn_instruction && path_description.front().travel_mode != path_point.travel_mode && path_point.segment_duration > 0) { return TurnInstruction::GoStraight; } return path_point.turn_instruction; }(); path_description.emplace_back(coordinate, path_point.name_id, path_point.segment_duration, 0.f, turn, path_point.travel_mode); } osrm::json::Value DescriptionFactory::AppendGeometryString(const bool return_encoded) { if (return_encoded) { return PolylineFormatter().printEncodedString(path_description); } return PolylineFormatter().printUnencodedString(path_description); } void DescriptionFactory::BuildRouteSummary(const double distance, const unsigned time) { summary.source_name_id = start_phantom.name_id; summary.target_name_id = target_phantom.name_id; summary.BuildDurationAndLengthStrings(distance, time); } void DescriptionFactory::Run(const unsigned zoom_level) { if (path_description.empty()) { return; } /** starts at index 1 */ path_description[0].length = 0.f; for (const auto i : osrm::irange(1, path_description.size())) { // move down names by one, q&d hack path_description[i - 1].name_id = path_description[i].name_id; path_description[i].length = coordinate_calculation::euclidean_distance( path_description[i - 1].location, path_description[i].location); } /*Simplify turn instructions Input : 10. Turn left on B 36 for 20 km 11. Continue on B 35; B 36 for 2 km 12. Continue on B 36 for 13 km becomes: 10. Turn left on B 36 for 35 km */ // TODO: rework to check only end and start of string. // stl string is way to expensive // unsigned lastTurn = 0; // for(unsigned i = 1; i < path_description.size(); ++i) { // string1 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(path_description[i].name_id); // if(TurnInstruction::GoStraight == path_description[i].turn_instruction) { // if(std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+";") // || std::string::npos != string0.find(";"+string1) // || std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+" ;") // || std::string::npos != string0.find("; "+string1) // ){ // SimpleLogger().Write() << "->next correct: " << string0 << " contains " << // string1; // for(; lastTurn != i; ++lastTurn) // path_description[lastTurn].name_id = path_description[i].name_id; // path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn; // } else if(std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+";") // || std::string::npos != string1.find(";"+string0) // || std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+" ;") // || std::string::npos != string1.find("; "+string0) // ){ // SimpleLogger().Write() << "->prev correct: " << string1 << " contains " << // string0; // path_description[i].name_id = path_description[i-1].name_id; // path_description[i].turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn; // } // } // if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction) { // lastTurn = i; // } // string0 = string1; // } // float segment_length = 0.; EdgeWeight segment_duration = 0; std::size_t segment_start_index = 0; for (const auto i : osrm::irange(1, path_description.size())) { entire_length += path_description[i].length; segment_length += path_description[i].length; segment_duration += path_description[i].duration; path_description[segment_start_index].length = segment_length; path_description[segment_start_index].duration = segment_duration; if (TurnInstruction::NoTurn != path_description[i].turn_instruction) { BOOST_ASSERT(path_description[i].necessary); segment_length = 0; segment_duration = 0; segment_start_index = i; } } // Post-processing to remove empty or nearly empty path segments if (path_description.size() > 2 && std::numeric_limits::epsilon() > path_description.back().length && !(path_description.end() - 2)->is_via_location) { path_description.pop_back(); path_description.back().necessary = true; path_description.back().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::NoTurn; target_phantom.name_id = (path_description.end() - 2)->name_id; } if (path_description.size() > 2 && std::numeric_limits::epsilon() > path_description.front().length && !(path_description.begin() + 1)->is_via_location) { path_description.erase(path_description.begin()); path_description.front().turn_instruction = TurnInstruction::HeadOn; path_description.front().necessary = true; start_phantom.name_id = path_description.front().name_id; } // Generalize poly line polyline_generalizer.Run(path_description.begin(), path_description.end(), zoom_level); // fix what needs to be fixed else unsigned necessary_segments = 0; // a running index that counts the necessary pieces osrm::for_each_pair( path_description, [&](SegmentInformation &first, const SegmentInformation &second) { if (!first.necessary) { return; } ++necessary_segments; if (first.is_via_location) { // mark the end of a leg (of several segments) via_indices.push_back(necessary_segments); } const double angle = coordinate_calculation::bearing(first.location, second.location); first.bearing = static_cast(angle * 10); }); via_indices.push_back(necessary_segments + 1); BOOST_ASSERT(via_indices.size() >= 2); return; }